"宮島 利宏,中村 隆志,渡邉 敦,森本 直子,灘岡 和夫","サンゴ礁礁池に発達する海草藻場の堆積促進作用とそれに対するウミガメ食害の影響について","日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会",,,,,,2024,May
"Eladawy A,Mitchell NC,Nakamura T,El-Husseiny M,Takagi YA,Elhady N,Muller B,Abdel-Hamid S,Mohammed A,Nadaoka K,Walsh JP","Towards a combined human-natural system approach in the Northern Red Sea Region: Ecological challenges, sustainable development, and community engagement",,"Marine Policy",,"Vol. 159",,"p. 105917",2024,Jan.
"中村 隆志,奥村 練,Jorge Luis SUAREZ CABALLERO,武藤 正剛,灘岡 和夫","石西礁湖における陸源負荷影響評価のための陸域ー海 域ー生態系統合モデルシステム","日本サンゴ礁学会第26回大会",,,,,,2023,Nov.
"Yoshikai M,Nakamura T,Herrera EC,Suwa R,Rollon R,R Ray,Furukawa K,Nadaoka K","Representing the impact of Rhizophora mangroves on flow in a hydrodynamic model (COAWST_rh v1.0): The importance of three-dimensional root system structures",,"Geoscientific Model Development",,"Vol. 16",,"p. 5847-5863",2023,Oct.
"Joko Prihantono,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka,Tubagus Solihuddin,Dino Gunawan Pryambodo,Muhammad Ramdhan,Novi Susetyo Adi,Ilham,Anindya Wirasatriya,Sugeng Widada","Seasonal groundwater salinity dynamics in the mangrove supratidal zones based on shallow groundwater salinity and electrical resistivity imaging data",,"Wetlands Ecology and Management",,"Vol. 31",,"p. 435-448",2023,Apr.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Bautista Dominic,EUGENE C HERRERA,Alvin Baloloy,Rempei Suwa,Basina Ryan,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,KAZUO NADAOKA","Field measurement and prediction of drag in a planted Rhizophora mangrove forest",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans",," 127",,,2022,Nov.
"Ahmed Eladawy,Nakamura T,Mohamed Shaltout,Asmaa Mohammed,Nadaoka K,Michael D. Fox,Eslam O. Osman","Appraisal of corals bleaching threshold and thermal projections of the northern Red Sea refugia",,,,,,,2022,Nov.
"Joko Prihantono,Takashi Nakamura,KAZUO NADAOKA,Anindya Wirasatriya,Novi Susetyo Adi","Rainfall Variability and Tidal Inundation Influences on Mangrove Greenness in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia",,"Sustainability",,,,,2022,July
"Faisal Amri,Takashi Nakamura,KAZUO NADAOKA","Anthropogenically Forced Multidecadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool","日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会",,,,,,2022,May
"Yuta A Takagi,Takashi Nakamura,Dominika Wara Christiana,Faisal Amri,Masaya Yoshikai,Novi Susetyo Adi,KAZUO NADAOKA","A coupled watershed-ocean-ecosystem model for assessing the turbidity and nutrient reduction ability of seagrass meadows","日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会",,,,,,2022,May
"Ayin Tamondong,Takashi Nakamura,Faisal Amri,KAZUO NADAOKA","Development of a Coupled Watershed-Ocean-Vegetation Model of Busuanga, Palawan, Philippines","日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会",,,,,,2022,May
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Keita Furukawa,KAZUO NADAOKA","Numerical analysis of tidal flow and sedimentation in mangrove forests using a new drag model","2nd National Blue Carbon Symposium",,,,,,2022,May
"Mohamed Hassan,KAZUO NADAOKA,Takashi Nakamura","Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Benthic Habitats Using Images from Towed Underwater Camera in a Complex Shallow Water Environment",,"Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 14","No. 8","pp. 1818",2022,Apr.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Rempei Suwa,Sahadev Sharma,Rene Rollon,Jun Yasuoka,Ryouhei Egawa,KAZUO NADAOKA","Predicting mangrove forest dynamics across a soil salinity gradient using an individual-based vegetation model linked with plant hydraulics",,"Biogeosciences",,"Vol. 19","No. 6","pp. 1813-1832",2022,Mar.
"Faisal Amri,Takashi Nakamura,Atsushi Watanabe,Kartadikaria,KAZUO NADAOKA","Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Carbon Cycle in Tropical Maritime Continent over the Last Decade","Ocean Science Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,Feb.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Bautista Dominic,EUGENE C HERRERA,Alvin Baloloy,Rempei Suwa,Basina Ryan,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,KAZUO NADAOKA","Field measurement and prediction of drag in a planted Rhizophora mangrove forest","Ocean Science Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,Feb.
"Anindya Wirasatriya,Rudhi Pribadi,sigit bayhu,Lilik Maslukah,Denny Nugroho Sugianto,Muhammad Helmi,Raditya Rizki Ananta,Novi Susetyo Adi,Terry Louise Kepel,Restu N. A. Ati,Mariska A. Kusumaningtyas,Rempei Suwa,Raghab Ray,Takashi Nakamura,KAZUO NADAOKA","Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock in the Karimunjawa-Kemujan Islands Estimated from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Imagery",,"Sustainability",,,,,2022,Jan.
"Raghab Ray,Toshihiro Miyajima,Atsushi Watanabe,Masaya Yoshikai,Charissa M. Ferrera,Iris Orizar,Takashi Nakamura,Maria Lourdes San Diego‐McGlone,Eugene C. Herrera,KAZUO NADAOKA","Dissolved and particulate carbon export from a tropical mangrove‐dominated riverine system",,"Limnology and Oceanography",,"Vol. 66","No. 11","pp. 3944-3962",2021,Nov.
"中村隆志,渡邉敦,LBERNARDO,BAOumou Kalsom Diegui,佐久間魁史,向草世香,灘岡和夫,藤村 弘之","26-year high spatiotemporal resolution hindcast simulation for reproducing the coral reef environment in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan","日本サンゴ礁学会第24回大会",,,,,,2021,Nov.
"Baloloy, A.,Blanco, A. C.,Sharma, S.,Nadaoka, K.","Development of a Rapid Mangrove Zonation Mapping Workflow Using Sentinel 2-derived Indices and Biophysical Dataset",,"Frontiers in Remote Sensing",,,,,2021,Sept.
"Faisal Amri,Takashi Nakamura,KAZUO NADAOKA","Low-Frequency Sea Surface Warming Mode Surrounding the Maritime Continent","The 3rd International Conference on Maritime Sciences and Advanced Technology (MSAT)",,,,,,2021,Aug.
"Herrera, E.C.,Nadaoka, K.","Temporal dynamics and drivers of lake cosystem metabolism using high resolution observations in a shallow, tropical, eutrophic lake (Laguna Lake, Philippines)",,"Journal of Great Lakes Research",,"Vol. 47","Issue 4","pp. 997-1020",2021,Aug.
"Quiros, T. E.,Sudo, K.,Ramilo, R. V.,Garay, H. G.,Soniega, M. P. G.,Baloloy, A.,Blanco, A.,Tamondong, A.,Nadaoka, K.,Nakaoka, M.","Blue Carbon Ecosystem Services through a vulnerability lens: opportunities to reduce social vulnerability in fishing communities",,"Frontiers in Marine Science",,,,,2021,Aug.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Sahadev Sharma,Jun Yasuoka,Ryohei Egawa,Rempei Suwa,Kazuo Nadaoka","Modeling mangrove growth dynamics affected by soil salinity and species composition","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2021,July
"Ayin Tamondong,Takashi Nakamura,T. E. Angela Quiros,KAZUO NADAOKA","Time Series Analysis for Monitoring Seagrass Habitat and Environment in Busuanga, Philippines Using Google Earth Engine",,,,,,,2021,June
"Egawa, R.,Sharma, S.,Nadaoka, K.,MacKenzie, R.A.","Burrow dynamics of crabs in subtropical estuarine mangrove forest",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science",,"Vol. 252",,,2021,May
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Masahiro Nakaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Eugene C. Herrera,Takumi Tsuchiya,Toshihiro Miyajima,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Miguel D. Fortes,Ariel C. Blanco,Ayin Tamondong,KAZUO NADAOKA","Modeling seagrass bed dynamics under environmental impacts of intensive mariculture activities in Bolinao and Anda, the Philippines",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science",,"Vol. 250",,"pp. 107152",2021,Mar.
"Mohamed, H.,Nadaoka, K.,Nakamura, T.","Semiautomated Mapping of Benthic Habitats and Seagrass Species Using a Convolutional Neural Network Framework in Shallow Water Environments",,"Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 12","No. 23",,2020,Dec.
"Ayin Tamondong,Takashi Nakamura,Yuki Kobayashi,M Garcia,KAZUO NADAOKA","Investigating the Effects of River Discharges on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using UAV Images and GIS Techniques","International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress 2020",,,,,,2020,Aug.
