"小川 竹次郎,石割 文崇,竹原 陵介,庄子 良晃,梶谷 孝,笹川 崇男,矢澤 宏次,福島 孝典","トリプチセン超分子足場を用いた双極性回転子の高密度二次元集積化","第73回高分子学会年次大会",,,,,,2024,June
"小川竹次郎,石割文崇,竹原 陵介,庄子 良晃,梶谷孝,笹川崇男,矢澤宏次,福島 孝典","双極性分子ローターユニットの二次元集積化と動的挙動","日本化学会第104春季年会",,,,,,2024,Mar.
"H. Tanaka,S. Okazaki,M. Kobayashi,Y. Fukushima,Y. Arai,T. Iimori,M. Lippmaa,K. Yamagami,Y. Kotani,F. Komori,K. Kuroda,T. Sasagawa,T. Kondo","Broken Screw Rotational Symmetry in the Near-Surface Electronic Structure of AB-Stacked Crystals",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 132",," 136402",2024,Mar.
"T. Wakamura,M. Hashisaka,S. Hoshino,M. Bard,S. Okazaki,T. Sasagawa,T. Taniguchi,K. Watanabe,K. Muraki,N. Kumada","Gate-tunable Giant Superconducting Nonreciprocal Transport in Few-layer Td-MoTe2",,"Phys. Rev. Research",," 6",," 013132",2024,Jan.
"K. Kinoshita,R. Moriya,S. Okazaki,Y. Zhang,S. Masubuchi,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,T. Sasagawa,T. Machida","Polarity-dependent Twist-controlled Resonant Tunneling Device based on Few-layer WSe2",,"Phys. Rev. Research",," 5",," 043292",2023,Dec.
"Y. Zhang,K. Kamiya,T. Yamamoto,M. Sakano,X. Yang,S. Masubuchi,S. Okazaki,K. Shinokita,T. Chen,K. Aso,Y. Yamada-Takamura,Y. Oshima,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,K. Matsuda,T. Sasagawa,K. Ishizaka,T. Machida","Symmetry Engineering in Twisted Bilayer WTe2",,"Nano Lett.",," 23",," 9280",2023,Oct.
"M.D. Randle,M. Hosoda,R.S. Deacon,M. Ohtomo,P. Zellekens,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,Shota Okazaki,Takao Sasagawa,K. Kawaguchi,S. Sato,K. Ishibashi","Gate-Defined Josephson Weak-Links in Monolayer WTe2",,"Adv. Mater.",,,," 2301683",2023,July
"K. Ueda,Ryoga Murata,Takao Sasagawa,Y. Shiomi","Piezoelectric Effect in 2H and 3R phases of alpha-In2Se3",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",," 62",," 061006",2023,June
"T. Tanda,R. Yano,H.T. Hirose,T. Sasagawa,S. Kashiwaya","Transport Properties of Magnetically doped Topological Insulator Fe-BiSbTe2Se",,"JPS Conf. Proc.",," 38",," 011180",2023,May
"H. Teshima,K. Donguhn,T. Sakamori,R. Yano,Y. Hiramatsu,S. Tamura,K. Yada,Y. Tanaka,T. Sasagawa,S. Kashiwaya","Andreev Bound States and Doppler Shift in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/Au Junctions",,"JPS Conf. Proc.",," 38",," 011041",2023,May
"D. Pelc,R.J. Spieker,Z.W. Anderson,M.J. Krogstad,N. Biniskos,N.G. Bielinski,B. Yu,T. Sasagawa,L. Chauviere,P. Dosanjh,R. Liang,D.A. Bonn,A. Damascelli,S. Chi,Y.Liu,R. Osborn,M. Greven","Unconventional Short-range Structural Fluctuations in Cuprate Superconductors",,"Scientific Reports",," 12",," 20483",2022,Dec.
"S. Masubuchi,M. Sakano,Y. Tanaka,Y. Wakafuji,T. Yamamoto,S. Okazaki,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,J. Li,H. Ejima,T. Sasagawa,K. Ishizaka,T. Machida","Dry Pick-and-flip Assembly of van der Waals Heterostructures for Microfocus Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Scientific Reports",," 12",," 10936",2022,June
"M. Sakano,Y. Tanaka,S. Masubuchi,S. Okazaki,T. Nomoto,A. Oshima,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,R. Arita,T. Sasagawa,T. Machida,K. Ishizaka","Odd-even Layer-number Effect of Valence-band Spin Splitting in WTe2",,"Phys. Rev. Research",," 4",," 023247",2022,June
"Y.M. Itahashi,T. Ideue,S. Hoshino,C. Goto,H. Namiki,T. Sasagawa,Y. Iwasa","Giant Second Harmonic Transport under Time-reversal Symmetry in a Trigonal Superconductor",,"Nature Commun.",,,,,2022,Apr.
"H. Tanaka,S. Okazaki,K. Kuroda,R. Noguchi,Y. Arai,S. Minami,S. Ideta,D. Lu,M. Hashimoto,V. Kandyba,M. Cattelan,A. Barinov,T. Muro,T. Sasagawa,T. Kondo","Large Anomalous Hall Effect Induced by Weak Ferromagnetism in the Noncentrosymmetric Antiferromagnet CoNb3S6",,"Phys. Rev. B",,,,,2022,Apr.
"Y. Zhang,R. Taniguchi,S. Masubuchi,R. Moriya,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,T. Sasagawa,T. Machida","Switchable Out-of-plane Shift Current in Ferroelectric Two-dimensional Material CuInP2S6",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 120",," 013103",2022,Jan.
"Z. Wang,J. Olivares,H. Namiki,V. Pareek,K. Dani,T. Sasagawa,V. Madhavan,Y. Okada","Visualizing Superconductivity in an Inversion-symmetry-broken Doped Weyl Semimetal",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 104",," 115102",2021,Sept.
"J. Okamoto,A. Chainani,Z.Y. Chen,H.Y. Huang,A. Singh,T. Sasagawa,D.I. Khomskii,A. Fujimori,C.T. Chen,D.J. Huang","Evolution of Valence- and Spin-specific Local Sistortions in La2-xSrxCoO4",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 104",," 054417",2021,Aug.
"B. K. Pokharel,Y. Wang,J. Jaroszynski,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovic","Charge Order Dynamics in Underdoped La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4 Revealed by Electric Pulses",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 118",," 244104",2021,June
"Z. Shi,P.G. Baity,J. Terzic,B.K. Pokharel,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovic","Magnetic Field Reveals Vanishing Hall Response in the Normal State of Stripe-ordered Cuprates",,"Nature Commun.",," 12",," 3724",2021,June
"K. Takeyama,R. Moriya,S. Okazaki,Y. Zhang,S. Masubuchi,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,T. Sasagawa,T. Machida","Resonant Tunneling Due to van der Waals Quantum-Well States of Few-Layer WSe2 in WSe2/h-BN/p+-MoS2 Junction",,"Nano Lett.",," 21",," 3929",2021,May
"R. Yano,A. Kudriashov,H. T. Hirose,T. Tsuda,H. Kashiwaya,T. Sasagawa,A.A. Golubov,V.S. Stolyarov,S. Kashiwaya","Magnetic Gap of Fe-Doped BiSbTe2Se Bulk Single Crystals Detected by Tunneling Spectroscopy and Gate-Controlled Transports",,"J. Phys. Chem. Lett.",," 12",," 4180",2021,May
"Y. Watanabe,M. Kumazaki,H. Ezure,T. Sasagawa,R. J. Cava,M. Itoh,Y. Shimizu","Local Observations of Orbital Diamagnetism and Excitation in Three-Dimensional Dirac Fermion Systems Bi1-xSbx",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn",," 90",," 053701",2021,Apr.
"T. Yokoyama,S. Ohuchi,E. Igaki,T. Matsui,Y. Kaneko,T. Sasagawa","An Efficient ab-initio Scheme for Discovering Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials by using Genetic Algorithms",,"J. Phys. Chem. Lett.",," 12",," 2023",2021,Apr.
"T. Yokoyama,S. Ohuchi,T. Matsui,Y. Kaneko,T. Sasagawa","Low-cost Computing of the Thermophysical Properties of Organic-inorganic Halide Perovskites by Density Functional Theory Combined with the Three-dimensional Reference Interaction Site Method",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",," 125",," 6601",2021,Apr.
