"野村雅夫,張 逸群,藤井靖彦","Li-7濃縮試料を原料としたイオン交換クロマトグラフィーによるリチウム同位体効果(3)",,"日本原子力学会「2013 年秋の大会」予稿集",,," M26"," 596",2013,Sept. "野村雅夫,張 逸群,櫻井達也,藤井靖彦","Li-7濃縮試料を原料としたイオン交換クロマトグラフィーによるリチウム同位体効果(2)",,"日本原子力学会「2013 年春の年会」予稿集",,," F37"," 300",2013,Mar. "Yasuhiko. Fujii,Sang-Ho Kim,Masao Nomura,Fumiaki Kawakami","Mass Dependence of Iron Isotope Fractionation in Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Exchange Equilibration",,"Z. Naturforsch.",,"Vol. 68a",,"p. 79-84",2013,Jan. "Shin-ichi Koyama,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masaki Ozawa,Kiyoko Kurosawa,Reiko Fujita,Hitoshi Mimura,Ken Okada,Yasuji Morita,Yasuhiko Fujii","Advanced-ORIENT Cycle Project: Summary of Phase I Fundamental Studies",,"Procedia Chemistry",," 7",," 222-230",2012, "Shin-ichi Koyama,Isao Yamagishi,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masaki Ozawa,Reiko Fujita,Ken Okada,Katsuyoshi Tatenuma,Hitoshi Mimura,YASUHIKO FUJII","Advanced-ORIENT Cycle, its Scientific Progress and Prospect for Engineering Feasibility","Global2011 The 10th International Conference",,,,,,2011,Dec. "野村雅夫,張 逸群,鈴木達也,櫻井達也,藤井靖彦","Li-7濃縮試料を原料としたイオン交換クロマトグラフィーによるリチウム同位体効果",,"日本原子力学会「2011年秋の大会」予稿集",,,," E01, 212",2011,Sept. "濱田洋成,結城真美,櫻井達也,藤井靖彦,野村雅夫,金敷利隆,鈴木達也","日本産天然ゼオライトのセシウム吸着に関する粒子サイズ依存性",,"日本原子力学会「2011年秋の大会」予稿集",,,," D13, 185",2011,Sept. "Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Shin-ichi Koyama,YASUHIKO FUJII,M Saito","How to Manage Technetium (Nuclear Rare Metal) and Actinides, Toward Future Reprocessing System Providing Non-Proliferation -From Adv.-ORIENT Cycle to Apr?s ORIENT-","7th International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium- Science and Utilization-, Book of Abstracts",,,,,"p. 58",2011,July "野村雅夫,張 逸群,鈴木達也,藤井靖彦","Li-6濃縮試料を原料としたイオン交換クロマトグラフィーによるリチウム同位体効果",,"日本原子力学会「2011年春の年会」予稿集",,," B50"," 103",2011,Mar. "I.M. Ismail,M. Ibrahimb,H.F. Alyb,M. Nomura,Y. Fujii","Chromatographic separation of neodymium isotopes by using chemical exchange process",,"Journal of Chromatography A",," 1218",," 2923-2928",2011,Mar. "Yasuhiko FUJII,Masao NOMURA,Toshitaka KANESHIKI,Yoichi SAKUMA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Saori UMEHARA,Tadahumi KISHIMOTO","Mass dependence of calcium isotope fractionations in crown-ether resin chromatography",,"Isotope in Environmental Health and Studies",,"Vol. 46","No. 2"," 233-241",2010,June "Yuji FUKUDA,Yong-Hong ZHANG,Masao NOMURA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Yasuhiko FUJII,Takao OI","Strontium Isotope Effects Observed in Liquid Chromatography with Crown Ether Resins",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 47","No. 2","pp. 176-183",2010,Feb. "Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Shinichi Koyama,Isao Yamagishi,Reiko Fujita,Ken Okada,Katsuyoshi Tatenuma,Hitoshi Mimura,YASUHIKO FUJII","Advanced-ORIENT Cycle, Its Scientific Progress and the Engineering Feasibility","Global2009(CD)","Proceeding of Global2009(CD)",,,,"p. 1117-1126",2009,Sept. "青山美子,澤田哲生,山野直樹,藤井靖彦","原子力発電所建設の社会的意思決定プロセスにおけるステークホルダー関与の日仏比較分析",,"日本リスク研究学会誌",,"Vol. 19","No. 2","pp. 11-20",2009,Aug. "山野直樹,藤井靖彦,水尾順一,鳥井弘之","社会に信頼される原子力を目指して―原子力と社会の共進化",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 51","No. 1","pp. 26-31",2009,Jan. "Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii,Wu Yan,Hitoshi Mimura,Shin-ichi Koyama,Masaki Ozawa","Adsorption Behavior of VII Group Elements on Tertiary Pyridine Resin in Hydrochloric Acid Solution",,"J Radioanal Nucle Chem",,,,"pp. 641-644",2009, "藤井靖彦,野村雅夫","イオン交換と化学的同位体効果",,"放射化学ニュース",,,"No. 20","pp. 1-14",2009, "Masaki Ozawa,Shin-ichi Koyama,Reiko Fujita,Yasuhiko Fujii","Nuclear Rare Metals as a Dream of Modern Alchemists","14th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems ICENES 2009",,,,,,2009, "Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii,Yan Wu,Hitoshi Mimura,Shin-ichi Koyama,Masaki Ozawa","Adosorption Behaviour of Technetium on Tertiary Pyridine Resin in Hydrochloric Acid Solution","6th International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium- Science and Utilization",,,,,,2008,Oct. "野村雅夫,金相鎬,藤井靖彦,相田昌男","鉄の電子交換反応系における同位体効果",,"日本原子力学会「2008 年春の年会」予稿集",,,,"pp. H24, 370",2008,Mar. "Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Shin-ichi Koyama,Hiroshi Akatsuka,Hitoshi Mimura,Yasuhiko Fujii,Hitoshi Mimura","A New Back-end Cycle Strategy for Enhancing Separation, Transmutation and Utilization of Materials (Adv.