"Baloloy, A.B.,Blanco, A.C.,Raymund Rhommel C. Sta. Ana,Nadaoka, K.","Development and application of a new mangrove vegetation index (MVI) for rapid and accurate mangrove mapping",,"ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 166",,"pp. 95-117",2020,Aug.
"Tamondong Ayin,Nakamura Takashi,Kobayashi Yuki,Garcia M,Nadaoka Kazuo","Investigating the effects of river discharges on submerged aquatic vegetation using UAV images and GIS techniques",,"ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences",,"Vol. V-5-2020","Issue 5","p. 93-99",2020,Aug.
"Analuddin Kangkuso,LA ODE KADIDAE,LA ODE MUHAMMAD YASIR HAYA,Andi Septiana,Idin Sahidin,LA SYAHRIR,Saban Rahim,LA ODE ABDUL FAJAR,Kazuo Nadaoka","Aboveground biomass, productivity and carbon sequestration in Rhizophora stylosa mangrove forest of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia",,"Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 1316-1325",2020,Mar.
"Muko, S.,Nadaoka, K.","Ecological disturbances and their relative impacts on coral cover: analysis of monitoring data in Sekisei Lagoon (Okinawa, Japan)",,"Muko, S. and Nadaoka, K.",,"Vol. 96","No. 1","pp. 195-216(22)",2020,Jan.
"Hassan Mohamed,Kazuo Nadaoka,Takashi Nakamura","Towards Benthic Habitat 3D Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Structures from Motion Photogrammetry",,"Remote Sensing",,,,,2020,Jan.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Rempei Suwa,Reginald Argamosa,Takuya Okamoto,Rene Rollon,Ryan Basina,Yasmin Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,Novi Susetyo Adi,Kazuo Nadaoka","Scaling relations and substrate conditions controlling the complexity of Rhizophora prop root system",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science",,,," 107014",2020,
"Dominic Bautista,Eugene Herrera,Bryan Hernandez,Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Numerical investigation of coastal sediment transport for assessment of coastal erosion of a Philippine coastline using a 3D hydrodynamic model",,"Dominic Bautista1,2, Eugene Herrera1,2, Bryan Hernandez2, Masaya Yoshikai3, Takashi Nakamura3 and Kazuo Nadaoka3",," 849",," 012091",2020,
"Rempei Suwa,Rene Rollon,Sahadev Sharma,Masaya Yoshikai,Giannina Marie G. Albano,Kenji Ono,Novi Susetyo Adi,Restu N.A. Ati,Mariska A. Kusumaningtyas,Terry Kepel,Ronald Maliao,Yasmin Primavera-Tirol,Ariel Blanco,Kazuo Nadaoka","Mangrove biomass estimation using canopy height and wood density in the South East and East Asian regions.",,"Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science",,,," 106937",2020,
"Kazuo Nadaoka","Brief Introduction of BlueCARES Project, Joint workshop by JST","UKRI and DOST on “Working together for sustainable coastal communities: a multi-funder approach to maximize development impact",,,,,,2019,Dec.
"Kazuo Nadaoka","Remote Sensing Application for Seagrass Beds Blue Carbon Monitoring","RTRC MarBEST training course on assessment of carbon stock and sequestration in seagrass ecosystem",,,,,,2019,Nov.
"灘岡和夫","Recent Progress in Blue Carbon Ecosystem RS Monitoring and Modeling","2nd ASEAN Workshop on “Carbon Sink and Sequestration in Coastal Ecosystem: from Science to Policy",,,,,,2019,Sept.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Rempei Suwa,Reginald Argamosa,Ariel Blanco,Eugene Herrera,Ronald Maliao,Yasmin Primavera,Kazuo Nadaoka","An empirical model for morphological structures in mangrove areal root system with multiple-order roots","AOGS 16th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2019,July
"Muko Soyoka,Suzuki Go,Takashi Nakamura,Saito Mamoru,Nadaoka Kazuo","Transitions in coral communities over 17?years in the Sekisei Lagoon and adjacent reef areas in Okinawa, Japan",,"Ecological Research",,,,,2019,July
"Raghab Ray,Atsushi Watanabe,Toshihiro Miyajima,Iris Orizar,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Charissa Ferrera,Masaya Yoshikai,Kazuo Nadaoka","Origin and transport of carbon from riverine mangroves in the Panay Island (Philippines)","AOGS 16th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2019,July
"Ryohei Egawa,Rempei Suwa,Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Sahadev Sharma,Jun Yasuoka,Ryohei Egawa,Rempei Suwa,Kazuo Nadaoka","Modeing coupled dynamics of mangrove photosynthesis, transpiration, and species composition under soil salinity gradient","Mangrove Macrobenthos & Management 2019",,,,,,2019,July
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Rempei Suwa,Reginald Argamosa,Ariel Blanco,EUGENE C HERRERA,Ronald Maliao,Yasmin H. Primavera-Tirol,KAZUO NADAOKA","An empirical model for morphological structures in mangrove areal root system with multiple-order roots","AOGS 16th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2019,July
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Reginald Argamosa,Dominic Bautista,Takuya Okamoto,Rempei Suwa,Eugene Herrera,Ariel Blanco,Yasmin Primavera,Kazuo Nadaoka","Modeling mangrove root morphology and its drag effects on hydrodynamics","第29回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会",,,,,,2019,June
"Danica Linda M. Cantarero,Ariel Blanco,M. Bayani Cardenas,Kazuo Nadaoka,Fernando P. Siringan","Offshore Submarine Groundwater Discharge at a Coral Reef Front Controlled by Faults",,"Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems",,"Vol. 20","Issue 7","pp. 3170-3185",2019,June
"中村 隆志,樋口 富彦,宮島 利宏,Bernardo Lawrence Patrick C.,灘岡 和夫,渡邉 敦,藤村 弘行","サンゴのポリプスケールにおける白化現象のモデル化とリーフスケールへの拡張","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May
"Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Numerical simulation of typhoon events in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan using a coupled ocean-wave model","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May
"Hassan Mohamed Hassan,Kazuo Nadaoka","Assessment of a Hybrid-Based Approach with a Random Forest Ensemble for Determination of Shallow Water Depths from Multispectral Satellite Images.",,"International Journal of Geoinformatics",,"Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 47-58",2019,Mar.
"Sith Ratino,Atsushi Watanabe,Takashi Nakamura,Yamamoto Takahiro,Nadaoka Kazuo","Assessment of water quality and evaluation of best management practices in a small agricultural watershed adjacent to Coral Reef area in Japan",,"Agricultural Water Management",,,,,2019,Mar.
"Takahiro Yamamoto,Mary Ann Cielo Malingin,Marivic Pepino,Masaya Yoshikai,Wilfredo Campos,Toshihiro Miyajima,Atsushi Watanabe,Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Naoko Morimoto,Roseanne Ramos,Homer Pagkalinawan,Kazuo Nadaoka","Assessment of coastal turbidity improvement potential by terrigenous sediment load reduction and its implications on seagrass inhabitable area in Banate Bay, central Philippines",,"Science of the Total Environment",,"Vol. 656",," 1386-1400",2019,
"中村 隆志,灘岡 和夫,樋口 富彦,宮島 利宏,山本 高大,渡邉 敦,Ariel C. BLANCO","サンゴの生体内応答を基にした白化現象のモデル化と礁スケールへの拡張","日本サンゴ礁学会第21回大会",,,,,,2018,Nov.
"Alvin Baloloy,Ariel Blanco,Reginald Argamosa,Christian Candido,John Bart Lovern Dumalag,Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Development of a Sentinel 2-Based Mangroves Zonation Mapping Workflow: Application in the Philippines and Japan","1st National Blue Carbon Symposium",,,,,,2018,Sept.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Sahadev Sharma,Jun Yasuoka,Ryohei Egawa,Rempei Suwa,Kazuo Nadaoka","Modeling of Mangrove Growth and Species Composition along Soil Salinity Gradient","1st National Blue Carbon Symposium",,,,,,2018,Sept.
"Faisal AMRI,Takashi NAKAMURA,Lawrence Patrick Cases BERNARDO,Kazuo NADAOKA","Regional Scale Seawater CO2 System Modeling in Coral Triangle Area: Preliminary Result","Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 16th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2018,July
"Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Takashi Nakamura,Masaya Yoshikai,Toshihiro Miyajima,Kazuo Nadaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Fernando P. Siringan,Masahiro Nakaoka,Rempei Suwa,Miguel D. Fortes","Evaluation of the function of seagrass to stabilize sediments","World Seagrass Conference 2018",,,,,,2018,June
"Atsushi Watanabe,Toshihiro Miyajima,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Iris Orizar,Masaya Yoshikai,Kazuo Nadaoka","Carbon transport from a riverine mangrove forest on Panay Island in the Philippines","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018",,,,,,2018,May
"Hassan Mohamed,Kazuo Nadaoka,Takashi Nakamura","Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Benthic Cover Monitoring and Mapping Using Towed Underwater Video Camera and High-Resolution Satellite Images",,"Journal of Remote sensing",," 10(5)"," 773",,2018,May
"中村隆志,安岡潤,Sahadev Sharma,江川遼平,森尚大,吉開仁哉,出浦孝之,諏訪錬平,灘岡和夫","マングローブ植生動態モデルの開発のための植生動態モデルSEIB-DGVMと3次元流動モデルROMSの結合システム","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May
"Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Mikko L. Garcia,Takashi Nakamura,Masaya Yoshikai,Toshihiro Miyajima,Kazuo Nadaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Fernando P. Siringan,Masahiro Nakaoka,Rempei Suwa,Miguel D. Fortes","Evaluation of seagrass rhizome and root system resistance against external forces to assess their sediment stabilization function","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018",,,,,,2018,May
"Yamamoto, T.,K.Nadaoka","Analyzing coastal turbidity under complex terrestrial loads characterized by a 'stress connectivity matrix' with an atmosphere-watershed-coastal ocean coupled model, Estuarine",,"Coastal and Shelf Science","ELSEVIER","Vol. 203",,"pp. 44?58",2018,Apr.