"P.-J. Huang,K. Taniguchi,M. Shigefuji,T. Kobayashi,M. Matsubara,T. Sasagawa,H. Sato,H. Miyasaka","Chirality-dependent Circular Photogalvanic Effect in Enantiomorphic Two-dimensional Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskites",,"Adv. Mater.",,,," 2008611",2021,Apr.
"Po-Jung Huang,Kouji Taniguchi,Masato Shigefuji,Takatsugu Kobayashi,Masakazu Matsubara,Takao Sasagawa,Hiroyasu Sato,Hitoshi Miyasaka","Chirality‐Dependent Circular Photogalvanic Effect in Enantiomorphic 2D Organic?Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites",,"Advanced Materials",,"vol. 33","No. 17","pp. 2008611",2021,Mar.
"T. Misawa,S. Nakamura,Shota Okazaki,Y. Fukuyama,N. Nasaka,H. Ezure,C. Urano,N.-H. Kaneko,T. Sasagawa","Single-surface Conduction in a Highly Bulk-resistive Topological Insulator Sn0.02Bi1.08Sb0.9Te2S using the Corbino Geometry",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 118",," 033102",2021,Jan.
"R. Noguchi,M. Kobayashi,Z. Jiang,K. Kuroda,T. Takahashi,Z. Xu,D. Lee,M. Hirayama,M. Ochi,T. Shirasawa,P. Zhang,C. Lin,C. Bareille,S. Sakuragi,H. Tanaka,S. Kunisada,K. Kurokawa,K. Yaji,A. Harasawa,V. Kandyba,A. Giampietri,A. Barinov,T.K. Kim,C. Cacho,M. Hashimoto,D. Lu,S. Shin,R. Arita,K. Lai,T. Sasagawa,T. Kondo","Evidence for a Higher-order Topological Insulator in a Three-dimensional Material Built from van der Waals Stacking of Bismuth-halide Chains",,"Nature Materials",," 20",," 473",2021,Jan.
"T. Ideue,S. Koshikawa,H. Namiki,T. Sasagawa,Y. Iwasa","Giant Nonreciprocal Magnetotransport in Bulk Trigonal Superconductor PbTaSe2",,"Phys. Rev. Research",," 2",," 042046",2020,Dec.
"Y. Okamoto,K. Saigusa,T. Wada,Y. Yamakawa,A. Yamakage,T. Sasagawa,N. Katayama,H. Takatsu,H. Kageyama,K. Takenaka","High-mobility Carriers Induced by Chemical Doping in the Candidate Nodal-line Semimetal CaAgP",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 102",," 115101",2020,Sept.
"S.A. Ekahana,Y.W. Li,Y.Sun,H.Namiki,H.F. Yang,J.Jiang,L.X. Yang,W.J. Shi,C.F. Zhang,D. Pei,C. Chen,T. Sasagawa,C. Felser,B.H. Yan,Z.K. Liu,Y.L. Chen","Topological Lifshitz Transition of the Intersurface Fermi-arc Loop in NbIrTe4",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 102",," 085126",2020,Aug.
"T. Misawa,S. Nakamura,Y. Okazaki,Y. Fukuyama,N. Nasaka,H. Ezure,C. Urano,N.-H. Kaneko,T. Sasagawa","Dual-gate Control of the Surface Carriers of the Highly-bulk-resistive Topological Insulator Sn0.02Bi1.08Sb0.9Te2S",,"J. Phys.: Condens. Matter",," 32",," 405704",2020,July
"Z. Shi,P.G. Baity,J. Terzic,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovi?","Pair Density Wave at High Magnetic Fields in Cuprates with Charge and Spin Orders",,"Nature Commun.",," 11",," 3323",2020,July
"M. Murase,T. Sasagawa","Large Magnetoresistance and Dirac Line Node in LaAgBi2",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn",," 89",," 055003",2020,June
"S. Masubuchi,E. Watanabe,Y. Seo,S. Okazaki,T. Sasagawa,K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi,T. Machida","Deep-Learning-Based Image Segmentation Integrated with Optical Microscopy for Automatically Searching for Two-Dimensional Materials",,"NPJ 2D Mater. Appl.",,,,,2020,Mar.
"R. Yano,M. Koyanagi,H. Kashiwaya,K. Tsumura,H. T Hirose,Y. Asano,T. Sasagawa,S. Kashiwaya","Unusual Superconducting Proximity Effect in Magnetically Doped Topological Josephson Junctions",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn",," 89",," 134702",2020,Jan.
"Z. Shi,P.G. Baity,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovi?","Vortex phase diagram and the normal state of cuprates with charge and spin orders",,"Science Advances",," 6",," eaay8946",2020,Jan.
"T. Ideue,M. Hirayama,H. Taiko,T. Takahashi,M. Murase,T. Miyake,S. Murakami,T. Sasagawa,Y. Iwasa","Pressure-induced Topological Phase Transition in Noncentrosymmetric Elemental Tellurium",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.",," 116",," 25530",2019,Dec.
"O.J. Clark,F. Mazzola,I. Markovic,J. M. Riley,J. Feng,B.-J. Yang,T. Okuda,J. Fujii,I. Vobornik,T.K. Kim,K. Okawa,T. Sasagawa,M.S. Bahramy,P.D.C. King","A General Route to Form Topologically-protected Surface and Bulk Dirac Fermions along High-Symmetry Lines",,"Electronic Structure",,,,,2019,June
"T. Machida,Y. Sun,S. Pyon,S. Takeda,Y. Kohsaka,T. Hanaguri,T. Sasagawa,T. Tamegai","Zero-energy Vortex Bound State in the Superconducting Topological Surface State of Fe(Se,Te)",,"Nature Materials",," 18",," 811",2019,June
"G. Yu,D.-D. Xia,D. Pelc,R.-H. He,N.-H. Kaneko,T. Sasagawa,Y. Li,X. Zhao,N. Barisic,A. Shekhter,M. Greven","Universal Precursor of Superconductivity in the Cuprates",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 99",," 214502",2019,June
"R. Yano,H.T. Hirose,K. Tsumura,S. Yamamoto,M. Koyanagi,M. Kanou,H. Kashiwaya,T. Sasagawa,S. Kashiwaya","Proximity-Induced Superconducting States of Magnetically Doped 3D Topological Insulators with High Bulk Insulation",,"Cond. Matter",," 4",," 9",2019,May
"T. Terashige,T. Ono,T. Miyamoto,T. Morimoto,H. Yamakawa,N. Kida,T. Ito,T. Sasagawa,T. Tohyama,H. Okamoto","Doublon-holon Pairing Mechanism via Exchange Interaction in Two-dimensional Cuprate Mott Insulators",,"Science Advances",," 5",," 214502",2019,May
"K. Tanaka,N.T. Hieu,G. Vincini,T. Masui,S. Miyasaka,S. Tajima,T. Sasagawa","Quantitative Comparison between Electronic Raman Scattering and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Superconductors: Doping Dependence of Nodal and Antinodal Superconducting Gaps",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn",," 88",," 044710",2019,May
"R. Noguchi,T. Takahashi,K. Kuroda,M. Ochi,T. Shirasawa,M. Sakano,C. Bareille,M. Nakayama,M.D. Watson,K. Yaji,A. Harasawa,H. Iwasawa,P. Dudin,T.K. Kim,M. Hoesch,V. Kandyba,A. Giampietri,A. Barinov,S. Shin,R. Arita,T. Sasagawa,T. Kondo","A Weak Topological Insulator State in Quasi-one-dimensional Bismuth Iodide",,"Nature",," 566",," 518",2019,Apr.
"D. Pelc,M. Vu?kovi?,M.S. Grbi?,M. Po?ek,G. Yu,T. Sasagawa,M. Greven,N. Bari?i?","Emergence of Superconductivity in the Cuprates via a Universal Percolation Process",,"Nature Commun.",," 9",," 4327",2018,Oct.
"K. Okawa,M. Kanou,H. Namiki,T. Sasagawa","Extremely Large Magnetoresistance induced by Hidden Three-dimensional Dirac Bands in Nonmagnetic Semimetal InBi",,"Phys. Rev. Mater.",," 2",," 124201",2018,Oct.
"G. Coslovich,B. Huber,S. Behl,A.F. Kemper,T. Sasagawa,H. A. Bechtel,M.C. Martin,R.A. Kaindl","Ultrafast Multi-terahertz Probes of Symmetry Breaking in a Stripe-phase Correlated Oxide",,"Proc. SPIE",," 10756",," 107560K",2018,Oct.