-ORIENT Cycle)","Second COE-INES International Symposium, INES-2","Progress in Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER","Vol. 50",,"pp. 476-482",2008,Mar. "Izumi Komiya,Hiroyuki Torii,Yasuhiko Fujii,Noriyosu Hayashizaki","Relationship between students' interests in science and attitudes toward nuclear power generation",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 719-727",2008,Mar. "Xing-Cheng Ding,Toshitaka Kaneshiki,Masakuni Arima,Masao Nomura,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","High enrichment of 15N isotope by ion exchange for nitride fuel development",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"p. 504-509",2008, "Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii,Shin-ichi Koyama,Masaki Ozawa","Nuclide Separation from Spent Nuclear Fuels by Using Tertiary Pyridine Resin",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER Ltd. UK","Vol. 50",,"pp. 456-461",2008, "水尾順一,有冨正憲,関本博,鳥井弘之,藤井靖彦,山野直樹,澤田哲生,COE-INES社会チーム","原子力の社会的責任(NSR)における個人倫理と組織倫理",,"日本経営倫理学会誌",,,"No. 15","pp. 33-43",2008, "Yasuhiko Fujii,Shigeko Kamata","The 50th Anniversary of Nuclear Engineering in Tokyo Institute of Technology",":IAEA Technical Meeting on the Role of Universiry in Preserving and Managing Nuclear Knowledge",":IAEA Technical Meeting on the Role of Universiry in Preserving and Managing Nuclear Knowledge",,,,,2007,Dec. "Tatsuya Suzuki,Kazuyuki Takahashi,Masanobu Nogami,Masao Nomura,Masaki Ozawa,Shin-ichi Koyama,Hitoshi Mimura,Reiko Fujita,Yasuhiko Fujii","Concept of Advanced Spent Fuel Reprocessing based on Ion Exchange","Global 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuels Cycles and Systems",,,,,,2007,Sept. "Shin-ichi Koyama,Masaki Ozawa,Ken Okada,Kiyoko Kurosawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Safety Research of Multi-functional Reprocessing Process Considering Non-proliferation Based on Ion-exchange Method","Global2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuels Cycles and Systems",,,,,,2007,Sept. "Masaki Ozawa,Shin-ichi Koyama,Tatsuya Suzuki,Reiko Fujita,Hitoshi Mimura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Advanced ORIENT Cycle Toward Realizing Intensified Transmutation and Utilization of Radioactive Wastes","Global 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuels Cycles and Systems",,,,,,2007,Sept. "有冨正憲,矢野豊彦,水尾順一,藤井靖彦,赤塚洋,山野直樹,鳥井弘之,関本博","東工大原子炉工学研究所のSR イニシアチブ","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. A03",2007,Sept. "T. Sawada,A. Shioda,N. Yamano,Y. Aoyama,J. Mizuo,Y. Fujii","The Basic Concept of Social Responsibility (SR) of Nuclear Research and Its Practice",,"Proc. ISSNP2007 (CD-ROM)",,,,,2007,July "Masaki Ozawa,Reiko Fujita,Shin-ichi Koyama,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Advanced ORIENT Cycle, for Strategic Separation, Transmutation and Utilization of Nuclides in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle","ICENES 2007 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems",,,,,,2007,June "Xingcheng DING,Masao NOMURA,Yasuhiko FUJII","Zinc Isotope Fractionation on Benzo-15-crown-5 Resin by Liquid Chromatography",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.","Atomic Energy Society of Japan","Vol. 44","No. 4","pp. 623-627",2007,Apr. "X. DING,T. SUZUKI,M. NOMURA,H-J. KIM,Y. SUGIYAMA,Y.FUJII","Zinc isotope separation in acetone by displacement chromatography using benzo-15-crown-5 resin",,"J. Radioanaly. Nucl. Chem.","Springer","Vol. 273","No. 1","pp. 79-84",2007,Jan. "Atsushi Ikeda,Keisuke Itoh,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,YASUHIKO FUJII,Toshiaki Mitsugashira,Mitsuo Hara,Masaki Ozawa","Effect