"Analuddin Kangkuso,Sahadev Sharma,Jamili Jamili,Andi Septiana,Idin Sahidin,Usuman Rianse,Saban Rahim,Kazuo Nadaoka","Trends in allometric models and aboveground biomass of family Rhizophoraceae mangroves in the Coral Triangle ecoregion, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia",,"Journal of Sustainable Forestry",,,,,2018,Mar.
"Nakamura, T.,K. Nadaoka,A. Watanabe,T. Yamamoto,T. Miyajima,A. C. Blanco","Reef-scale modeling of coral calcification responses to ocean acidification and sea-level rise",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 37-53",2018,Mar.
"H. Hossen,M. G. Ibrahim,W. Mahmod,A. Negm,K. Nadaoka,O. Saavedra","Forecasting future changes in Manzala Lake surface area by considering variations in land use and land cover using remote sensing approach",,"Arabian Journal of Geosciences",,,,,2018,Mar.
"KAZUO NADAOKA","BlueCares Project?A New Challenge For Elucidating Blue Carbon Ecosystem Dynamics And Services To Enhance Its Conservation And Climate Change Mitigation","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Ryohei Egawa,Jun Yasuoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Sahadev Sharma,Kazuo Nadaoka","Development of a vegetation-soil-hydrodynamics coupling model for assessing blue carbon dynamics in mangrove areas","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"Masaya Yoshikai,Takashi Nakamura,Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Masahiro Nakaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Toshihiro Miyajima,Eugene C. Herrera,Ariel C. Blanco,Miguel D. Fortes,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Kazuo Nadaoka","Development of seagrass bed dynamics model for assessment of environmental impacts of intensive mariculture activities on seagrass ecosystem in Bolinao, Philippines","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Takashi Nakamura,Masaya Yoshikai,Toshihiro Miyajima,Kazuo Nadaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Fernando P. Siringan,Masahiro Nakaoka,Rempei Suwa,Miguel D. Fortes","Evaluation of seagrass rhizome and root system tolerance against external forces to assess their sediment stabilization function","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka,Masaya Yoshikai","Developing an integrated model system of blue carbon dynamics: From local-scale organic-carbon productions to regional-scale dispersion, decomposition and deposition","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"KAZUO NADAOKA","Characteristics of sediment organic carbon stored in East and Southeast Asian seagrass meadows","SCESAP 3rd International Biodiversity Symposium Cebu 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec.
"中村隆志,安岡潤,Sahadev Sharma,江川遼平,森尚大,吉開仁哉,出浦孝之,諏訪 錬平,灘岡和夫","マングローブ植生動態モデルの開発のための植生動態モデルSEIB-DGVMと3次元流動モデルROMSの結合システム","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"天野慎也,中村隆志,渡邉 敦,Lawrence Bernardo,Ratino Sith,宮島利宏,灘岡和夫","石垣島名蔵湾を対象とした三次元海水流動・水温シミュレーションによるサンゴ白化リスク評価と生残可能域の検討","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"渡部耕太,中村隆志,渡邉 敦,Lawrence Patrick BERNARDO,白井秀治,灘岡和夫","白保裾礁内における水・熱収支モデルの構築","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"山田武輝,中山美織,中村隆志,灘岡和夫","Google Earth画像を用いたSpectral Unmixing法によるサンゴ礁域の水深および生物群集被度の同時推定","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"白井秀治,中村隆志,渡邉 敦,渡部耕太,灘岡和夫","流動環境下おける造礁サンゴ群集の代謝応答の現場観測","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"Lawrence Patrick Bernardo,Kazuo Nadaoka,Takashi Nakamura,Atsushi Watanabe","Linking regional and local water temperature trends for Shiraho Reef, Okinawa, Japan based on sensor data analyses and numerical simulations","日本サンゴ礁学会第20回大会",,,,,,2017,Nov.
"Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,Kazuo Nadaoka,Takashi Nakamura,Atsushi Watanabe","Island-enhanced cooling mechanism in typhoon events revealed by field observations and numerical simulations for a coral reef area, Sekisei Lagoon, Japan",,"Ocean Dynamics",,"Vol. 67","No. 11","pp. 1369-1384",2017,Sept.
"Masaaki Sato,Kentaro Honda,Wilfredo H. Uy,Darwin I. Baslot,Tom G. Genovia,Yohei Nakamura,Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,Hiroyuki Kurokochi,Allyn Duvin S. Pantallano,Chunlan Lian,Kazuo Nadaoka,Masahiro Nakaoka","Marine protected area restricts demographic connectivity: Dissimilarity in a marine environment can function as a biological barrier",,"Ecology and Evolution",,"Vol. 7",,"Page 7859?7871",2017,Aug.
"Sahadev Sharma,Kazuo Nadaoka,Masahiro Nakaoka,Wilfredo H. Uy,Richard A. MacKenzie,Daniel A. Friess,Miguel Fortes","Growth performance and structure of a mangrove afforestation project on a former seagrass bed, Mindanao Island, Philippines",,"Hydrobiologia","Springer",,,"pp. 1-13",2017,June
"Masaya Yoshikai,Ryouhei Egawa,Jun Yasuoka,Takashi Nakamura,Atsushi Watanabe,Sahadev Sharma,KAZUO NADAOKA","Elucidating blue carbon dynamics in mangrove and adjacent coastal ecosystem based on development of an integrated model system","The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology",,,,,,2017,June
"渡邉敦,中村隆志,中野 義勝,灘岡和夫","現場チャンバー実験によるサンゴ礁一次生産者の光合成、石灰化および有機炭素・窒素フラックスの測定","JpGU-AGUJoint Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May
"吉開仁哉,中村隆志,田中 義幸,仲岡雅裕,渡邉敦,宮島利宏,EUGENEHERRERA,ArielC.Blanco,Miguel Fortes,San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes,灘岡和夫","A dynamic model to assess mariculture-induced environmental impacts on seagrass beds along coasts of Bolinao and Anda, Philippines","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting2017",,,,,,2017,May
"Ratino Sith,Kazuo Nadaoka","Comparison of SWAT and GSSHA for High Time Resolution Prediction of Stream Flow and Sediment Concentration in a Small Agricultural Watershed",,"Hydrology","MDPI","Volume 4","Number 2","Page 27",2017,May
"中村隆志,灘岡和夫,樋口富彦,宮島利宏,山本高大,渡邉敦","サンゴポリプ内における褐虫藻の個体群動態と活性酸素種の動態を基にしたサンゴの白化現象のモデル化","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,May
"Mahmoud Sharaana,Abdelazim Negm,Moheb Iskander,Kazuo Nadaoka","Questionnaire-based assessment of Mediterranean fishing ports, Nile Delta, Egypt",,"Marine Policy","ELSEVIER","Vol. 81",,"Page 98-108",2017,Mar.
"Ratino Sith,Takahiro Yamamoto,Atsushi Watanabe,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Analysis of Red Soil Sediment Yield in a Small Agricultural Watershed in Ishigaki Island, Japan, Using Long?Term and High Resolution Monitoring Data",,"Environmental Processes","Springer","Vol. 4","No. 2",,2017,Mar.
"Ahmed Eladawy,KAZUO NADAOKA,Abdelazim Negm,Sommer Abdel-Fattah,Mahmoud Hanafy,Mohamed Shaltout","Characterization of the northern Red Sea's oceanic features with remote sensing data and outputs from a global circulation model",,"Oceanologia","Elis","Vol. 59",,,2017,Feb.
"Hassan Mohamed,Abdelazim Negm,Mahmoud Salah,Kazuo Nadaoka,Mohamed Zahran","Assessment of proposed approaches for bathymetry calculations using multispectral satellite images in shallow coastal/lake areas:comparison of five models:",,"Arab J Geosci (2017) 10","Springer",,,,2017,Jan.
"Yuichi Nakajima,Yu Matsuki,Dan M. Arriesgado,Wilfredo L. Campos,Kazuo Nadaoka,Chunlan Lian","Population genetics information for the regional conservation of a tropical seagrass, Enhalus acoroides, around the Guimaras Strait, Philippines",,"Conservation Genetics","Springer",,,"pp. 1-10",2017,Jan.