"M.Horio,Y. Takeda,H. Namiki,T. Katagiri,Y.K. Wakabayashi,S. Sakamoto,Y. Nonaka,G. Shibata,K. Ikeda,Y. Saitoh,H. Yamagami,T. Sasagawa,A. Fujimori","Magnetic States of the Weakly Ferromagnetic Iron-Based Superconductor Sr2VFeAsO3−δ Studied by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.",," 87",," 105001",2018,Sept.
"J. S. Jeong,W. Wu,M. Topsakal,G. Yu,T. Sasagawa,M. Greven,K. A,Mkhoyan","Decomposition of La2-xSrxCuO4 into Several La2O3 Phases at Elevated Temperatures in Ultrahigh Vacuum inside a Transmission Electron Microscope",,"Phys. Rev. Mater.",," 2",," 054801",2018,May
"O.J. Clark,M.J. Neat,K. Okawa,L. Bawden,I. Markovic,F. Mazzola,J. Feng,V. Sunko,J.M. Riley,W. Meevasana,J. Fujii,I. Vobornik,T.K. Kim,M. Hoesch,T. Sasagawa,P. Wahl,M.S. Bahramy,P.D.C. King","Fermiology and Superconductivity of Topological Surface States in PdTe2",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 120",," 156401",2018,Apr.
"P. G. Baity,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovic","Collective Dynamics and Strong Pinning in the Charge-Density-Wave-Ordered Phasein La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 120",," 156602",2018,Apr.
". Kinoshita,N. Kida,T. Miyamoto,M. Kanou,T. Sasagawa,H. Okamoto","Terahertz Radiation by Subpicosecond Spin-polarized Photocurrent Originating from Dirac Electrons in a Rashba-type Polar Semiconductor",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 97",," 161104(R)",2018,Apr.
"T. Misawa,J. Widiatmo,Y. Kano,T. Sasagawa,K. Yamazawa","Progress Report on NMIJ Acoustic Gas Thermometry at the Triple Point of Water",,"Int. J. Thermophys.",," 39",," 4",2018,Jan.
"J. Hu,K. Igarashi,T. Sasagawa,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,O.V. Misochko","Femtosecond Study of A_1g Phonons in the Strong 3D Topological Insulators: From Pump-probe to Coherent Control",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 112",," 031901",2018,Jan.
"M.S. Bahramy,O.J. Clark,B.-J. Yang,J. Feng,L. Bawden,J. M. Riley,I. Markovic,F. Mazzola,V. Sunko,D. Biswas,S. P. Cooil,M. Jorge,J.W.Wells,M. Leandersson,T. Balasubramanian,J. Fujii,I. Vobornik,J. Rault,T. K. Kim,M. Hoesch,K. Okawa,M. Asakawa,T. Sasagawa,T. Eknapakul,W. Meevasana,P.D.C. King","Ubiquitous Formation of Bulk Dirac Cones and Topological Surface States from a Single Orbital Manifold in Transition-metal Dichalcogenides",,"Nature Materials",," 17",," 21",2018,Jan.
"A. Nomura,N. Nasaka,T. Tashiro,T. Sasagawa,K. Ando","Absorption of Diffusive Spin Current in Surface and Bulk States of a Topological Insulator",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 96",," 214440",2017,Dec.
"G. Coslovich,A.F. Kemper,S. Behl,B. Huber,H. A. Bechtel,T. Sasagawa,M.C. Martin,A. Lanzara,R.A. Kaindl","Ultrafast Dynamics of Vibrational Symmetry Breaking in a Charge-ordered Nickelate",,"Science Advances",," 3",," e1600735",2017,Nov.
"S. Kunisada,S. Adachi,S. Sakai,N. Sasaki,M. Nakayama,S. Akebi,K. Kuroda,T. Sasagawa,T. Watanabe,S. Shin,T. Kondo","Observation of Bogoliubov Band Hybridization in the Optimally Doped Trilayer Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 119",," 217001",2017,Nov.
"A. Ohmura,Y. Higuchi,T. Ochiai,M. Kanou,S. Nakano,F. Ishikawa,A. Nakayama,Y. Yamada,T. Sasagawa","Investigation of Topological Phase Transition in BiTeBr under High Pressure",,"J. Phys. Conf. Series",," 950",," 042036",2017,Oct.
"K. Iwaya,Y. Kohsaka,K. Okawa,T. Machida,M.S. Bahramy,T. Hanaguri,T. Sasagawa","Full-gap Superconductivity in Spin-polarised Surface States of Topological Semimetal β-PdBi2",,"Nature Commun.",," 8",," 976",2017,Oct.
"H. Choi,M. Neupane,T. Sasagawa,E. E. M. Chia,J.-X. Zhu","Low-energy Surface States in the Normal State of α-PdBi2 Superconductor",,"Phys. Rev. Mater.",," 1",," 034201",2017,Aug.
"D. Biswas,A. M. Ganose,R. Yano,J. M. Riley,L. Bawden,O. J. Clark,J. Feng,L. Collins-Mcintyre,W. Meevasana,T. K. Kim,M. Hoesch,J. E. Rault,T. Sasagawa,D. O. Scanlon,P. D. C. King","Narrow-band Anisotropic Electronic Structure of ReS2",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 96",," 085205",2017,Aug.
"H. Namiki,T. Sasagawa","Anisotropic Superconducting Properties of Noncentrosymmetric PbTaSe2 as a Candidate Exotic Superconductor",,"Sci. Adv. Mater.",," 8",," 2097",2017,July
"S.A. Ekahana,S.-C. Wu,J. Jiang,K. Okawa,D. Prabhakaran,C.-C. Hwang,S.-K. Mo,T. Sasagawa,C. Felser,B. Yan,Z. Liu,Y. Chen","Observation of Nodal Line in Non-symmorphic Topological Semimetal InBi",,"New J. Phys.",," 19",," 065007",2017,July
"T. Misawa,Y. Fukuyama,Y. Okazaki,S. Nakamura,N. Nasaka,T. Sasagawa,N. Kaneko","Preparation and Characterization of Sn-BSTS Topological Insulator for Universality Test of the Quantum Hall Effect",,"IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.",," 66",," 1489",2017,June
"笹川崇男","トポロジカル電子物質の開拓",,"応用物理",," 86"," 5"," 381",2017,May
"S. Mitra,K. Okawa,S. K. Sudheesh,T. Sasagawa,J.-X. Zhu,E. E. M. Chia","Probing the Superconducting Gap Symmetry of α-PdBi2: A Penetration Depth Study",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 95",," 134519",2017,Apr.
"A. Ohmura,Y. Higuchi,T. Ochiai,M. Kano,F. Ishikawa,S. Nakano,A. Nakayama,Y. Yamada,T. Sasagawa","Pressure-induced Topological Phase Transition in Polar-semiconductor BiTeBr",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 95",," 125203",2017,Mar.
"W. S. Lee,Y. F. Kung,B. Moritz,G. Coslovich,R. A. Kaindl,Y. D. Chuang,R. G. Moore,D. H. Lu,P. S. Kirchmann,J. S. Robinson,M. P. Minitti,G. Dakovski,W. F. Schlotter,J. J. Turner,S. Gerber,T. Sasagawa,Z. Hussain,Z. X. Shen,T. P. Devereaux","Nonequilibrium Lattice-driven Dynamics of Stripes in Nickelates using Time-resolved X-ray Scattering",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 95",," 121105(R)",2017,Mar.
"Y. Kohsaka,T. Machida,K. Iwaya,M. Kanou,T. Hanaguri,T. Sasagawa","Spin-orbit scattering visualized in quasiparticle interference",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 95",,,2017,Feb.
"P. G. Baity,T. Sasagawa,D. Popovic","Magnetotransport at the LTO-LTT structural transition in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4",,"J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.",," 29",," 3031",2017,
"R. Yano,T. Sasagawa","Crystal Growth and Intrinsic Properties of ACrX2 (A = Cu, Ag; X = S, Se) without a Secondary Phase",,"Crystal Growth and Design",," 16",," 5618",2016,Sept.
"R. Yano,T. Sasagawa","Thermoelectric Properties in Single Crystals of Non-stoichiometric Compounds AgxCr2+y(S,Se)4 (x ~ 0.74, y ~ 0.42)",,"Sci. Adv. Mater.",," 8",," 2077",2016,July
"M. Hada,K. Norimatsu,S. Tanaka,S. Keskin,T. Tsuruta,K. Igarashi,T. Ishikawa,Y. Kayanuma,R. J. D. Miller,K. Onda,T. Sasagawa,S. Koshihara,K. G. Nakamura","Bandgap Modulation in Photoexcited Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 via Atomic Displacements",,"THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS",," 145"," 2"," 024504",2016,July
"Noriyuki Tsuruoka,Takao Sasagawa,Tokuo Yodo,MAMORU YOSHIMOTO,OSAMU ODAWARA,Hiroyuki Wada","Facile Preparation of YAG:Ce Nanoparticles by Laser Irradiation in Water and their Optical Properties",,"Springer Plus",,"Vol. 5",,"p. 325",2016,Mar.
