"Masaharu Taniguchi","Multi-dimensional traveling fronts in bistable reaction-diffusion equations","The 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications","Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems",,"Vol. 32","No. 3","pp. 1011--1046",2012,Mar. "Masaharu Taniguchi","Traveling fronts in perturbed multistable reaction-diffusion equations",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Supplement 2011","American Institute of Mathematical Sciences","Volume II",,"pp. 1368--1377",2011,Dec. "谷口雅治","Allen-Cahn方程式における回転非対称な進行波解","研究集会「拡散と移流の数理」",,,,,,2011,Jan. "Yu Kurokawa,Masaharu Taniguchi","Multi-dimensional pyramidal traveling fronts in the Allen-Cahn equations",,"Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A",,"Vol. 141","No. 05","pp. 1031--1054",2011, "谷口雅治","特異摂動論(XI-9-2)",,"現代数理科学辞典(第2版)","丸善株式会社",,,"pp. 1283--1289",2010,Jan. "Hiroshi Matano,Mitsunori Nara,Masaharu Taniguchi","Stability of planar waves in the Allen-Cahn equation",,"Communications in Partial Differential Equations","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 34","No. 9","pp. 976--1002",2009,Sept. "Masaharu Taniguchi","The uniqueness and asymptotic stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the Allen-Cahn equations",,"Journal of Differential Equations","Elsevier","Vol. 246",," 2103--2130",2009,Feb. "谷口雅治","Allen-Cahn方程式における角錐型進行波とその応用","関数方程式セミナー",,,,,,2008,Nov. "谷口雅治","Allen-Cahn方程式における角錐型進行波の一意性と安定性","日本数学会2008年度秋期総合分科会",,,,,,2008,Sept. "渡辺治,北野晃朗,木村泰紀,谷口雅治","数学の言葉と論理",,,"朝倉書店",,,,2008,Sept. "Masaharu Taniguchi","Pyramidal traveling fronts in the Allen-Cahn equations","PDE Seminar, School of Mathematics",,,,,,2008,Apr. "谷口雅治","Allen-Cahn方程式における角錐型進行波","非線形現象の数値シミュレーションと解析2008",,,,,,2008,Mar. "Masaharu Taniguchi","Stability of pyramidal traveling fronts in the Allen-Cahn equation","Workshop on Singularities Arising in Nonlinear Problems 2007",,,,,,2007,Nov. "Masaharu Taniguchi","Traveling fronts of pyramidal shapes in the Allen-Cahn equations",,"SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 319--344",2007,Aug. "Mitsunori Nara,Masaharu Taniguchi","The condition on the stability of stationary lines in a curvature flow in the whole plane",,"Journal of Differential Equations",,"Vol. 237","No. 1","pp. 61-76",2007,Apr. "Mitsunori Nara,Masaharu Taniguchi","Convergence to V-shaped fronts in curvature flows for spatially non-decaying initial perturbations",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems",,"Vol. 16","No. 1","pp. 137ー156",2006,Sept. "谷口雅治","Allen-Cahn 方程式における多次元進行波","日本数学会年会",,,,,,2006,Mar. "Mitsunori Nara,Masaharu Taniguchi","Stability of a traveling wave in curvature flows for spatially non-decaying initial perturbations",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems",,"Vol. 14","No. 1","pp. 203-220",2006, "Hirokazu Ninomiya,Masaharu Taniguchi","Global stability of traveling curved fronts in the Allen-Cahn equations",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems",,"Vol. 15","No. 3","pp. 819ー832",2006, "Mitsunori Nara,Masaharu Taniguchi","Stability of a traveling wave in curvature flows for spatially non-decaying initial perturbations",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems",,"Vol. 14","No. 1","pp. 203-220",2006, "Hirokazu Ninomiya,Masaharu Taniguchi","Existence and global stability of traveling curved fronts in the Allen-Cahn equations",,"Journal of Differential Equations",,"Vol. 213","No. 1","pp. 204-233",2005, "Masaharu Taniguchi","A uniform convergence theorem for singular limit eigenvalue problems",,"Advances in Differential Equations",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 29-54",2003, "Masaharu Taniguchi","Instability of planar traveling fronts in bistable reaction-diffusion systems",,"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Ser B",,"Vol. 3","No. 1","pp. 21-44",2003, "H. Ninomiya,M. Taniguchi","Stability of traveling curved fronts in a curvature flow with driving force",,"Methods and Applications of Analysis",,"Vol. 8","No. 3","pp. 429--450",2001, "H. Ninomiya,M. Taniguchi","Traveling curved fronts of a mean curvature flow with constant driving force",,"Proceeding of International Conference on: Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications I, Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Gakkotosho",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 206-221",2000, "M. Taniguchi","Modified SLEP method by uniform convergence theorems for linearized eigenvalue problems",,"Proceeding of International Conference on: Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications I, Gakkotosho",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 369-384",2000, "X. Chen,M. Taniguchi","Instability of spherical interfaces in a nonlinear free boundary problem",,"Advances in Differential Equations",,"Vol. 5","No. 4-6","pp. 747-772",2000, "M. Taniguchi","Multiple existence and linear stability of equilibrium balls in a nonlinear free boundary problem",,"Quarterly of Applied Mathematics",,"Vol. LVIII","No. 2","pp. 283-302",2000, "Masaharu Taniguchi,Yasumasa Nishiura","Stability and characteristic wavelength of planar interfaces in the large diffusion limit of the inhibitor",,"Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh",,"Vol. 126A",,"pp. 117-145",1996, "M. Taniguchi","A remark on singular perturbation methods via the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction",,"Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University",,"Vol. 31","No. 6","pp. 1001-1010",1995, "M. Taniguchi","Bifurcation from flat-layered solutions to reaction diffusion systems in two space dimensions",,"Journal of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo",,"Vol. 1","No. 2","pp. 339-367",1994, "Masaharu Taniguchi,Yasumasa Nishiura","Instability of planar interfaces in reaction-diffusion systems",,"SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis",,"Vol. 25","No. 1","pp. 99-134",1994, "谷口雅治","非線形反応拡散方程式による直線状界面の解析",,,,,,,1993, "谷口雅治","ある拡散方程式系の平面状遷移層解の不安定性に関する一考察",,,,,,,1991,