"Ankita P. Dadhich,Kazuo Nadaoka,Yuuki Motomura,Atsushi Watanabe","Potential impacts of land use change dynamics and submarine groundwater discharge on fringing reefs of Kuroshima Island, Japan",,"Journal of Coastal Conservation","Springer","Vol. 21",,"pp. 245?254",2017,Jan.
"Hassan Mohamed,Kazuo Nadaoka","Assessment of Machine Learning Approaches for Bathymetry Mapping in Shallow Water Environments using Multispectral Satellite Images",,"International Journal of Geoinformatics",,"Vol. 13","No. 2",,2017,
"中村隆志,灘岡和夫,樋口富彦,宮島利宏,山本高大,渡邉敦","サンゴポリプ内における褐虫藻の個体群動態と活性酸素種の動態を基にしたサンゴの白化現象のモデル化","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,
"Ryouhei Egawa,Sahadev Sharma,Ratino Sith,Yusuke Tanokura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Relationship between bioturbation and environmental characteristics of mangrove forest in Fukido estuary, Japan","Mangrove & Macrobenthos Meeting",,,,,,2017,
"中村隆志,Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,天野慎也,渡邉敦,Ratino Sith,向草世香,福岡 弘紀,鈴木豪,安田仁奈,長井敏,灘岡和夫","オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域―海域―生態系統合モデルシステム","日本サンゴ礁学会第19回大会",,,,,,2016,Dec.
"中村隆志,Lawrence P.C. Bernardo,天野慎也,渡邉敦,Ratino Sith,向草世香,福岡弘紀,鈴木豪,安田仁奈,長井敏,灘岡和夫","オニヒトデ大発生のメカニズム解明および予測のための陸域?海域?生態系統合モデルシステム","日本サンゴ礁学会第19回大会",,,,,,2016,Dec.
"V.L. Phu,Danet Hak,Kazuo Nadaoka,Vo Le Phu","Socio-economic conditions and perceptions of environmental risks in the Mekong Delta",,"Coastal Management",,,,,2016,Nov.
"小島萌々香,長井敏,鈴木豪,福岡弘紀,亀田 卓彦,中村隆志,渡邉敦,灘岡和 夫,北沢駿介,Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,池原浩太,名取竜哉,安田仁奈","石西礁湖における野外オニヒトデ幼生の分布と周辺環境要因","2016年日本ベントス学会・日本プランクトン学会合同大会",,,,,,2016,Sept.
"Miyajima, Toshihiro,Morimoto, Naoko,Takashi Nakamura,Yamamoto, Takahiro,Watanabe, Atsushi,KAZUO NADAOKA","Atmospheric Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen as a Regional-Scale Eutrophication Stress on the Coral Reef Ecosystem",,"CORAL REEF SCIENCE: STRATEGY FOR ECOSYSTEM SYMBIOSIS AND COEXISTENCE WITH HUMANS UNDER MULTIPLE STRESSES","SPRINGER JAPAN","Vol. 5",,"pp. 95-101",2016,July
"Aoi Sugimoto,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Francisco Paciencia,Shielameh P. Milan,Elizabeth T. Tomas,Carolina C. Ram?rez,Annabelle Echavez,Jessem Gabatin,Miguel Fortes,Kazuo Nadaoka","Comanagement for aquaculture: Suggestions from a comparative study between two major production areas of milkfish in the Philippines",,"Journal of Applied Aquaculture",,,,,2016,July
"Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Takahiro Yamamoto","Reef-scale model system for evaluating and predicting coral responses to ocean acidification and sea-level rise","13th International Coral Reef Symposium",,,,,,2016,June
"Danet Hak,Kazuo Nadaoka,Lawrence Patrick Bernardo,Phu Le Vo,V.L. Phu,T.Q. Toan,N.H. Trung,D.V. Ni,V.P.D. Tri","Spatio-temporal variations of sea level around the Mekong Delta: Their causes and consequences on the coastal environment",,"Hydrological Research Letters","J-STAGE","Vol. 10","No. 2","p. 60-66",2016,May
"宮島利宏,森本直子,田中 泰章,渡邉敦,中村隆志,山本 高大,灘岡和夫","サンゴ礁生態系における懸濁粒子・沈降粒子の炭素・窒素安定同位体比時空間分布","日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会",,,,,,2016,May
"FERRERACharissaMa,宮島 利宏,San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes,森本 直子,梅澤 有,EUGENEHERRERA,土屋匠,吉開仁哉,灘岡和夫,渡邉敦","リン酸の酸素安定同位体比を含む生物地球化学的指標を用いたフィリピン・ボリナオおよびアンダ沿岸の養殖海域における継続的な富栄養化状態の原因解明","日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会",,,,,,2016,May
"Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo,Takashi Nakamura,Atsushi Watanabe,KAZUO NADAOKA","Numerical simulation of typhoon events in Sekisei Lagoon, Okinawa, Japan","Japan Geosience Union Meeting 2016",,,,,,2016,May
"田中 義幸,頼末 武史,本多 健太郎,中村 洋平,宮島利宏,ゴ ゲイ,ジェノヴィア トム,パンタラーノ アリーン,パシエンシア フランシスコ,ウイ ウィルフレッド,フォルテス ミゲル,タモンドン アイン,ArielC.Blanco,灘岡和夫,仲岡 雅裕","フィリピン、ボリナオにおける海草群集の多様性が魚類の群集構造に与える影響","日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会",,,,,,2016,May
"森本直子,梅澤有,渡邉敦,San Diego-McGlone Maria Lourdes,FERRERACharissaMa,Regino Genevieve L.,灘岡和夫,宮島利宏","沿岸域における陸源物質動態:水、DIC、POM安定同位体比による評価","日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会",,,,,,2016,May
"Kong Chhuon,EUGENE C HERRERA,KAZUO NADAOKA","Application of integrated hydrologic and river basin management modeling for the optimal development of a multi-purpose reservoir project, Water Resources Management",,"Water Resour Manage","Springer","Vol. 30","No. 9","pp. 3143-3157",2016,Apr.
"Mohamed Hassan,Abdelazim Negm,Kazuo Nadaoka,Tarek Abdelaziz Mohamed Elsahabi","Comparative study of approaches to bathymetry detection in Nasser/Nubia Lake using multispectral SPOT-6 satellite imagery",,"Hydrological Research Letters",,"Vol. 10","No. 1","pp. 45-50",2016,Mar.
"江川遼平,Sahadev Sharma,安岡潤,田野倉佑介,Ratino Sith,灘岡和夫","マングローブ林において底生生物の巣穴崩壊・新生を促す環境要因","日本生態学会第63回全国大会",,,,,,2016,Mar.
"Oliver Saavedra,Chihiro Yoshimura,Shinjiro Kanae,KAZUO NADAOKA,JIRO TAKEMURA,Abdelazim Negm,Nguyen Tan Phong","A research framework of Mega Deltas in Asia and Africa","The International Science Conference on MAHASRI",,,,,,2016,Mar.
"Charissa Ferrera,Atsushi Watanabe,Toshihiro Miyajima,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Naoko Morimoto,You Umezawa,EUGENE HERRERA,Takumi Tsuchiya,Masaya Yoshikai,KAZUO NADAOKA","Phosphorus as a driver of nitrogen limitation and sustained eutrophic conditions in Bolinao and Anda, Philippines, a mariculture-impacted tropical coastal area",,"Marine Pollution Bulletin","ELSEVIER","Vol. 105","No. 1","pp. 237-248",2016,Feb.