"Y.-S. Fu,T. Hanaguri,K. Igarashi,M. Kawamura,M. S. Bahramy,T. Sasagawa","Observation of Zeeman Effect in Topological Surface State with Distinct Material Dependence",,"Nature Commun.",," 7",," 10829",2016,Feb.
"H. Zhang,Z. Liu,B. Zhou,M. Kanou,J. Sobota,D. Leuenberger,S. Yang,P. Kirchmann,S.-K. Mo,Z.-X. Shen,Z. Hussain,T. Sasagawa,Yulin Chen","A Single Surface Dirac Fermion Induced in BiTeCl-based Heterostructures",,"Scientific Reports",,,,,2016,Jan.
"M. Sakano,K. Okawa,M. Kanou,H. Sanjo,T. Okuda,T. Sasagawa,K. Ishizaka","Topologically Protected Surface States in a Centrosymmetric Superconductor β-PdBi2",,"Nature Commun.",," 6",," 8595",2015,Oct.
"Z. Viskadourakis,S. S. Sunku,S. Mukherjee,B. M. Andersen,T. Ito,T. Sasagawa,C. Panagopoulos","Ferroelectricity in Underdoped La-based Cuprates",,"Scientific Reports",," 5",," 15268",2015,Oct.
"Fukaya, R.,Yoichi Okimoto,M. Kunitomo,Ken Onda,Tadahiko Ishikawa,Shin-ya Koshihara,Hashimoto, H.,Ishihara, S.,A. Isayama,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Ultrafast electronic state conversion at room temperature utilizing hidden state in cuprate ladder system",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 6",," 8519",2015,Oct.
"J. M. Riley,W. Meevasana,L. Bawden,M. Asakawa,T. Takayama,T. Eknapakul,T. K. Kim,M. Hoesch,S.-K. Mo,H. Takagi,T. Sasagawa,M. S. Bahramy,P. D. C. King","Negative Electronic Compressibility and Tunable Spin Splitting in WSe2",,"Nature Nanotechnology",," 10",," 1043",2015,Sept.
"T. Kondo,W. Malaeb,Y. Ishida,T. Sasagawa,T. Tohyama,S. Shin,T. Takeuchi,H. Sakamoto","Point Nodes Persisting Far Beyond Tc in Bi2212",,"Nature Commun.",," 6",," 7699",2015,July
"Y. Kohsaka,M. Kanou,H. Takagi,T. Hanaguri,T. Sasagawa","Imaging Ambipolar Two-dimensional Carriers induced by the Spontaneous Electric Polarization of a Polar Semiconductor BiTeI",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 91",," 245312",2015,June
"Masaki Hada,Katsura Norimatsu,Seiichi Tanaka,Sercan Keskin,Tetsuya Tsuruta,Kyushiro Igarashi,Tadahiko Ishikawa,Ken Onda,Yosuke Kayanuma,Takao Sasagawa,R. J. Dwayne Miller,Shin-ya Koshihara,Kazutaka G. Nakamura","Near-UV Optical Pulse Induces Transient Short-Range Lattice Disordering in a Topological Insulator","WW. Ultrafast Dynamics in Complex Functional Materials, 2015 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting",,,,,,2015,Apr.
"Katsura Norimatsu,Masaki Hada,Shuhei Yamamoto,Takao Sasagawa,Masahiro Kitajima,Yosuke Kayanuma,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA","Dynamics of All the Raman-active Coherent Phonons in Sb2Te3 Revealed via Transient Reflectivity",,"J. Appl. Phys.",," 117",," 143102",2015,Apr.
"M. Hashimoto,E. A. Nowadnick,R.-H. He,I. M. Vishik,B. Moritz,Y. He,K. Tanaka,R. G. Moore,D. Lu,Y. Yoshida,M. Ishikado,T. Sasagawa,K. Fujita,S. Ishida,S. Uchida,H. Eisaki,Z. Hussain,T. P. Devereaux,Z.-X. Shen","Direct Spectroscopic Evidence for Phase Competition between the Pseudogap and Superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d",,"Nature Materials",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 37-42",2015,Apr.
"羽田真毅,則松桂,Sercan Keskin,鶴田哲也,五十嵐九四朗,笹川崇男,恩田健,萱沼洋輔,R.J.Dwayne Miller,腰原伸也,中村一隆","時間分解電子線回折法を用いたトポロジカル絶縁体の光誘起ダイナミクスの観測","日本物理学会 第70回年次大会",,,,,,2015,Mar.
"羽田真毅,則松桂,田中誠一,Sercan Keskin,鶴田哲也,五十嵐九四朗,石川忠彦,萱沼洋輔,R.J.Dwayne Miller,笹川崇男,恩田健,腰原伸也,中村一隆","フェムト秒時間分解電子線回折法の開発:トポロジカル絶縁体の光誘起構造ダイナミクスの観測","応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2015,Mar.
"Y.-S. Fu,M. Kawamura,K. Igarashi,H. Takagi,T. Hanaguri,T. Sasagawa","Imaging the Two-component Nature of Dirac-Landau Levels in the Topological Surface State of Bi2Se3",,"Nature Physics",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 815-819",2014,Sept.
"X. Shi,P. V. Lin,T. Sasagawa,V. Dobrosavljevic,D. Popovic","Two-stage Magnetic-field-tuned Superconductor-insulator Transition in Underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4",,"Nature Physics",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 437-443",2014,May
"T. Eknapakul,P. D. C. King,M. Asakawa,P. Buaphet,R.-H. He,S.-K. Mo,H. Takagi,K. M. Shen,F. Baumberger,T. Sasagawa,S. Jungthawan,W. Meevasana","Electronic Structure of a Quasi-Freestanding MoS2 Monolayer",,"Nano letters",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 1312-1316",2014,Mar.
"Y. L. Chen,M. Kanou,Z. K. Liu,H. J. Zhang,J. A. Sobota,D. Leuenberger,S. K. Mo,B. Zhou,S.-L. Yang,P. S. Kirchmann,D. H. Lu,R. G. Moore,Z. Hussain,Z. X. Shen,X. L. Qi,T. Sasagawa","Discovery of a Single Topological Dirac Fermion in a Strong Inversion Asymmetric Compound BiTeCl",,"Nature Physics",," 9",," 704",2013,Nov.
"G. Coslovich,B. Huber,W. -S. Lee,Y. -D. Chuang,Y. Zhu,T. Sasagawa,Z. Hussain,H. A. Bechtel,M. C. Martin,Z. -X. Shen,R. W. Schoenlein,R. A. Kaindl","Ultrafast Charge Localization in a Stripe-phase Nickelate",,"Nature Communications",," 4",," 2643",2013,Oct.
"H. Suzuki,T. Yoshida,S. Ideta,G. Shibata,K. Ishigami,T. Kadono,A. Fujimori,M. Hashimoto,D. H. Lu,Z.-X. Shen,K. Ono,E. Sakai,H. Kumigashira,M. Matsuo,T. Sasagawa","Absence of Superconductivity in the "Hole-doped" Fe pnictide Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2: Photoemission and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 88",," 100501(R)",2013,Sept.
"Ryo Fukaya,Yoichi Okimoto,Miyako Kunitomo,Tadahiko Ishikawa,Ken Onda,Shin-ya Koshihara,A. Isayama,Takao Sasagawa","Unconventional Photonic Change of Charge-Density-Wave Phase in Two-Leg Ladder Cuprate Sr14Cu24O41",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 82","No. 8","pp. 083707",2013,July
"Noriyuki Tsuruoka,Takao Katagiri,Yasunori Inoue,Takao Sasagawa,Michikazu Hara,Osamu Odawara,Hiroyuki Wada","Preparation and Characterization of YAG:Ce Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Liquid","The 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP), The 14th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2013), The 6th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing (HPL2013)",,,,,,2013,July
"Noriyuki Tsuruoka,Takao Katagiri,Yasunori Inoue,Takao Sasagawa,Michikazu Hara,Osamu Odawara,Hiroyuki Wada","Optical Properties of YAG:Ce Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation in Water",,"Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing",,,,,2013,July
"Yoichi Okimoto,Tsugumi Egawa,Ryo Fukaya,Yoshitaka Matsubara,Yuki Yamada,Nao Yamada,Tadahiko Ishikawa,Ken Onda,Shin-ya Koshihara,Hiroki Taniguchi,Mitsuru Itoh,Akira Isayama,Takao Sasagawa","Ultrafast Real Space Dynamics of Photoexcited State in a Layered Perovskite-Type Spin Crossover Oxide La1:5Sr0:5CoO4",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"vol. 82","No. 7","pp. 074721 1-8",2013,July
"S. Yamaichi,T. Katagiri,T. Sasagawa","Uniaxial Pressure Effects on the Transport Properties in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Single Crystals",,"Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications",," 494",," 62",2013,Apr.