of counter-anions on the adsorption of trivalent actinides and lanthanides on tertiary pyridine resin in alcoholic chloride and nitrate solutions",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 408-412",,"pp. 1052-1055",2006,Dec. "Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Shin-ichi Koyama,Hiroshi Akatsuka,Hitoshi Mimura,Yasuhiko Fujii","A New Back-end Cycle Strategy for Enhancing Separation Transmutation and Utilization of Materials (Ad-ORIENT Cycle)","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium","Abstracts of the 21st Century COE Program COE-INES",,,,"pp. 59",2006,Nov. "Masaki Ozawa,Reiko Fujita,Shin-ichi Koyama,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Strategic Recycling of Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel Cycle as for Hydrogen Production Catalyst","9th OECD/NEA Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation",,,,,,2006,Sept. "M.Ozawa,S.Koyama,T.Suzuki,Y.Fujii","Innovative Separation Method for Advanced Spent Fuel Reprocessing Based on Tertiary Pyridine Resin",,"The Czechoslovak Journal of Physics",,"Vol. 56","No. Suppl.D PartII","pp. D579-587",2006,June "M.Ozawa,S.Koyama,T.Suzuki,Y.Fujii","Innovative Separation Method for Irradiated Fuels Based on Tertiary Pyridine Type Anion-Exchange Resin","15th Radiochemical Conference","Booklet of Abstracts",,,,"pp. 258",2006,Apr. "Yasuhiko FUJII,Nobuhiko HIGUCHI,Yoshio HARUNO,Masao NOMURA,Tatsuya Suzuki","Temperature Dependence of Isotope Effects in Uranium Chemical Exchange Reactions",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 400-406",2006,Apr. "Yasuhiko Fujii,Nobuhiko Higuchi,Yoshio Haruno,Masao Nomura,Tatuya Suzuki","Temperature Dependence of Isotope Effects in Uranium Chemical Exchange Reactions",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 400-406",2006, "Masaki Ozawa,Reiko Fujita,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Separation and Utilization of Rare Metal Fission Products from Nuclear Fuel Cycle as for Hydrogen Production Catalysts",,"Nuclear Production of Hydrogen",,,"No. OECD/NEA No.6122","pp. 355-364",2006, "Shin-ichi Koyama,Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Development of a Multi-functional Reprocessing Process Based on Ion-Exchange Method by Using Tertiary Pyridine-Type Resin",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 43","No. 6","pp. 681-689",2006, "Tatsuya Suzuki,Keisuke Itoh,Atsushi Ikesda,Masao Aida,Masaki Ozawa,Yasuhiko Fujii","Separation of rare earth elements by tertiary pyridine type resin",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 408-412","No. 408-412","pp. 1013-1016",2006, "Atsushi Ikeda,Keisuke Itoh,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,Yasuhiko Fujii,Toshiaki Mitsugashira,Mituo Hara,Masaki Ozawa","Effect of Counter-Anions on the Adsorption of Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides on tertiary Pyridine Resin in Alcoholic Chloride and Nitride Solutions",,"J. Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 408 – 412",,"pp. 1052 – 1055",2006, "Yong-Hong Zhang,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takao Oi","Cerium isotope effects in Ce(III) malate and lactate complex formation studied by long-distance displacement chromatography",,"Isotope in Environmental and Health Studies",,"Vol. 42","No. 3","pp. 279 – 288",2006, "Xingcheng Ding,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Nomura,Yuichi Sugiyama,Toshitaka Kaneshiki,Yasuhiko Fujii","A study on Zinc Isotope Fractionation in a Benzo Crown Resin / Aceton System,",,"The Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn",,"Vol. 79","No. 9","pp. 1389 – 1392",2006, "T. Saburi,T. Suzuki,K. Kikuchi,Y. Fujii","Reaction rates of refractory metal oxidation in cold oxygen plasma,",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 506 – 507",,"pp. 331 – 336",2006, "Xingcheng Ding,Masao Nomura,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yuichi Sugiyama,Toshitaka Kaneshiki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Chromatographic