"Analuddin, K.,Jamili,Septiana, A.,Sahidin,Rianse, U.,Sharma S.,Nadaoka, K.","Blue carbon stock and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in mangrove forest at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Indonesia","Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences",,,,,,2016,
"Blanco, A.C.,Pagkalinawan, H.,Tsuchiya, T.,Nadaoka, K.","Elucidating factors of seagrass fractional cover change using spatial regression","The 7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference","Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference",,,,,2016,
"Analuddin,K. Jamili,Septiana, A.,Raya, R.,Rahim, S.,Alfirman,Sahidin, I.,Rianse, U.,Sharma S.,Nadaoka, K.","Development status and strategy for management of mangrove forest at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park (RAWN Park) and its surrounding areas","Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia” in proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Nature and Environmental Sciences",,,,,,2016,
"Jun Mitsui,Akira Matsumoto,Minoru Hanzawa,Kazuo Nadaoka","STABILITY OF ARMOR UNITS COVERING RUBBLE MOUND OF COMPOSITE BREAKWATERS AGAINST A STEADY OVERFLOW OF TSUNAMI",,"Coastal Engineering Proceedings",,,,,2016,
"Blanco, A.C.,Tamondong, A.,Tagle, E.,Fortes, M.,Nadaoka, K.","Seagrass Cover Change Mapping in the Bolinao-Anda Area","National Remote Sensing Conference",,,,,,2016,
"Kangkuso Analuddin,Jamili Andi Septiana,Jamili,Andi Septiana,Wa Ode Harlis,Idin Sahidin,Usman Rianse,Saban Rahim,Sahadev Sharma,Kazuo Nadaoka","Blue Carbon Stock and Green Tea Potential in Mangroves of Coral Triangle Eco-Region, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia",,"International Journal of Environmental Science",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 125-132",2016,
"Kurokochi, H.,Matsuki, Y.,Nakajima, Y.,Fortes, M.D.,Uy, W.H.,Campos, W.L.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Lian, C.","A baseline for the genetic conservation of tropical seagrasses in the western North Pacific under the influence of the Kuroshio Current: the case of Syringodium isoetifolium",,"Conservation Genetics",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","pp. 103-110",2016,
"Mitsui, J.,Matsumoto, A.,Hanzawa, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Estimation method of armor stability against tsunami overtopping caisson breakwater based on overflow depth",,"Coastal Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 58","No. 4",,2016,
"Charissa Ferrera,Toshihiro Miyajima,Atsushi Watanabe,Yu Umezawa,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,Naoko Morimoto,Kazuo Nadaoka","Tracing the Sources and Evaluating the Cycling of Phosphate Using δ18Op in a Eutrophic Tropical Mariculture Area. Goldschmidt 2016",,,,,,,2016,
"Arriesgado, D.M.,Kurokochi, H.,Nakajima, Y.,Matsuki, Y.,Uy, W.H.,Fortes, M.D.,Campos, W.L.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Lian, C.","Population genetic diversity and structure of a dominant tropical seagrass, Cymodocea rotundata, in the Western Pacific region",,"Marine Ecology",,"Vol. 37","No. 4","pp. 786-800",2016,
"Analuddin, K.,Jamili,Septiana, A.,Sahidin,Rianse, U.,Sharma S.,Nadaoka, K.","Blue carbon stock and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in mangrove forest at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Indonesia","Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences",,,,,,2016,
"豊島 淳子,灘岡和夫","日本のサンゴ礁域における観光業と漁業者の利害調整過程に関するケーススタディと生態系サービスへの支払い(PES)の活用可能性の考察",,"日本サンゴ礁学会誌","日本サンゴ礁学会","Vol. 18","No. 1","pp. 11-24",2016,
"Sharaan, M.,Negm, A.,Iskander, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Egyptian Fishing Ports Challenges and Opportunities Case Study: Mediterranean Sea Ports",,"Ports 2016: Port Planning and Development - Papers from Sessions of the 14th Triennial International Conference",,,,"pp. 540-549",2016,
"Ferrera, C.,A.Watanabe,T.Miyajima,Y.Umezawa,N.Morimoto,K.Nadaoka","Dynamics of the uptake of nitrate and phosphate of three coral species in the subtropical and tropical Western Pacific following nutrient enrichment","APCRS 2014",,,,,,2016,
"Aditya R. Kartadikaria,Atsushi Watanabe,Kazuo Nadaoka,Novi S. Adi,Hanif B. Prayitno,Suharsono,Muswerry Muchtar,Iis Triyulianti,Agus Setiawan,Suratno,Elly N. Khasanah","CO2 Sink/Source Characteristics in the Tropical Indonesian Seas","European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015","Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans",,"Vol. 120","No. 12","pp. 7842-7856",2015,Dec.
"Ahmed Eladawy,Kazuo Nadaoka,Abdelazim Negm,Oliver C. Saavedra,Mahmoud Hanafy","Assessment of Long Term Thermal Stress on Egyptian",,"International Journal of Environmental Science and Development",,"Vol. 6","No. 12",,2015,Dec.
"小島 萌々香,長井敏,鈴木豪,福岡弘紀,亀田 卓彦,中村隆志,渡邉敦,灘岡和 夫,北沢駿介,Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,池原浩太,安田仁奈","オニヒトデ幼生の水平分布?石西礁湖のどこにいる??","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"Charissa Ferrera,Toshihiro Miyajima,Atsushi Watanabe,You Umezawa,Naoko Morimoto,Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone,KAZUO NADAOKA","Variation in oxygen isotope ratio of dissolved orthophosphate induced by uptake process in natural coral holobionts",,"Coral Reefs","Springer","Vol. 35","No. 2","pp. 1-14",2015,Nov.
"天野慎也,中村隆志,渡邉敦,Lawrence Patrick C. BERNARDO,Ratino SITH,福岡弘紀,鈴木豪,灘岡和夫","石西礁湖におけるオニヒトデ発生予測のための低次生態系モデルの開発","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"瀧戸健太郎,中村隆志,灘岡和夫","WorldView-2画像を用いたテクスチャ 及びスペクトル解析によるサンゴ礁域の海底被覆分類と水深推定","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"向 草世香,斉藤衛,中村隆志,灘岡和夫","石西礁湖および周辺海域のサン ゴ被度変遷の傾向分類と要因検討?16年間のモニタリングデータに基づく解析?","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"中村隆志,Lawrence Patrick C. Bernardo,天野慎也,渡邉敦,Ratino Sith,向草世香,福岡 弘紀,鈴木豪,安田仁奈,長井敏,灘岡和夫","オニヒトデの生活史のモデル化と発生予測の試み","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"齊藤佑太,長井敏,灘岡和夫,波利井佐紀,上野 光弘,北野裕子,安田仁奈","石西礁湖周辺海域におけるアオサンゴ2種の遺伝構造の比較","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"渡邉敦,中村隆志,北沢駿介,Lawrence Bernardo,鈴木豪,福岡弘紀,亀田卓 彦,藤倉佑治,本郷悠貴,安田仁奈,北野裕子,向草世香,Ratino Sith,瀧戸 健太郎,江川遼平,田野倉佑介,安藤航,竹内傑,天野慎也,長井敏,宮島利宏,灘岡和夫","島嶼?石西礁湖?外洋間における栄養塩・有機物動態?特に 大規模水道部に着目して","日本サンゴ礁学会第18回大会",,,,,,2015,Nov.
"A.T.M.R., Hoque,Watanabe, A.,Nadaoka. K.","Direct-Use Values of Ecosystem Services in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh: Trend in Recent Five Years (2009-2010 to 2013-2014)","The International Conference on Ocean, Environment and Ecotoxicology 2015 (ICOEE2015)",,,,,,2015,Oct.
"Nakagawa, Y.,Nadaoka, K.,Yagi, H.,Nihei, Y.,Uchikawa, H.","Stochastic Model of Fluid Mud Transport under Wave and Current","Coastal Sediments 2015","Proc of Coastal Sediments'15",,,,,2015,July
"Kangkuso Analuddin,Jamili Jamili,Andi Septiana,Rasas Raya,Idin Sahidin,Usman Rianse,Saban Rahim,Alfirman Alfirman,Sahadev Sharma,Kazuo Nadaoka","Allometric model and aboveground biomass of Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. forest in Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia",,"Forest Science and Technology",,"Vol. 12","No. 1","Page 43-50",2015,July
"Yasuda, N.,Coralie Taquet,Nagai, S.,Miguel Fortes,Tung-Yung Fan,Harii, S.,Terutoyo Terutoyo Yoshida,Yuta Sito,Nadaoka, K.","Genetic diversity, paraphyly and incomplete lineage sorting of mtDNA, ITS2 and microsatellite flanking region in closely related Heliopora species (Octocorallia)",,"Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution","ELSEVIEL","Vol. 93",,"Page 161?171",2015,July
"Toyoshima, J.,Nadaoka, K.","Importance of environmental briefing and buoyancy control on reducing negative impacts of SCUBA diving on coral reefs",,"Ocean & Coastal Management","ELSEVIEL","Vol. 116",," 20-26",2015,July
"Nina YASUDA,Kenji KAJIWARA,Satoshi NAGAI,Kota IKEHARA4,Kazuo NADAOKA","First report of field sampling and identification of crown-of-thorns starfish larvae",,"Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","p. 15-16",2015,July
"Dan Arriesgado,Hiroyuki Kurokochi,Yuichi Nakajima,Yu Matsuki,Wilfredo H. Uy,Miguel Fortes,Wilfredo L. Campos,Nadaoka, K.,Chunlan Lian","Genetic diversity and structure of the tropical seagrass Cymodocea serrulata spanning its central diversity hotspot and range edge",,"Aquatic Ecology","Springer","Vol. 49","No. 3","pp. 357-372",2015,June
"Hak, D.,Nadaoka, K.,Collin, A.","Detecting coastal feature changes in Mekong delta using multi-temporal landsat and Google earth Images","Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference","International Water Technology Journal, IWTJ",,"Vol. 5","No. 2"," 88-99",2015,June
"Ferrera Charissa M,渡邉敦,灘岡和夫,梅澤有,森本直子,中村隆志,宮島利宏","造礁サンゴによるリンの取込が溶存態リン酸の酸素安定同位体比に与える効果","日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会",,,,,,2015,May
"Antoine Collin,KAZUO NADAOKA,Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo","Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade",,"ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2015",," 4",," 900-927",2015,May
"渡邉敦,宮島利宏,栗原 晴子,Maria Lourdes S.D. McGlone,Eugene Herrera,灘岡和夫","フィリピン・ボリナオ沿岸海域における過剰養殖に伴う局所的海洋酸性化","日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会",,,,,,2015,May
"Ali Masria,Kazuo Nadaoka,Abdelazim Negm,Moheb Iskander","Detection of Shoreline and Land Cover Changes around Rosetta Promontory, Egypt, Based on Remote Sensing Analysis",,"Land","MDPI","Vol. 4","No. 1","pp. 216-230",2015,Mar.