"M. Kanou,T. Sasagawa","Crystal Growth and Electronic Properties of a 3D Rashba Material, BiTeI, with Adjusted Carrier Concentrations",,"J. Phys.: Condens. Matter",," 25",," 135801",2013,Apr.
"Y. D. Chuang,W. S. Lee,Y. F. Kung,A.P. Sorini,B. Moritz,R. G. Moore,L. Patthey,M. Trigo,D. H. Lu,P. S. Kirchmann,M. Yi,O. Krupin,M. Langner,Y. Zhu,S. Y. Zhou,D. A. Reis,N. Huse,J. S. Robinson,R. A. Kaindl,R. W. Schoenlein,S. L. Johnson,M. Forst,D. Doering,P. Denes,W. F. Schlotter,J. J. Turner,T. Sasagawa,Z. Hussain,Z. X. Shen,T. P. Devereaux","Real-time Manifestation of Strongly Coupled Spin and Charge Order Parameters in Stripe-ordered Nickelates via Time-resolved Resonant X-ray Diffraction",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 110",," 127404",2013,Apr.
"K. Okawa,M. Kanou,T. Katagiri,H. Kashiwaya,S. Kashiwaya,T. Sasagawa","Crystal Growth and Physical Properties of the Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor PdBi",,"Physics Procedia",," 45",," 101",2013,Apr.
"S. Ideta,T. Yoshida,I. Nishi,A. Fujimori,Y. Kotani,K. Ono,Y. Nakashima,S. Yamaichi,T. Sasagawa,M. Nakajima,K. Kihou,Y. Tomioka,C. H. Lee,A. Iyo,H. Eisaki,T. Ito,S. Uchida,R. Arita","Dependence of Carrier Doping on the Impurity Potential in Transition-Metal-Substituted FeAs-based Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 110",," 107007",2013,Apr.
"P. Vilmercati,E. Martin,C. Parks Cheney,F. Bondino,E. Magnano,F. Parmigiani,T. Sasagawa,N. Mannella","Electronic Structure of Rh-based CuRh0.9Mg0.1O2 Oxide Thermoelectrics",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 87",," 125103",2013,Mar.
"Noriyuki Tsuruoka,Takao Katagiri,Takao Sasagawa,Kazutaka Nakamura,Osamu Odawara,Hiroyuki Wada","Preparation of YAG:Ce Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Liquid","30th Symposium of Plasma Processing","Proceedings of 30th Symposium on Plasma Processing",," SPP-30",,"p. 307",2013,Jan.
"K. Norimatsu,J. Hu,A. Goto,K. Igarashi,T. Sasagawa,K. G. Nakamura","Coherent Optical Phonons in a Bi2Se3 Single Crystal Measured via Transient Anisotropic Reflectivity",,"Solid State Commun.",," 157",," 58",2013,Jan.
"I. M. Vishik,M. Hashimoto,Rui-Hua He,W-S. Lee,F. Schmitt,D. Lu,R. G. Moore,W. Meevasana,T. Sasagawa,S. Uchida,K. Fujita,S. Ishida,M. Ishikado,Y. Yoshida,H. Eisaki,Z. Hussain,T. P. Devereaux,Z.-X. Shen","Phase Competition in Trisected Superconducting Dome",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.",," 109",," 18332",2012,Dec.
"Mika Ishizaki,Teruaki Fuchigami,Takao Katagiri,Takao Sasagawa,Yoshitaka Kitamoto,Osamu Odawara,Hiroyuki Wada","Afterglow Properties of Silica-Capped Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu,Dy Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation in Ethanol",,"CheM",,"vol. 2",,"p. 47-51",2012,Nov.
"Mika Ishizaki,Takao Katagiri,Takao Sasagawa,Yoshitaka Kitamoto,Osamu Odawara,Hiroyuki Wada","Preparation of SiO2-capped Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu,Dy Nanoparticles with Laser Ablation in Liquid",,"Journal of Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 2012",," 435205",2012,May
"R. Fukaya,M. Kunitomo,Y. Okimoto,T. Ishikawa,K. Onda,S. Koshihara,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Electronic Phase Modulation in Ladder Cuprate of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41",,"Acta Physica Polonica A",," 121",," 310",2012,May
"T. Egawa,Y. Okimoto,R. Fukaya,K. Onda,T. Ishikawa,S.-Y. Koshihara,A. Isayama,T. Sasagawa","Femtosecond Reflection Spectroscopy in La1.5Sr0.5CoO4",,"Acta Physica Polonica A",," 121",," 307",2012,May
"W.S. Lee,Y.D. Chuang,R.G. Moore,Y. Zhu,L. Patthey,M. Trigo,D.H. Lu,P.S. Kirchmann,O. Krupin,M. Yi,M. Langner,N. Huse,J.S. Robinson,Y. Chen,S.Y. Zhou,G. Coslovich,B. Huber,D.A. Reis,R.A. Kaindl,R.W. Schoenlein,D. Doering,P. Denes,W.F. Schlotter,J.J. Turner,S.L. Johnson,M. Forst,T. Sasagawa,Y.F. Kung,A.P. Sorini,A.F. Kemper,B. Moritz,T.P. Devereaux,D.-H. Lee,Z.X. Shen,Z. Hussain","Phase Fluctuations and the Absence of Topological Defects in a Photo-excited Charge-ordered Nickelate",,"Nature Communications",," 3",," 838",2012,May
"出田真一郎,吉田鉄平,西一郎,藤森淳,小野寛太,組頭広志,中島正道,木方邦弘,富岡康秀,李哲虎,伊豫彰,永崎洋,伊藤利光,中島裕司,松尾明寛,笹川崇男,内田慎一,有田良太郎","電子ドープ型鉄系超伝導体 Ba(Fe1-xTx)2As2 (T = Ni, Cu) の Fe サイト置換効果",,"PF NEWS",," 30",," 16",2012,May
"I. Raicevic,D. Popovic,C. Panagopoulos,T. Sasagawa","Memory Effects in the Charge Response of Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4",,"J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.",," 25",," 1239",2012,Apr.
"T. Katagiri,T. Sasagawa","Crystal Growth and Anisotropic Superconducting Properties of Sr2VFeAsO3",,"Physica C",," 489",,,2012,Apr.
"石崎美佳,渕上 輝顕,片桐 隆雄,北本 仁孝,笹川 崇男,山崎 陽太郎,小田原 修,和田 裕之","Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu,Dyナノ粒子のシリカ修飾と光学特性の評価",,"電気化学会第79回大会",,,,,2012,Mar.
"K. G. Nakamura,J. Hu,K. Norimatsu,A. Goto,K. Igarashi,T. Sasagawa","Observation of Coherent Higher Frequency A1g Phonons in Bi2Se3 using Femtosecond Time-resolved Reflection Measurement",,"Solid State Commun.",," 152",," 902",2012,Feb.
"W. A. Clay,T. Sasagawa,A. Iwasa,Z. Liu,J. E. Dahl,R. M. K. Carlson,M. Kelly,N. Melosh,Z.-X. Shen","Photoluminescence of Diamondoid Crystals",,"J. Appl. Phys.",," 110",," 093512",2011,Nov.
"I. Raicevic,D. Popovic,C. Panagopoulos,L. Benfatto,M.B. Silva Neto,E. S. Choi,T. Sasagawa","Evidence for Quantum Skyrmions in a Doped Antiferromagnet",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 106",," 227206",2011,June
"I. Raicevic,D. Popovic,C. Panagopoulos,T. Sasagawa","Non-Gaussian Noise in the In-Plane Transport of Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4: Evidence for a Collective State of Charge Clusters",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 83",," 195133",2011,May
"笹川 崇男","異方的圧力効果の評価と応用",,"セラミックス",," 46",," 408",2011,May
"Y. Segev,I. Gutman,S. Goldberg,Y. Myasoedov,E. Zeldov,E. H. Brandt,G. P. Mikitik,T. Katagiri,T. Sasagawa","Suppression of geometrical barrier in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d crystals by Josephson vortex stacks",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 83",," 104520",2011,Mar.