zinc isotope separation by phenol formaldehyde benzo crown resin,",,"J. Chromatog. A.",,"Vol. 1113",,"pp. 182-185",2006, "Yuji Fukuda,Yong-Hong Zhang,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takao Oi","Zinc Isotope Accumulation in Liquid Chromatography with Crown Ether Resin",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 446 – 449",2006, "Kohei Otake,Tatsuya Suzuki,Hyun-Jun Kim,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Novel Syntheses Method of Phenol Type Benzo – 15 – Crown – 5 Ether Resin Zinc Resin and its Application for Lithium Isotope Separation",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 419 – 422",2006, "Yong-Hong Zhang,Yuji Fukuda,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takao Oi","Zinc Isotope Effects Observed by Liquid Chromatography with Benzo– 15–Crown–5 Resin",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 415 – 418",2006, "Xingcheng Ding,Hyng- Jung Kiom,Masao Nomura,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yuichi Sugiyama,Yasuhiko Fujii","Zinc Isotope Separation by Phenol Formaldehyde Type 15–Crown–5 Resin in Organic Solvents,",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 411 – 414",2006, " Edd. Amnon Kohen,Hans-Heinrich Limbach. Authors:Takanobu Ishida,Yasuhiko Fujii","Isotope Effects in Chemistry and Biology; Chapter 2 Enrichment of Isotopes",,,"CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group",,,,2006, "Masaki OZAWA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Yasuhiko FUJII","Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in High-Level Liquid Waste - Toward Novel and Extensive Utilization of FP","ICEM'05 THE 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT",,,,,,2005,Sept. "Masaki Ozawa,Reiko Fujita,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Separation and Utilization of Rare Metal Fission Products from Nuclear Fuel Cycle as for Hydrogen Production Catalysts","The Second HTTR Workshop (The Third OECD/NEA/NSC Information Exchange Meeting on Nuclear Production of hydrogen) (第2回HTTRワークショップ(第3回OECD/NEA/NSC原子力水素製造に関する情報交換会議))",,,,,,2005,May "Masaki Ozawa,Shinichi Koyama,Tatsuya Suzuki,YASUHIKO FUJII","Separation and Utilization of Tc and Other Rare Metal Fission Products by an Extended Aqueous Reprocessing","Internatilanal Symposium on Technetium Science and Utilization","Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences",,"Vol. 6","No. 3","p. 275-278",2005,May "Masaki Ozawa,Tatsuya Suzuki,Yasuhiko Fujii","Separation and Utilization of Tc and Other Rare Metal Fission Products by an Extended Aqueous Reprocessing","IST2005 International Symposium on Technetium -Science and Utilization-",,,,,,2005,May "藤井靖彦","産官学ー地域連携による多様な原子力開発",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 47","No. 6","pp. 398-402",2005, "Xing Cheng Ding,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Nomura,Masao Aida,Yasuhiko Fujii","Nitrogen isotope enrichment for nitride fuel by using hybrid chemical exchange process",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 420-425",2005, "Atsushi Ikeda,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,Yasuhiko Fujii,Toshiaki Mitsugashira,Mistuo Hara,Masaki Ozawa","A Novel Chromatographic Separation Technique Using Tertiary Pyridine Resin for the Partitioning of Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER Ltd. UK","Vol. 47","No. No1-4","pp. 454-461",2005, "Yukihiko Izumizaki,Ki Chul Park,Yuu Tachibana,Hiroshi Yomiyasu,Yasuhiko Fujii","Organic decomposition in supercritical water by an aid of ruthenium(IV) oxide as a catalyst - Exploitation of biomass resources for hydrogen production -",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 544-552",2005, "Yong-Hong Zhang,Shinichiro Gunji,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takao Oi","Observation of cerium isotope fractionation in ion-exchange chromatography of Ce(III)-malate complex",,"Journal of Chromatography A",,"Vol. 1069",,"pp. 133-139",2005, "Masaki OZAWA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Shin-ichi