"Nina Yasuda,Kenji Kajiwara,Satoshi Nagai,Kota Ikehara,Kazuo Nadaoka","First report of field sampling and identification of crown-of-thorns starfish larvae",,"Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","p. 15-16",2015,Feb.
"安田仁奈,灘岡和夫,長井 敏","サンゴ礁無脊椎動物における集団遺伝解析による種分化および幼生分散の推定","日本プランクトン学会2014年度春季シンポジウム","日本プランクトン学会報",," 62"," 1"," 33-38",2015,Feb.
"Eugene C. HERRERA,Nadaoka, K.,Ariel C. BLANCO,Emiterio, C.H.","Hydrodynamic investigation of a shallow tropical lake environment (Laguna Lake, Philippines) and associated implications for eutrophic vulnerability",,"ASEAN Engineering Journal,Part C",,"Vol. 4","No. 1","pp. 48-62",2015,Feb.
"灘岡和夫,八木 宏,中川 康之,二瓶 泰雄,山中 亮一,内川 直洋,川崎 浩司,三島 豊秋","統合型海域環境影響評価モデルの構築と多摩川河口・羽田空港周辺海域への適用",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 71","No. 2","pp. I1405-I1410",2015,
"Mitsui, J.,Matsumoto, A.,Hanzawa, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Numerical Analysis on Tsunamis Overtopping Caisson Breakwaters and the Stability of Armor Units",,"Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015: Tsunamis - Proceedings of the Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference 2015",,,,"pp. 176-186",2015,
"中川 康之,灘岡和夫,八木 宏,二瓶 泰雄,川崎 浩司,木村 彰宏,久保田 踊児,内川 直洋","底質輸送量算定における底面流速変動の確率分布を考慮した新たな外力評価手法の提案",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 71","No. 2","pp. I523-I528",2015,
"Ahmed Eladawy,Kazuo Nadaoka,Abdelazim Negm,Oliver C. Saavedra,Mahmoud Hanafy","Assessment of long term thermal stress on Egyptian coral reefs based on remotely sensed sea surface temperature data","In 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development",,,,,,2015,
"池原浩太,安田仁奈,長井敏,鈴木豪,福岡弘紀,山下洋,亀田卓彦,甲斐清香,中村隆志,渡邉敦,Lawrence Patrick C.Bernardo,北沢駿介,灘岡和夫","オニヒトデ幼生の同定?2013年と2014年の調査結果比較","日本サンゴ礁学会第17回大会",,,,,,2014,Nov.
"向草世香,中村隆志,鈴木豪,灘岡和夫","モニタリングサイト1000 データに基づく石西礁湖および周辺沿岸海域のサンゴ被度変遷の解析","日本サンゴ礁学会第17回大会",,,,,,2014,Nov.
"Yuichi Nakajima,Yu Matsuki,Chunlan Lian,Miguel Fortes,Wilfredo H. Uy,Wilfredo L. Campos,Masahiro Nakaoka,Kazuo Nadaoka","The Kuroshio Current influences genetic diversity and population genetic structure of a tropical seagrass, Enhalus acoroides.",,"Molecular Ecology",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 6029?6044",2014,Nov.
"中村隆志,灘岡和夫,山本高大,渡邉 敦","サンゴポリプモデルの拡張に基づくリーフスケール白化シミュレーション","第17回日本サンゴ礁学会",,,,,,2014,Nov.
"中川 康之,灘岡和夫,八木宏,二瓶泰雄,鈴木高二郎","長期モニタリングに基づく内湾河口域における地 形変化の把握","海岸工学講演会","土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)",,"Vol. 70","No. 2","pp. I1621-I1625",2014,Nov.
"三井順,松本朗,半沢稔,灘岡和夫","数値解析に基づくケーソン背後の津波越流の再現と被覆材の安定性の検討","海岸工学講演会","土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)",,"Vol. 70","No. 2"," I921-I925",2014,Nov.
"Gay Amabelle Go,Shuichi Watanabe,Gay Amabelle Go,Yoshiyuki Tanaka,Gay Amabelle Go,Atsushi Watanabe,Toshihiro Miyajima,Masahiro Nakaoka,Wilfredo H. Uy,Kazuo Nadaoka,Shuichi Watanabe,Miguel Fortes","17-year change in species composition of mixed seagrass beds around Santiago Island, Bolinao, the northwestern Philippines",,"Marine Pollution Bulletin","ELSEVIEL","Vol. 88","No. 1-2","p. 81-85",2014,Oct.
"Antoine Collin,Kazuo Nadaoka,Takashi Nakamura","Mapping VHR Water Depth, Seabed and Land Cover Using Google Earth Data",,"ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 1157-1179",2014,Oct.
"Negm, A. M.,El-Adawy, A.,Nadaoka, K.,El-Shinnawy, I. A.,others","Coupled Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model for Pollution Control Scenarios in El-Burullus Lake (Nile Delta, Egypt)",,"American Journal of Environmental Sciences",,"Vol. 10","No. 6","pp. 546?565",2014,Oct.
"Arriesgado, D.M.,Kurokochi, H.,Lian, C.L.,Nakajima, Y.,Matsuki, Y.,Nagai, S.,Yasuike, M.,Nakamura, Y.,Uy, W.,Fortes, M.,Campos, W.,Nadaoka, K.","Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite markers for Cymodocea serrulata (Cymodoceaceae), a seagrass distributed widely in the Indo-Pacific region",,"Plant Species Biology (online first)",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 297?299",2014,Sept.
"Sharma, S.,Yasuoka, J.,Nakamura, T.,Watanabe, A.,Nadaoka, K.","The Role of Hydroperiod, Soil Moisture and Distance from the River Mouth on Soil Organic Matter in Fukido Mangrove Forest","ASEE 2014","Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Engineering- ASEE 2014",,,,,2014,Aug.
"Sahadev Sharma,Jun Yasuoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka","Standing dead and downed woody debris biomass in Fukido mangrove forest, Ishigaki Island, Japan","第24回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会",,,,,,2014,June
"Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka,Atsushi Watanabe,Takihiro Yamamoto","Reef-scale modeling system for evaluating and predicting coral responses to future environmental changes","3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium",,,,,,2014,June
"Atsushi Watanabe,Takashi Nakamura,Kazuo Nadaoka,Yoshikatsu Nakano","Nutrient dynamics in relation to ecosystem production in coral reefs studied using a benthic chamber","3rd Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium",,,,,,2014,June
"Miyajima, T.,M.Hori,H.Shimabukuro,M.Hamaguchi,K.Nadaoka,H.Adachi","Organic carbon preservation in tropical seagrass-bed sediments: importance of sorptive vs. non-sorptive mechanisms","JpGU 2014",,,,,,2014,
"Pagkalinawan, H. M.,Blanco A. C.,Tomoling, E. A.,Tomoling, E. A.,Nadaoka, K.","Geovisualization of Land Use and Zoning Ordinances in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan","Philippine Geomatics Symposium",,,,,,2014,
"Herrera, E.C.,Nadaoka, K.","CCMS and IDSS for Bolinao","IDSS Workshop and Training",,,,,,2014,
"Blanco, A.C.,Tamondong, A.,Tagle, E.,Fortes, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Change in seagrass fractional cover in Bolinao and Anda, Philippines derived from Landsat imaages",,"35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2014, ACRS 2014: Sensing for Reintegration of Societies",,,,,2014,
"Ramos, R.V.,Blanco, A.C.,Yoshikai,M. Tsuchiya,Nadaoka, K.,Watanabe, A.,Yamamoto, T.,Miguel Fortes,San Diego-McGlone, M.L.,Herrera, E.C.,Nakaoka, M.,YOSHIYUKI TANAKA,Miyajima, T.","Development and Applications of an Integrated Decision Support System for realizing Sustainable Aquaculture and Coastal Ecosystem in Bolinao and its surrounding areas","Philippine Geomatics Symposium",,,,,,2014,
"Yasuda, N.,Taquet, C.,Nagai, S.,Fortes, M.,Fan,T.-Y.,Phongsuwan, N.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Genetic structure and cryptic speciation in the threatened reef-building coral Heliopora coerulea along Kuroshio Current",,"Bulletin of Marine Science",,"Vol. 90","No. 1","pp. 233-255",2014,
"Yasuda, Nina,Taquet, Coralie,Nagai, Satoshi,Benzie, John,KAZUO NADAOKA,Catherine, Vogler,Worhide, Gert","How did sea level fluctuation affect on speciation and genetic structure of marine organizims?",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 88","No. 6","pp. 356-356",2013,Dec.