"T. Motohashi,Y. Sugimoto,Y. Masubuchi,T. Sasagawa,W. Koshibae,T. Tohyama,H. Yamauchi,S. Kikkawa","Impact of lithium composition on the thermoelectric properties of the layered cobalt oxide system LixCoO2",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 83",," 195128",2011,Mar.
"N. Imamura,K. Singh,D. Pelloquin,Ch. Simon,T. Sasagawa,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi,A. Maignan","Magnetodielectric response of square-coordinated MnO2 unit in cubic BiMn7O12",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 98",," 072903",2011,Feb.
"R.-H. He,X. J. Zhou,M. Hashimoto,T. Yoshida,K. Tanaka,S.-K. Mo,T. Sasagawa,N. Mannella,W. Meevasana,H. Yao,M. Fujita,T. Adachi,S. Komiya,S. Uchida,Y. Ando,F. Zhou,Z. X. Zhao,A. Fujimori,Y. Koike,K. Yamada,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Doping dependence of the (pi,pi) shadow band in La-based cuprates studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy",,"New J. Phys.",," 13",," 013031",2011,Jan.
"S. Kadota,Y. Matsumoto,T. Sasagawa","Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films of a Half-Metallic Oxide, Sr2FeMoO6, by Combinatorial Techniques",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",," 50",," 01BE13",2011,Jan.
"T. Hanaguri,K. Igarashi,M. Kawamura,H. Takagi,T. Sasagawa","Momentum-Resolved Landau-Level Spectroscopy of Dirac Surface State in Bi2Se3",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 82",," 081305",2010,Sept.
"Y. L. Chen,Chu J.-H.,J. G. Analytis,Z. K. Liu,K. Igarashi,H.-H. Kuo,X. L. Qi,S. K. Mo,R. G. Moore,D. H. Lu,M. Hashimoto,T. Sasagawa,S. C. Zhang,I. R. Fisher,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Massive Dirac Fermion on the Surface of Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator",,"Science",," 329",," 659",2010,Sept.
"I. M. Vishik,E.A. Nowadnick,W. S. Lee,Z.-X. Shen,B. Moritz,T.P. Devereaux,K. Tanaka,T. Sasagawa,T. Fujii","A Momentum-Dependent Perspective on Quasiparticle Interference in Bi2212",,"Nature Physics",," 5",," 718",2010,Aug.
"A. Isayama,S. Kadota,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Chemical pressure effects on magnetic properties of A2FeMoO6 (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba)",,"Materials Science and Engineering B",," 173",," 44",2010,June
"R. Nakayama,Y. Tanaka,H. Yui,H. Yamauchi,A.Q.R. Baron,T. Sasagawa","Preparation of infinite-layer cuprate compounds (Sr1-xLax)CuO2 and detailed phonon properties in x = 0",,"Materials Science and Engineering B",," 173",," 41",2010,June
"I. M. Vishik,W. S. Lee,F. Schmitt,B. Moritz,T. Sasagawa,S. Uchida,K. Fujita,S. Ishida,C. Zhang,T. P. Devereaux,Z. X. Shen","Doping-Dependent Nodal Fermi Velocity of the High-Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Revealed Using High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 104",," 207002",2010,May
"I. Raicevic,Dragana Popovic,C. Panagopoulos,T. Sasagawa","Large Positive Magnetoresistance of the Lightly Doped La2CuO4 Mott Insulator",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 81",," 235104",2010,May
"Y. Nakashima,H. Yui,T. Sasagawa","Gigantic Uniaxial Pressure Effect in Single Crystals of Iron-based Superconductors",,"Physica C",," 470",," 1063",2010,Apr.
"T. Sasagawa,H. Yui,S. Pyon,H. Takagi,A.Q.R. Baron","Phonon softening in La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 studied by inelastic X-ray scattering",,"Physica C",," 470",," S51",2010,Jan.
"A. Iwasa,W. A. Clay,J. E. Dahl,R. M. K. Carlson,Z.-X. Shen,T. Sasagawa","Environmentally Friendly Refining of Diamond-Molecules via the Growth of Large Single Crystals",,"Crystal Growth and Design",," 10",," 870",2010,Jan.
"R. Nakayama,Y. Tanaka,H. Yui,H. Yamauchi,A.Q.R. Baron,T. Sasagawa","Phonon properties in the simplest cuprate compound SrCuO2",,"Physica C",," 470",," S151",2010,Jan.
"H. Beidenkopf,Y. Myasoedov,E. Zeldov,E. H. Brandt,G. P. Mikitik,T. Tamegai,T. Sasagawa,C. J. van der Beek","Transport properties of vortex matter governed by the edge inductance in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 crystals",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 80",," 224526",2009,Dec.
"M. Ikeda,T. Yoshida,A. Fujimori,M. Kubota,K. Ono,Y. Kaga,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Differences in the High-energy Kink between Hole- and Electron-doped High-Tc Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 80",," 184506",2009,Nov.
"M. Ikeda,T. Yoshida,A. Fujimori,M. Kubota,K. Ono,H. Das,T. Saha-Dasgupta,K. Unozawa,Y. Kaga,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Effects of Chemical Pressure on the Fermi Surface and Band Dispersion of the Electron-doped High-Tc Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 80",," 014510",2009,Feb.
"R.-H He,K. Tanaka,S.-K. Mo,T. Sasagawa,M. Fujita,T. Adachi,N. Mannella,K. Yamada,Y. Koike,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Energy gaps in the failed high-Tc superconductor La1.875Ba0.125CuO4",,"Nature Physics",," 5",," 119",2009,Jan.
"I. Rai?evi?,J. Jaroszy?ski,Dragana Popovi?,C. Panagopoulos,T. Sasagawa","Evidence for Charge Glassiness at Low Temperatures in La1.97Sr0.03CuO4",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 78",," 182513",2008,Oct.
"T. Sasagawa,Z.-X. Shen","A Route to Tunable Direct Band-gap Diamond Devices: Electronic Structures of Nanodiamond Crystals",,"J. Appl. Phys.",," 104",," 073704",2008,Oct.
"W. A. Clay,T. Sasagawa,M. Kelly,J. E. Dahl,R. M. K. Carlson,N. Melosh,Z.-X. Shen","Diamondoids as Low-k Dielectric Materials",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",," 98",," 172901",2008,Oct.
"G. R. Jelbert,T. Sasagawa,J.D. Fletcher,T. Park,J. D. Thompson,C. Panagopoulos","Measurement of Low Energy Charge Correlations in Underdoped Spin-glass La-based Cuprates using Impedance Spectroscopy",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 78",," 182513",2008,Oct.
"S. Sahrakorpi,R. S. Markiewicz,H. Lin,M. Lindroos,X. J. Zhou,T. Yoshida,W. L. Yang,T. Kakeshita,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,S. Komiya,Y. Ando,F. Zhou,Z. X. Zhao,T. Sasagawa,A. Fujimori,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen,A. Bansil","Appearance of Universal Metallic Dispersion in a Doped Mott Insulator",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 78",," 104513",2008,Sept.
"Y. W. Li,D. Qian,L. Wray,D. Hsieh,Y. Xia,Y. Kaga,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi,R. S. Markiewicz,A. Bansil,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,M. Z. Hasan","X-ray imaging of dispersive charge modes in a doped Mott insulator near the antiferromagnet/superconductor transition",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 78",," 104513",2008,Aug.