Koyama,Yasuhiko FUJII","Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in Radioactive Wastes in New Directions of Their Utilization",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER Ltd. UK","Vol. 47","No. No1-4","pp. 462-471",2005, "A.Badalyan,V.Chaltykyan,Yasuhiko Fujii,Yu.Malakyan,Masaki Ozawa,A.Papoyan,S.Shmavonyan","Studies of Laser Induced Cesium and Rubidium Hydride Formation in Vapor Cells and Their Application for Isotope Separation",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER Ltd. UK","Vol. 47","No. No1-4","pp. 389-396",2005, "Atsushi Ikeda,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,Yasuhiko Fujii,Toshiaki Mitsugashira,Mitsuo Hara,Masaki Ozawa","Novel Chlomatographic Separation Technique Using Tertiary Pyridine Resin for the Partitioning of Trivalent Actinides from Lanthanides","The 1st COE-INES International Symposium",,,,,,2004,Oct. "A.Badalyan,V.Chaltykyan,Yasuhiko Fujii,Yu.Malakyan,Masaki Ozawa,A.Papoyan,S.Shmavonya","Studies of Laser Induced Cesium and Rubidium Hydride Formation in Vapor Cells and Their Application for Isotope Separation","The 1st COE-INES International Symposium",,,,,,2004,Oct. "T. Suzuki,K. Ito,A. Ikeda,Y.Fujii,M.Ozawa,M.Hara,T.Mitsugashira","Separation of Americium and Curium by Chromatographic Technique using Tertiary Pyridine type Resin","8th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation",,,,,,2004,Oct. "Masaki OZAWA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Shin-ichi Koyama,Yasuhiko FUJII","Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in Radioactive Wastes in New Directions of Their Utilization The 1st COE-INES International Symposium","INES-1",,,,,,2004,Oct. "Atsushi IKEDA,Tatsuya SUZUKI,Masao AIDA,Kouhei OTAKE,Yasuhiko FUJII,Keisuke ITOH,Toshiaki MITSUGASHIRA,Mitsuo HARA,Masaki OZAWA","Chromatographic Separation of Trivalent Actinides by Methanolic Nitric Acid Solutions",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 41","No. 9","pp. 915-918",2004,Sept. "藤井靖彦","逆風下の原子力工学教育",,"エネルギーレビュー",,,"No. 3","pp. 46ー49",2004,Apr. "藤井靖彦","原子力教育における諸課題",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 46","No. 2","pp. 102-106",2004,Feb. "Atsushi Ikeda,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,Kouhei Otake,Yasuhiko Fujii,Keisuke Itoh,Toshiaki Mitsugashira,Mitsuo Hara,Masaki Ozawa","Chromatographic Separation of Trivalent Actinides by Using Tertiary Pyridine Resin with Methanolic Nitric Acid Solutions",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 9","pp. 915-918",2004, "藤井靖彦","イオン交換法による同位体効果と同位体分離の研究",,"日本イオン交換学会誌",,"Vol. 15","No. 2","pp. 68",2004, "Yuriko Ono,Yasuhiko Fujii,Shigeru Nagase,Takanobu Ishida","A density functional theory study applied for carbon isotope effects in the non-aqueous [Cu(CO)]+/CO system",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 309",,"pp. 71-78",2004, "Atsushi Ikeda,Tatsuya Suzuki,Masao Aida,Kouhei Ohtake,Yasuhiko Fujii,Keisuke Itoh,Mitsuo Hara,Toshiaki Mitsugashira","Effect of f-electron configurations on the adsorption of trivalent f-elements on tertiary pyridine resin in hydrochloric acid/alcohol mixed solvents",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 374",,"pp. 245-248",2004, "Yuriko Ono,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takanobu Ishida","A density functional theory study applied for carbon and oxygen isotope effects in the system Ni(CO)4/CO",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 390",,"pp. 421-426",2004, "Yong-Hong Zhang,Yasutoshi Ban,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Isotope effects in the V(IV)-malate complex formation system",,"Polyhedron",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 1377-1383",2003, "Zheng Chang,M. Nomura,Y. Fujii","Isotope effect of potassium in an aqueous/amalgam system",,"Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry",,"Vol. 258","No. 3","pp. 511-518",2003, "Kenji TAKESHITA,YOSHIO NAKANO,Masami SHIMIZU,YASUHIKO FUJII","Recovery of 14C from Graphite Moderator of Gas-cooled Reactor (GCR)",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 39","Issue 11","pp. 1207-1212",2002,Sept. "Y. Ban,M. Nomura,Y. Fujii","Isotope Effects of Zinc in Crown Ether Chromatography",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 39","No. 2","pp. 156 - 159",2002, "Yasutoshi Ban,Masao Aida,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Zinc Isotope Separation by Ligand Exchange Chromatography Using Cation Exchange Resin",,"J. Ion Exchange",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 46 - 52",2002, "I. M. Ismail,M. A. Matin,M. Nomura,S. Begum,M. Aida,Y. Fujii","Isotope Effects of Copper in Cu(II) Ligand-Exchange Systems by Ion Exchange Chromatography",,"J. Ion Exchange",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 40 - 45",2002, "M. A. Matin,I. M. Ismail,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Isotope Effects of Copper in Cu(II) Malate Ligand Exchange System Studied by Using Ion Exchange Displacement Chromatography",,"Sep. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 37","No. 9","pp. 2129 - 2142",2002, "Yasuhiko Fujii,Masao Nomura,Yasutoshi Ban","Isotope Effects in Electron Exchange Reactions",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 39","No. 4","pp. 413 - 418",2002, "Ibrahim M. Ismail. Masao Nomura,Masao Aida,Yasuhiko Fujii","The Effect of Temperature on Uranium Isotope Effects Studied by Cation Exchange Displacement Chromatography",,"Z. Naturforsch.",,"Vol. 57a",,"pp. 247 - 254",2002, "鈴木明夫,宮松徳久,川原拓夫,藤井靖彦","イオン交換膜による硫酸溶液からの硫酸の回収",,"第17回日本イオン交換研究発表会",,"Vol. P8",,"pp. 68",2001, "小野ゆり子,佐分利禎,藤井靖彦,川内進,石田孝信","カルバメートにおける炭素同位体効果に関する研究",,"日本原子力学会「2001年秋の大会」",,"Vol. L52",,"pp. 722",2001, "池田篤史,相田昌男,藤井靖彦,片岡忍,安念外典,佐藤純","硫酸溶液系でのウラニルイオンと金属イオンの分離",,"日本原子力学会「2001年秋の大会」",,"Vol. L41",,"pp. 711",2001, "益子好生,藤井靖彦","超臨界領域における希薄電解溶液の電気伝導度測定",,"日本化学会第79春期年会",,"Vol. I",,"pp. 613",2001, "Tei Saburi,Kiyoshi Kiuchi,Yasuhiko Fujii","Oxidation Enhanced by Low Energy Plasma at Pressure Boundary Materials of Nuclear Equipment",,"25th Inter. Conf. Phenomena in Ionized Gasess",,,,"pp. 93-94",2001, "Yuriko Ono,Susumu Kawauchi,Ken Okada,Du JinZhou,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takanobu Ishida","A Density Functional Theory Study of Carbon Isotope Effects in the system[Cu(I)(NH3)3(CO)]++CO",,"Inter. Symp. Isotope Effects in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering",,,,"pp. 142-144",2001, "Yasuhiko Fujii","Isotope Effects in Electron Exchange Reactions",,"Inter. Symp. Isotope Effects in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering",,,,"pp. 118-120",2001, "Yasutoshi Ban,Masao Nomura,Yasuhiko Fujii","Isotope Effects of Strontium in Crown Ether Chromatography",,"Sep. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 36","No. 10","pp. 2165 - 2180",2001, "K.Shirao,Y. Fujii,H. Matsuura,M. Misawa,T. Fukunaga,Y. Iwadate,K. Fukushima"," Short Range Structure of Molten MCl2(M=Sr, Ba)-ACl(Na, K) Analyzed by T-O-F Pulsed Neutron Diffraction",,"Inter. Conf. Neutron Scattering",,,,"pp. 209",2001, "Yuriko Ono,Susumu Kawauchi,Tei Saburi,Du JinZhou,Yasuhiko Fujii,Takanobu Ishida","A density Functionl Theory Study of Carbon Isotope Effects in the System (1) [Cu(I)(NH3)3(CO)]++Co and (2) Carbamate + CO2",,"1st Inter. Symp. Isotopomers",,,,"pp. 98-99",2001, "Du JinZhou,Yasuhiko Fujii","Temperature Dependence of Carbon Isotope Effects in CO/CO Complex Exchange Reactions",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 5237-5241",2001, "Y. Kawai,T. Suzuki,T. Saburi,Y. Fujii","Effect of discharge microwave frequency on electron temperature of electron cyclotron resonance plasma",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 72","No. 3","pp. 1666 - 1667",2001, "藤井靖彦","核燃料サイクルの現状",,"エネルギー変換懇話会会報",,,,"pp. 41ー 45",2001, "竹下健二,中野義夫,清水正巳,藤井靖彦,前口浩人","照射グラファイトからの炭素14の回収",,"日本原子力学会「2000年秋の大会」",,,,"pp. I16, 542",2000, "伴康俊,野村雅夫,藤井靖彦","18クラウン6樹脂によるSrおよびBa同位体分離",,"第16回日本イオン交換研究発表会",,,,"pp. 2-01,37",2000, "池田篤史,相田昌男,藤井靖彦","Cr(III)-硫酸系におけるCr(III)イオンの陽イオン交換樹脂に対する吸着挙動",,"第16回日本イオン交換研究発表会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 