"Danet Hak,KAZUO NADAOKA,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Shinjiro Kanae,Phu Le Vo","Understanding Sea Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifer in the MEKONG DELTA System Using a Surface-Subsurface Coupling Hydrodynamics Model","Seminar of JSPS Mega Delta Project",,,,,,2013,Aug.
"Dan M. Arriesgado,Yuichi Nakajima,Yu Matsuki,Chunlan Lian,Satoshi Nagai,Motoshige Yasuike,Yoji Nakamura,Miguel Fortes,Wilfredo H. Uy,Wilfredo L. Campos,Masahiro Nakaoka,Kazuo Nadaoka","Development of novel microsatellite markers for Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenberg (Cymodoceaceae), a pioneer seagrass species widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific",,"Conservation Genetics Resources","Springer","Vol. 6",,"pp. 135-138",2013,Aug.
"中川 康之,灘岡和夫,八木 宏,二瓶 泰雄,木村 彰宏,久保田 踊児,吉田 行秀","東京湾羽田沖における泥質物の堆積分布特性を考慮した底泥輸送モデルの構築",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 69","No. 2","pp. I571-I575",2013,
"Takashi Nakamura,Nadaoka, K.,Watanabe, A.","A coral polyp model of photosynthesis, respiration and calcification incorporating a transcellular ion transport mechanism",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 32","No. 3","pp. 779-794",2013,
"Principe, J.A.,Blanco, A.C.,Yamamoto, T.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Improved classification of moderate resolution satellite image using band ratio, NBAI and PC transform",,"34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, ACRS 2013",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 1118-1125",2013,
"Ariji, R.,Yagi, H.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Nakagawa, Y.,Furota, T.,Yoneyama, H.","Clarification of the properties of fluctuation of bottom sediment based on long-term monitoring around the mouth of the Tama River in Tokyo Bay",,"Coastal Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 55","No. 2",,2013,
"Tamondong, A.M.,Blanco, A.C.,Fortes, M.D.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Mapping of seagrass and other benthic habitats in Bolinao, Pangasinan using Worldview-2 satellite image",,"International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)",,,,"pp. 1579-1582",2013,
"三井 順,松本 朗,半沢 稔,灘岡和夫","防波堤港内側マウンド被覆材の津波越流に対する安定性照査方法の提案",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 69","No. 2","pp. I956-I960",2013,
"Tomoling, E.C.M.,Blanco, A.,Iwai, K.,Tamondong, A.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Assessment and modeling of environmental and socio-economic impacts of urban development using RS and GIS for integrated coastal land use planning",,"34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2013, ACRS 2013",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 4023-4030",2013,
"Watanabe, A.,Yamamoto, T.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Maeda, Y.,Miyajima, T.,Tanaka, Y.,Blanco, A.C.","Spatiotemporal variations in CO2flux in a fringing reef simulated using a novel carbonate system dynamics model",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 32","No. 1","pp. 239-254",2013,
"斉藤 宏,石丸 隆,灘岡和夫,渡邉 敦","水中近距離リモートセンシング法によるサンゴ健康度季節変動の評価",,"日本サンゴ礁学会誌","The Japanese Coral Reef Society","Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 91-105",2013,
"Mitsui, J.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Ogata,S.-I.,Shibata, S.,Yamamoto, M.,Matsumoto, A.","New fish reef block ensuring accurate placement by free-fall method",,"Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering",,"Vol. 139","No. 6","pp. 455-465",2013,
"Matsuki, Y.,Takahashi, A.,Nakajima, Y.,Lian, C.,Fortes, M.D.,Uy, W.H.,Campos, W.L.,Nakaoka, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Development of microsatellite markers in a tropical seagrass Syringodium isoetifolium (Cymodoceaceae)",,"Conservation Genetics Resources",,"Vol. 5","No. 3","pp. 715-717",2013,
"中川 康之,灘岡和夫,八木 宏,斉藤 衛,小川 浩史,有路 隆一,米山 治男,白井 一洋","東京湾奥部における夏期の底層DO濃度変動と波浪擾乱との関係",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 68","No. 2","pp. I991-I995",2012,
"Yasuda, N.,Taquet, C.,Nagai, S.,W?rheide, G.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Development of microsatellite loci in the common reef starfish Linckia laevigata and Linckia multifora",,"Ecological Research",,"Vol. 27","No. 6","pp. 1095-1097",2012,
"Kartadikaria, A.R.,Miyazawa, Y.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Watanabe, A.","Existence of eddies at crossroad of the Indonesian seas",,"Ocean Dynamics",,"Vol. 62","No. 1","pp. 31-44",2012,
"Paringit, E.C.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Simultaneous estimation of benthic fractional cover and shallow water bathymetry in coral reef areas from high-resolution satellite images",,"International Journal of Remote Sensing",,"Vol. 33","No. 10","pp. 3026-3047",2012,
"Dadhich, A.P.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Yamamoto, T.,Kayanne, H.","Detecting coral bleaching using high-resolution satellite data analysis and 2-dimensional thermal model simulation in the Ishigaki fringing reef, Japan",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 31","No. 2","pp. 425-439",2012,
"Estomata, M.T.L.,Blanco, A.C.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Tomoling, E.C.M.","Extraction of benthic cover information from video tows and photographs using object-based image analysis",,"International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 539-544",2012,
"Nakagawa, Y.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Yagi, H.,Ariji, R.,Yoneyama, H.,Shirai, K.","Field measurement and modeling of near-bed sediment transport processes with fluid mud layer in Tokyo Bay",,"Ocean Dynamics",,"Vol. 62","No. 10-12","pp. 1535-1544",2012,
"Yasuda, N.,Abe, M.,Takino, T.,Kimura, M.,Lian, C.,Nagai, S.,Nakano, Y.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Large-scale mono-clonal structure in the north peripheral population of blue coral, Heliopora coerulea",,"Marine Genomics",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 33-35",2012,
"Dadhich, A.P.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Analysis of terrestrial discharge from agricultural watersheds and its impact on nearshore and offshore reefs in Fiji",,"Journal of Coastal Research",,"Vol. 28","No. 5","pp. 1225-1235",2012,
"Matsuki, Y.,Nakajima, Y.,Lian, C.,Fortes, M.D.,Uy, W.H.,Campos, W.L.,Nakaoka, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Development of microsatellite markers for Thalassia hemprichii (Hydrocharitaceae), a widely distributed seagrass in the Indo-Pacific",,"Conservation Genetics Resources",,"Vol. 4","No. 4","pp. 1007-1010",2012,
"Nakajima, Y.,Matsuki, Y.,Lian, C.,Fortes, M.D.,Uy, W.H.,Campos, W.L.,Nakaoka, M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Development of novel microsatellite markers in a tropical seagrass, Enhalus acoroides",,"Conservation Genetics Resources",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 515-517",2012,
"Estomata, M.T.L.,Blanco, A.C.,Tomoling, E.C.M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Extraction of benthic cover information from video tows and photographs using object-based image analysis",,"33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2012, ACRS 2012",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 144-152",2012,
"Blanco, A.C.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Paringit, M.C.R.","Sediment discharge from an agricultural watershed: Investigating the influence of land-cover fragmentation using the GSSHA model",,"IAHS-AISH Publication",,"Vol. 352",,"pp. 271-275",2012,
"中村隆志,灘岡和夫,渡邉 敦,宮島 利宏","サンゴ内部モデルを用いた骨格中のδ13C記録の再現と古環境指標としての有用性の検討",,"日本地球化学会年会要旨集","日本地球化学会","Vol. 59",,"pp. 69",2012,
"安田 仁奈,長井 敏,TAQUET Coralie,灘岡和夫,Suharsono,SUSANTO Handoko Adi","Coral Triangle におけるオニヒトデの reef-connectivity",,"DNA多型 = DNA polymorphism",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 134-138",2011,May
"有路 隆一,八木 宏,KAZUO NADAOKA,風呂田 利夫,中川 康之,鈴木 紀慶","多摩川河口前置斜面における出水前後の底質環境と底生生物群集の変動",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. I851-I855",2011,
"Tanaka, Y.,Miyajima, T.,Watanabe, A.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Yamamoto, T.,Ogawa, H.","Distribution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in a coral reef",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 30","No. 2","pp. 533-541",2011,
"Kartadikaria, A.R.,Miyazawa, Y.,Varlamov, S.M.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Ocean circulation for the Indonesian seas driven by tides and atmospheric forcings: Comparison to observational data",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans",,"Vol. 116","No. 9",,2011,
"Blanco, A.C.,Watanabe, A.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Motooka, S.,Herrera, E.C.,Yamamoto, T.","Estimation of nearshore groundwater discharge and its potential effects on a fringing coral reef",,"Marine Pollution Bulletin",,"Vol. 62","No. 4","pp. 770-785",2011,