"W. Zhang,G. Liu,J. Meng,L. Zhao,H. Liu,X. Dong,W. Lu,J. S. Wen,Z. J. Xu,G. D. Gu,T. Sasagawa,G. Wang,Y. Zhu,H. Zhang,Y. Zhou,X. Wang,Z. Zhao,C. Chen,Z. Xu,X. J. Zhou","High Energy Dispersion Relations for the High Temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor from Laser-based Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 101",," 017002",2008,July
"K. H. Satoh,S. Takeshita,A. Koda,R. Kadono,K. Ishida,S. Pyon,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Fermi Liquid Behavior and Weakly Anisotropic Superconductivity in Electron-doped Cuprate Sr1-xLaxCuO2",,"Phys. Rev. B",," 77",," 224503",2008,June
"W Malaeb,T Yoshida,M Hashimoto,M Takizawa,K Ebata,A Fujimori,H Eisaki,T Kakeshita,T Sasagawa,S Uchida","Temperature Dependence of the Chemical Potential in La2-xSrxCuO4",,"J. Phys.: Conf. Series",," 108",," 012018",2008,May
"M Ikeda,T Yoshida,A Fujimori,M Kubota,K Ono,Y Kaga,T Sasagawa,H Takagi","Effects of Annealing on the Electronic Structure of the Electrondoped High-Tc Superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4",,"J. Phys.: Conf. Series",," 108",," 012018",2008,May
"W. Zhang,G. Liu,L. Zhao,H. Liu,J. Meng,X. Dong,W. Lu,J. S. Wen,Z. J. Xu,G. D. Gu,T. Sasagawa,G. Wang,Y. Zhu,H. Zhang,Y. Zhou,X. Wang,Z. Zhao,C. Chen,Z. Xu,X. J. Zhou","Identification of a New Form of Electron Coupling in the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor by Laser-based Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 100",," 107002",2008,Mar.
"W. S. Lee,I. M. Vishik,K. Tanaka,D. H. Lu,T. Sasagawa,N. Nagaosa,T. P. Devereaux,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Abrupt onset of a second energy gap at the superconducting transition of underdoped Bi2212",,"Nature",,"Vol. 450",,"pp. 81",2007,Nov.
"J. Graf,M. d'Astuto,P. Giura,A. Shukla,N. L. Saini,A. Bossak,M. Krisch,S.-W. Cheong,Takao Sasagawa,A. Lanzara","In-plane copper-oxygen bond-stretching mode anomaly in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 measured with high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 172507",2007,Nov.
"M. Ikeda,T. Yoshida,A. Fujimori,M. Kubota,K. Ono,K. Unozawa,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Lanthanide Substitution Effects in Electron-doped High-Tc Superconductors Studied by Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 563",2007,Nov.
"T. Sasagawa","An IXS Study on Phonon Anomalies in High-Tc Cuprates","Mini Workshop on Recent Activities and Future Prospect in X-ray Inelastic Scattering",,,,,,2007,Oct.
"P. E. J?nsson,K. Takenaka,S. Niitaka,T. Sasagawa,S. Sugai,H. Takagi","Correlation-Driven Heavy-Fermion Formation in LiV2O4",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 99",,"pp. 167402",2007,Oct.
"笹川崇男,田中清尚,S.-K. Mo,N. Mannella,吉田鉄平,X.-J. Zhou,卞舜生,高木英典,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","(La,Eu,Sr)2CuO4 の角度分解光電子分光:電子構造への電荷秩序の影響","日本物理学会2007年秋季大会",,,,,,2007,Sept.
"S. Kohout,T. Schneider,J. Roos,H. Keller,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Study of the Lock-in Transition and Magnetic Anisotropy in Single Crystal La2-xSrxCuO4 by Means of Torque Magnetometry",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 64513",2007,Aug.
"T. Sasagawa","Phonon anomalies in La2CuO4-based compounds: relation to charge-ordering and superconductivity","6th International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering",,,,,,2007,May
"S. Pyon,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","The Influence of Static Stripes on Superfluid Density in La1.84-yEuySu0.16CuO4",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 463",,"pp. 56",2007,May
"W. Meevasana,X.J. Zhou,S. Sahrakorpi,W.S. Lee,W.L. Yang,K. Tanaka,N. Mannella,T. Yoshida,D. H. Lu,Y. L. Chen,R. H. He,H. Lin,S. Komiya,Y. Ando,F. Zhou,W. X. Ti,J. W. Xiong,Z. X. Zhao,T. Sasagawa,T. Kakeshita,K. Fujita,S. Uchida,H. Eisaki,A. Fujimori,Z. Hussain,R. S. Markiewicz,A. Bansil,N. Nagaosa,J. Zaanen,T.P. Devereaux,Z.-X. Shen","The Hierarchy of Multiple Many-Body Interaction Scales in High-Temperature Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 174506",2007,May
"D. Hirai,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Is There 1/8-anomary of Tc in Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2 with a Checkerboard-type Charge Ordering?",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 463",,"pp. 60",2007,May
"S. Smadici,P. Abbamonte,M. Taguchi,Y. Kohsaka,T. Sasagawa,M. Azuma,M. Takano,H. Takagi","Absence of Long-ranged Charge Order in NaxCa2-xCuO2Cl2 at x = 0.08",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 75104",2007,Feb.
"J. Graf,G.-H. Gweon,K. McElroy,S. Y. Zhou,C. Jozwiak,E. Rotenberg,A. Bill,T. Sasagawa,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,H. Takagi,D.-H. Lee,A. Lanzara","Universal High Energy Anomaly in Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectra of High Temperature Superconductors - Possible Evidence of Spinon and Holon Branches",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 67004",2007,Feb.
"H. Kuriyama,M. Nohara,T. Sasagawa,K. Takubo,T. Mizokawa,K. Kimura,H. Takagi","High-temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Delafossite Oxide CuRh1-xMgxO2",,"IEEE Conf. Proc. 2006 International Conference on Thermoelectronics",,,,"pp. 97",2007,Jan.
"G.-H. Gweon,S. Y. Zhou,M. C. Watson,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi,A. Lanzara","Strong and Complex Electron-Lattice Correlation in Optimally Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 227001",2006,Dec.
"T. Sasagawa","Phonon Anomalies in La2CuO4-based Compounds: Relation to Charge-ordering and Superconductivity","The International Symposium on Anomalous Quantum Materials and The 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop",,,,,,2006,May
"H. Yagi,T. Yoshida,A. Fujimori,Y. Kohsaka,M. Misawa,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi,M. Azuma,M. Takano","Chemical Potential Shift in lightly-doped to optimally-doped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 73",,"pp. 172503",2006,May
"K. McElroy,G.-H. Gweon,S. Y. Zhou,J. Graf,S. Uchida,H. Eisaki,H. Takagi,T. Sasagawa,D.-H. Lee,A. Lanzara","Elastic Scattering Susceptibility of the High Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d: A Comparison between Real and Momentum Space Photoemission Spectroscopies",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 67005",2006,Feb.
"粟山 博道,野原 実,笹川 崇男,田久保 耕,溝川 貴司,濱松 健仁,木村 薫,高木 英典","28pUF-8 デラフォサイト型酸化物CuRh<0.9>Mg<0.1>O_2の高温熱電特性とバンド構造(28pUF Co系等熱電材料,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))",,"日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人 日本物理学会","Vol. 61","No. 0",,2006,
"T. Sasagawa,K. Unozawa,K. Ohishi,S. Pyon,K. H. Satoh,A. Koda,R. Kadono,H. Takagi","Phase Diagram in Electron-doped High-Tc Superconductors",,"KEK-MSL Progress Report 2005",,,,"pp. 13",2006,
"O. R?sch,O. Gunnarsson,X.J. Zhou,T. Yoshida,T. Sasagawa,A. Fujimori,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen,S. Uchida","Polaronic Behavior of Undoped High-Tc Cuprate Superconductors from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 227002",2005,Nov.
"笹川崇男,宇野沢圭一,加賀義弘,高木英典","電子ドープ型高温超伝導体における異方的圧力効果",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 118",2005,Oct.
"X. J. Zhou,J. Shi,T. Yoshida,T. Cuk,W. L. Yang,V. Brouet,J. Nakamura,N. Mannella,S. Komiya,Y. Ando,F. Zhou,W. X. Ti,J. W. Xiong,Z. X. Zhao,T. Sasagawa,T. Kakeshita,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,A. Fujimori,Z. Zhang,E. W. Plummer,R. B. Laughlin,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Multiple Bosonic Mode Coupling in Electron Self-Energy of (La2-xSrx)CuO4",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 117001",2005,Sept.
"B. Lake,K. Lefmann,N. B. Christensen,G. Aeppli,D. F. McMorrow,H. M. Ronnow,P. Vorderwisch,P. Smeibidl,N. Mangkorntong,T. Sasagawa,M. Nohara,H. Takagi","Three-dimensionality of Field-induced Magnetism in a High-Temperature Superconductor",,"Nature Materials",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 658",2005,Aug.