1-01,1",2000, "藤井靖彦","イオン交換と同位体分離",,"第13回イオン交換セミナー",,,,"pp. 1-8",2000, "小野ゆり子,岡田賢,杜金洲,藤井靖彦","[Cu(NH3)3CO]+-COにおける炭素同位体効果に関する研究",,"日本原子力学会「2000年秋の大会」",,,,"pp. I17, 543",2000, "Tei Saburi,Kiyoshi Kiuchi,Satoshi Ueda,Yasuhiko Fujii","Development of low energy plasma testing method for analyzing acceleration mechanism of oxidation by exited oxygen",,"Proc. 17th symp. plasma processing",,,,"pp. 475-478",2000, "Sang-Ho KIM,Masao Aida,Masao NOMURA,Rifaid M. NUR,YASUHIKO FUJII","Iron Isotope Effects Studied by Means of Anion Exchange Redox Chromatography",,"Journal of Ion Exchange",,"Vol. 11","No. 2","pp. 26-31",2000, "藤井靖彦,糸井 滋,宮松徳久","空気脱塩装置(ADI)の開発",,"日本エアロゾル学会, 第16回エアロゾル科学・技術研究討論会",,,"No. A-02","pp. 4ー6",1999, "Y.FUJII","Measurement of Li-MNR Chemical Shifts on Adsorbed Li lons in Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resins",,"Solv. Extrac. Ion Exch.",,"Vol. 17","No. 2","pp. 419-427",1999, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Anomalous Isotope Effects of Heavy Element",,"International Conference on Stable Isotopes and Isotope Effects ; Carry le Rouet, France",,,"No. June","pp. A02",1999, "藤井靖彦","原子力を考える?社会的視点から?",,"日本原子力学会「1999年春の年会」要旨集",,,,"pp. 学4?学5",1999, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Theoretical Analysis of Separating Nitrogen Isotopes by Ion-Exchange(jointly authored)",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 34","No. 3","pp. 277-282",1997, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Isotope effects of magnesium in amalgam/organic solution systems(jointly authored)",,"Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions",,"Vol. 93","No. 14","pp. 2395-2398",1997, "YASUHIKO FUJII","RADIATION RESISTANCE OF PYRIDINE TYPE ANION EXCHANGE RESINS FOR SPENT FUEL TREATMENT(Jointly authored)",,"Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Articles",,"Vol. 203","No. 1","pp. 109-117",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Mechanical Properties of Molded Specimen from Polypropylen Film Irradiated with Gamma Rays in Acetylene Gas Atmosphere",,"Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,"Vol. 38","No. 1","pp. 59-64",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","ION-EXCHANGE SELECTIVITY OF TERTIARY PYRIDINE-TYPE ANION-EXCHANGE RESIN FOR TREATMENT OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUELS(jointly authored)",,"NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 115",,"pp. 293-297",1996, "Y.FUJII","Isotope effects of barium in amalgam/aqueous hydroxide solution systems(jointly authored)",,"Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transacitions",,"Vol. 92","No. 22","pp. 4485-4489",1996, "Y.FUJII","Mass Dependence of Uranium Isotope Effects in the U(TV)-U(VI)Exchange Reaction(jointly authored)",,"Journal of the American chemical Society",,"Vol. 118","No. 38","pp. 9127-9130",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Nuclear Energy, the Present and the Future",,"高温学会誌",,"Vol. 22","No. 4","pp. 153-159",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Enrichment of U-232 by U(IV)-U(VI) Redox Ion Exchange Chromatography(Jointly authored)",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 33","No. 4","pp. 341-345",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Argon Plasma Contact Ionization of Alkali Metal Element(Jointly authored)",,"Plasma Sources Sci.Technol",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 323-326",1996, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Iostope Effects of Rubidium in Amalgam/Agueous Solution Systems(Jointly authored)",,"Journal of the Chemical Society,Faraday Transacitions",,"Vol. 91","No. 15","pp. 2319-2322",1995, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Study on the Introduction of Photovoltaic Power into the Electric Generation Mix",,"Trans ,IEE of Japan",,"Vol. 115-B","No. 12","pp. 1438-1446",1995, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Improved flexural Properties of Polymer Blends by Mixing With a Multifunctional Monomer and Crosslinking With Gamma-Rays(Jointly authored)",,"Plastics,Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications",,"Vol. 24","No. 5","pp. 293-300",1995, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Conversion of Tritium Gas to Tritiated Water by Cement Materials(Jointly authored)",,"Fusion Technol.",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 248",1994, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Contact Ionization Ion Source for Ion Cyclotron Resonance Separation(Jointly authored)",,"Jan. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 4247",1994, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Bubble formation from a single nozzle in moderator liquids and liquid metal for tritium breeding",,"J. Nuclear Materials",,,"No. 207","pp. 123-129",1993, "YASUHIKO FUJII","The rate process of tritium recovery from Li┣D217┫D2P6┣D283┫D2alloy",,"J. Nuclear Materials",,,"No. 207","pp. 339-334",1993, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Influence of the Coexistent Metal Ions on the Enrichment Behavior of the Chemical Uranium Enrichment",,"J. At. Energy Soc. Japan",,"Vol. 35","No. 8","pp. 739-748",1993, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Growing Uses of Stable Isotopes",,"J. At. Energy Soc. Japan",,"Vol. 35","No. 11","pp. 952-977",1993, "YASUHIKO FUJII","┣D119┫D1F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study on the Kinetics of the Fluoride Exchange in Uranium (VI) Fluoro Complex, (Jointly authored)",,"Bull Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 3022",1992, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Gadolinium Isotope Separation by Cation Exchange Chromatography, (Jointly authored)",,"J. Nucl . Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 1086",1992, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Simulation of Cleanup Operation of Tritiated Water on Fusion Reactor-Size Concrete Enclosures(Jointly authored)",,"Fusion Technol. ┣DB19(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 466-472",1991, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Measurement of Ionic Species in Low Temperature Deuterium Plasma(Jointly authored)",,"Vacuum ┣DB40(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 453-456",1990, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Diffusion of Tritiated Water Vapor into Concrete(Jointly authored)",,"Fusion Technol. ┣DB19(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 140-145",1990, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Anomalous Isotope Fractionation in Uranium Enrichment Process",,"J. Nucl. Sci. & Technol. ┣DB26(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 1061-1064",1989, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Equilibrium Time and Criticality of Chemical-Exchange Uranium Enrichment Process",,"Nucl. Technol. ┣DB86(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 282-288",1989, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Uranium Isotope Effects in Uranyl Carbonate Complex System(Jointly authored)",,"J. Phys. Chem. ┣DB93(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 2666-2668",1989, "YASUHIKO FUJII","An Anomalous Isotope Effect of ┣D1235┫D1U in U(IV)-U(VI)Chemical Exchange",,"Z. Naturforsch. ┣DB44a(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 395-398",1989, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Mass Spectrometric Measurement of Copper Isotopic Ratios Using Low-Temperature Thermal Ionization(Jointly authored)",,"Analy. Chem. ┣DB60(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 1812-1815",1988, "YASUHIKO FUJII","Chromatographic Enrichment of B-10 by Using Weak-Base Anion Exchange Resin(Jointly authored)",,"Sep. Sci. Technol. ┣DB21(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 643-654",1986, "YASUHIKO FUJII","A Theoretical Study of Isotope Separation by Displacement Chromatography(Jointly authored)",,"Sep. Sci. Technol. ┣DB20(/)-┫DB",,,,"pp. 377-392",1985, "藤井靖彦","イオン交換樹脂膜の電気泳動クロマトグラフィーによる金属イオンの同位体分離",,,,,,,1973,