"Ariji, R.,Yagi, H.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Nakagawa, Y.,Ogawa, H.,Simosako, K.,Shirai, K.","Temporal and spatial variations of bottom sediment characteristics around the Tama River mouth in Tokyo Bay, Japan",,"Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference",,,,"pp. 999-1004",2011,
"Taquet, C.,Nagai, S.,Yasuda, N.,KAZUO NADAOKA","First report of the development of microsatellite markers for a tropical sea cucumber (Stichopus chloronotus)",,"Conservation Genetics Resources",,"Vol. 3","No. 2","pp. 201-203",2011,
"Herrera, E.C.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Blanco, A.C.,Hernandez, E.C.","A partnership for sustainable lake environment: Collaborative monitoring and research on Laguna de Bay, Philippines, for management of resource use and ecosystem conservation",,"Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management",,"Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 137-148",2011,
"児玉 真史,渡部 諭史,八木 宏,灘岡和夫,鈴木 紀慶,古殿 太郎","多摩川河口域に生息する二枚貝類の炭素・窒素安定同位体比の変動特性",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. I961-I965",2011,
"金城 孝一,有田 和宏,KAZUO NADAOKA,仲宗根 一哉","Classification of Fringing Coral Reefs based on Geomorphological Characters and Flow Circulation Patterns",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. I1336-I1340",2011,
"中川 康之,KAZUO NADAOKA,八木 宏,有路 隆一,米山 治男,白井 一洋","Fundamental study on modeling of cohesive sediment transport with fluid mud layer",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. I461-I465",2011,
"灘岡和夫","サンゴ礁学-未知なる世界への招待-. 第2章サンゴ礁環境のダイナミクス",,"サンゴ礁学","サンゴ礁学会編 東海大学出版会",,,"pp. 31-48",2011,
"Yasuda, N.,Ogasawara, K.,Kajiwara, K.,Ueno, M.,Oki, K.,Taniguchi, H.,Kakuma, S.,Okaji, K.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Latitudinal differentiation in the reproduction patterns of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci through the Ryukyu Island Archipelago",,"Plankton and Benthos Research",,"Vol. 5","No. 4","pp. 156-164",2010,
"Yagi, H.,Pokavanich, T.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Ariji, R.,Furudoi, K.,Geshi, H.,Furudono, T.,Oono, Y.","Influence of oceanic water intrusion on coastal environments in winter around the tama river estuary in Tokyo Bay",,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 217-223",2010,
"有路 隆一,八木 宏,KAZUO NADAOKA,中川 康之,小川 浩史,下迫 健一郎,木村 俊介","東京湾多摩川河口周辺域における底質環境の時空間変動特性",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 66","No. 1","pp. 446-450",2010,
"Blanco, A.C.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Yamamoto, T.,Watanabe, A.,Kinjo, K.,Motooka, S.,Hererra, E.C.,Paringit, M.C.R.","A comprehensive assessment of terrestrial loadings and their influence on a fringing reef in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan",,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 228-235",2010,
"Nakagawa, Y.,Ariji, R.,Matsuzaka, S.,Morohoshi, K.,Yagi, H.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Tanaka, S.","Observations of fine sediment transport event during typhoon attack in Tokyo bay",,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 8-15",2010,
"Pokavanich, T.,KAZUO NADAOKA,Blanco, A.C.","Roles of sporadic intrusion of outer sea water in water exchange and water quality variations in the coastal lagoon of puerto galera, philippines",,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 232-238",2010,
"八木 宏,Pokavanich Tanuspong,KAZUO NADAOKA,白井 一洋,木村 俊介,下迫 健一郎","東京湾底層水の進入・後退に伴う底層懸濁物質の移動特性",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 66","No. 1","pp. 956-960",2010,
"KAZUO NADAOKA","Dynamic evolution of nutrient discharge under stormflow and baseflow conditions in a coastal agricultural watershed in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan,",,"Hydrological Processes",,,,,2010,
"KAZUO NADAOKA","Reef connectivity - A key factor governing resilience of coastal ecosystems",,"Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 35-44",2010,
"中川 康之,有路 隆一,灘岡和夫,八木 宏,下迫 健一郎,白井 一洋","Evaluation of Erosion and Deposition of Muddy Sediment during Passage of Typhoon based on Field Data Observed off the Haneda in Tokyo Bay",,"土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 66","No. 1","pp. 441-445",2010,
"Lu,L.-F.,Miyazawa, Y.,Cui, W.,KAZUO NADAOKA","Numerical study of surface water circulation around Sekisei lagoon, southwest Japan",,"Ocean Dynamics",,"Vol. 60","No. 2","pp. 359-375",2010,
"KAZUO NADAOKA","Gene flow of Acanthaster planci (L.) in relation to ocean currents revealed by microsatellite analysis, Molecular Ecology",,"Molecular Ecology",," 18:8",,"pp. 1574-1590",2009,
"KAZUO NADAOKA","Highly skewed tidal circulation pattern and water quality in Puerto Galera Bay, Philippines",,"Coastal Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 1-21",2009,
"Tamura, H.,K. Nadaoka,Enrico Paringit","Hydrodynamic characteristics of a fringing coral reef on the east coast of Ishigaki Island, southwest Japan",,"Coral Reefs",,"Vol. 26","No. 1","pp. 17-34",2007,Sept.
"Saki Harii,K. Nadaoka,M. Yamamoto,K. Iwao","Temporal changes in settlement, lipid content and lipid composition of larvae of the spawning hermatypic coral Acropora tenuis",,"Marine Ecology",,"Vol. 346",,"pp. 89-96",2007,Sept.
"Pokavanich, T.,K. Nadaoka,A. C. Blanco,M. C. Rubio","Integrated socio-environmental investigation of water quality condition in Puerto Galera: The Decision Supported System Development",,"Abstract, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 78",2007,June
"Blanco, A.C.,K. Nadaoka","Integrated analysis of socio-economic and environmental statistics towards development of coupled economy-environment indicators for Fiji and Samoa",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress,Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 285",2007,June
"Yamamoto, T.,K. Nadaoka,Takuma Nishimoto,A.C. Blanco,Takashi Ishimaru",,,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 347",2007,June
"Matsuura, S.,Wataru Kumagai,K. Nadaoka,A.C. Blanco,E. Tsukamoto","Social Structure Change Analysis in Yaeyama Islands based on Social Statistics and Interview Surveys for Evaluation of Anthropogenic Impact to Coral Reef Ecosystem",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 384",2007,June
"Yasuda, N.,S. Nagai,K. Okaji,M. Hamaguchi,K. Nadaoka","Reef Connectivity of the crown-of-thorns Starfish Acanthaster Planci in pacific islands reveleaved by microsatellites.",,"Abstract, 21st Pacific Science Congress, Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 29",2007,June
"Blanco,A.,K. Nadaoka,T. Yamamoto,M. Rubio,E.C. Paringit","A multi-scale investigation of environmental controls onn Shiraho Coral Reef through Field Measurements, Remote Sensing and GIS",,"Abstracts, 21st Pacific Science Congress,Okinawa, Japan",,,,"p. 91",2007,June
"Yasuda, N.,S. Nagai,M. Hamaguchi,K. Nadaoka","Seven new microsatellite markers for crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci",,"Plankton and Benthos Research",,"Vol. 2","No. 2","pp. 103-106",2007,May
"Herrera, E.,K. Nadaoka,E. Hernandez,A. Blanco","Water balance analysis of Laguna de Bay, Philippines with focus on lake-water use and salinity intrusion",,"Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007, [CD]",,,,,2007,May
"Blanco, A.,K. Nadaoka,T. Yamamoto","Spatial and temporal distribution composition of nutrients, microalgae and CDOM in Shiraoh reef, ishigaki island",,"Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007 [CD]",,,,,2007,May
"Badira, V.,K. Nadaoka","Proposing a new regional sediment discharge predictor based on observed data from Taiwan",,"Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007 [CD]",,,,,2007,May
"Nadaoka, K.,S. Harii,Y. Suzuki,T. Nishimoto,H. Tamura,Y. Miyazawa,N. Yasuda","Reef connectivity in the Ryukyu islands, Japan, revealed by field and laboratory experiments and numerical simulations","ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting","ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting",,,,"p. 31",2007,Feb.
"Yasuda.N,S. Nagai,M. Hamaguchi,K. Okaji,K. Nadaoka","Population genetic structure of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci in Japan and Pacific islands revealed by microsatellites","ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting","ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting",,,,"p. 39",2007,Feb.
"TatsukiTokoro,Atsushi Watanabe,Hajime Kayanne,Kazuo Nadaoka,Hitoshi Tamura,Ken Nozaki,Ken Kato,Akira Negish","Measurement of air-water C02 transfer at four coastal sites using a chamber method",,"Journal of Marine Systems",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 140-149",2007,
"Pokavanich, T.,K. Nadaoka","Three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulation of Manila Bay",,"Proc. of the Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment",,,,"pp. CD",2006,Dec.
"Paringit, E.C.,K. Nadaoka,M.C.D.Rubio","Development of analysis technique for multi-temporal landsat satellite images to examine changes in coral reef conditions",,"Proc. of the Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment",,,," CD",2006,Dec.