"T. Sasagawa,A. Q. Baron,H. Takagi","Phonon Dispersion in La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4 High-Tc Superconductor measured by High-resolution Inelastic X-ray Scattering",,"SPring-8 User Experiment Report",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 161",2005,June
"T. Sasagawa,A. Lanzara,G.-H. Gweon,S. Y. Zhou,J. Graf,Suryadijaya,H. Takagi","Oxygen Isotope Effect on Electronic Structure in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy: Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 426",,"pp. 436",2005,June
"Suryadijaya,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi","Oxygen Isotope Effect on Charge/Spin Stripes in La1.8-xEu0.2SrxCuO4",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 426",,"pp. 402",2005,June
"S. Kasai,A. Sekiyama,M. Tsunekawa,P.T. Ernst,A. Shigemoto,A. Yamasaki,A. Irizawa,S. Imada,M. Sing,T. Muro,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi,S. Suga","Bulk Electronic State of High-Tc Cuprate La2-xSrxCuO4 Observed by High-energy Angle Integrated and Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena",,"Vol. 144",,"pp. 507",2005,May
"Y. Kaga,T. Sasagawa,S. Takahashi,K. Unozawa,H. Takagi","Uniaxial Pressure Effect in Electron-doped High Temperature Superconductor Nd1.84Ce0.16CuO4",,"Physica B",,"Vol. 359",,"pp. 442",2005,Jan.
"H. Hori,T. Sasagawa,M. Misawa,H. Takagi","Effects of Uniaxial Pressure in Cuprate Ladder Compound",,"Physica B",,"Vol. 359",,"pp. 1252",2005,Jan.
"T. Sasagawa,Suryadijaya,K. Shimatani,H. Takagi","Control of Stripes/Superconductivity Competition in (La,Eu,Sr)2CuO4 Crystals using Uniaxial Pressure",,"Physica B",,"Vol. 359",,"pp. 436",2005,Jan.
"笹川崇男,宇野沢圭一,加賀義弘,高木英典","高温超伝導体における電荷スピンのストライプ秩序と超伝導特性の一軸圧力制御",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 10",2004,Nov.
"笹川崇男,宇野沢圭一,加賀義弘,高木英典","梯子型銅酸化物における一軸圧力効果",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 11",2004,Nov.
"K. Waku,T. Katsufuji,Y. Kohsaka,T. Sasagawa,H. Takagi,H. Kishida,H. Okamoto,M. Azuma,M. Takano","Charge Dynamics of Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2 as a Correlated Electron System with the Ideal Tetragonal Lattice",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 134501",2004,Oct.
"J. Kasai,N. Okazaki,T. Hasegawa,Y. Togawa,T. Sasagawa,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio,M. Ohtani,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki,H. Koinuma","Observation of Compositional Fluctuation by Scanning Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Microscope in Superconducting La1.8Sr0.2CuO4",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. L1327",2004,Sept.
"G.-H. Gweon,T. Sasagawa,S. Y. Zhou,J. Graf,H. Takagi,D.-H. Lee,A. Lanzara","An Unusual Isotope Effect in a High-Transition-Temperature Superconductor",,"Nature",,"Vol. 430",,"pp. 187",2004,July
"笹川 崇男,高木英典","高温超伝導体の電荷ダイナミクスに対する酸素同位体効果",,"未踏科学技術協会 超伝導科学技術研究会",,"Vol. 104",,"pp. 6",2004,July
"X. J. Zhou,T. Yoshida,D.-H. Lee,W. L. Yang,V. Brouet,F. Zhou,W. X. Ti,J. W. Xiong,Z. X. Zhao,T. Sasagawa,T. Kakeshita,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,A. Fujimori,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Dichotomy between Nodal and Antinodal Quasiparticles in Underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 187001",2004,May
"N. Takeshita,T. Sasagawa,T. Sugioka,Y. Tokura,H. Takagi","Gigantic Anisotropic Uniaxial Pressure Effect within CuO2 Plane on Superconductivity of La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4: Strain Control of Stripe Criticality",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 73",,"pp. 1123",2004,May
"T. Yoshida,X. J. Zhou,T. Sasagawa,W. L. Yang,P. V. Bogdanov,A. Lanzara,Z. Hussain,T. Mizokawa,A. Fujimori,H. Eisaki,Z.-X. Shen,T. Kakeshita,S. Uchida","Metallic Behavior of lightly doped La2-xSrxCuO4 with a Fermi Surface Forming an Arc",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 27001",2003,July
"X. J. Zhou,T. Yoshida,A. Lanzara,P. V. Bogdanov,S. A. Keller,E. D. Lu,W. L. Yang,F. Ronning,K. M. Shen,T. Sasagawa,T. Kakeshita,T. Noda,H. Eisaki,S. Uchida,C. T. Lin,F. Zhou,J. W. Xiong,Z. X. Zhao,A. Fujimori,Z. Hussain,Z.-X. Shen","Universal Nodal Fermi Velocity in High Temperature Superconductors",,"Nature",,"Vol. 423",,"pp. 398",2003,May
"T. Sasagawa,T. Sugioka,N. Takeshita,K. Kitazawa,H. Takagi","Uniaxial Pressure Control of Superconductivity via Stripe Instability in La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4 Single Crystals",,"J. Low Temp. Phys.",,"Vol. 131",,"pp. 395",2003,May
"Y. Kohsaka,T. Sasagawa,F. Ronning,T. Yoshida,C. Kim,T. Hanaguri,M. Azuma,M. Takano,Z.-X. Shen,H. Takagi","Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Na-doped Ca2CuO2Cl2 Single Crystals: Fingerprints of a Magnetic Insulator in a Heavily Underdoped Superconductor",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 1018",2003,May
"F. Ronning,T. Sasagawa,Y. Kohsaka,K. M. Shen,A. Damascelli,C. Kim,T. Yoshida,N. P. Armitage,D. H. Lu,D. L. Feng,L. L. Miller,H. Takagi,Z.-X. Shen","Evolution of a Metal to Insulator Transition in Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2, as seen by ARPES",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 165101",2003,Apr.
"T. Yoshida,X. J. Zhou,Takao Sasagawa,W. L. Yang,P. V. Bogdanov,A. Lanzara,Z. Hussain,T. Mizokawa,A. Fujimori,H. Eisaki,Z.-X. Shen,T. Kakeshita,S. Uchida","ARPES Study of Lightly-Doped La2-xSrxCuO4",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 388",,"pp. 303",2003,Jan.
"T. Sasagawa,F. Ronning,Y. Kohsaka,K. M. Shen,T. Yoshida,M. Azuma,M. Takano,Z.-X. Shen,H. Takagi","ARPES Study on Electronic Evolution in Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 388",,"pp. 307",2003,Jan.
"B. Lake,T. E. Mason,G. Aeppli,K. Lefmann,N. B. Christensen,D. F. McMorrow,K. N. Clausen,H. M. Ronnow,P. Vorderwisch,P. Smeibidl,N. Mangkorntong,N. E. Hussey,T. Sasagawa,M. Nohara,H. Takagi,A. Schroeder","Vortex Magnetism in the High-Temperature Superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4",,"International Journal of Modern Physics B",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 3155",2002,Nov.
"B. Lake,T. E. Mason,G. Aeppli,K. Lefmann,N. B. Christensen,D. F. McMorrow,K. N. Clausen,H. M. Ronnow,P. Vorderwisch,P. Smeibidl,N. Mangkorntong,N. E. Hussey,T. Sasagawa,M. Nohara,H. Takagi,A. Schroeder","Field-Induced Antiferromagnetism in the High-Temperature Superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4",,"International Journal of Modern Physics B",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 3197",2002,Nov.
"T. Sasagawa,P. K. Mang,O. P. Vajk,A. Kaptulnik,M. Greven","Magnetic Properties and Phase Diagram of Li-doped La2CuO4 Single Crystals: Common Magnetic Response of Hole-Doped CuO2 Planes",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 184512",2002,Nov.
"Y. Kohsaka,M. Azuma,I. Yamada,T. Sasagawa,T. Hanaguri,M. Takano,H. Takagi","Growth of Na Doped Ca2CuO2Cl2 Single Crystals under High Pressures of Several GPa",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 124",,"pp. 12275",2002,Sept.
"B. Lake,H. M. Ronnow,N. B. Christensen,G. Aappli,K. Lefmann,D. F. McMorrow,P. Vorderwisch,P. Smeididl,N. Mangkorntong,T. Sasagawa,M. Nohara,H. Takagi,T. E. Mason","Antiferromagnetic Order Induces by an Applied Magnetic Field in a High-Temperature Superconductor",,"Nature",,"Vol. 415",,"pp. 299",2002,Jan.