"Koichi Kajihara,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Inhomogeneous broadening and peak shift of the 7.6 eV optical absorption band of oxygen vacancies in SiO2",,"AIP Conf. Proc.",,"Vol. 1624",,"pp. 58-63",2014, "Linards Skuja,Koichi Kajihara,Jurgis Grube,Hideo Hosono","Luminescence of non-bridging oxygen hole centers in crystalline SiO2",,"AIP Conf. Proc.",,"Vol. 1624",,"pp. 130-134",2014, "Fuji Funabiki,Koichi Kajihara,Ken Kaneko,Kiyoshi Kanamura,Hideo Hosono","Characteristic Coordination Structure around Nd Ions in Sol-Gel-Derived Nd-Al-Codoped Silica Glasses",,"J. Phys. Chem. B",,"Vol. 118",,"pp. 8792-8797",2014, "Koichi Kajihara,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Diffusion and Reactions of Photoinduced Interstitial Oxygen Atoms in Amorphous SiO2 Impregnated with 18O-Labeled Interstitial Oxygen Molecules",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",,"Vol. 118",,"pp. 4282-4286",2014, "T. Mori,K. Kajihara,K. Kanamura,Y. Toda,H. Hiramatsu,H. Hosono","Indium-Based Ultraviolet-Transparent Electroconductive Oxyfluoride InOF: Ambient-Pressure Synthesis and Unique Electronic Properties in Comparison with In2O3",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc",,"Vol. 135","No. 35","pp. 13080-13088",2013,Aug. "Koichi Kajihara,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Formation and annihilation of intrinsic defects induced by electronic excitation in high-purity crystalline SiO2",,"J. Appl. Phys",,"Vol. 113","No. 143511","pp. 1 - 4",2013, "Koichi Kajihara,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Chapter 5: Frenkel Defect Process in Silicon Dioxide",,"Radiation Synthesis of Materials and Compounds",,,,,2013, "L. Skuja,K. Kajihara,M. Hirano,H. Hosono","Oxygen-excess-related point defects in glassy/amorphous SiO2 and related materials",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B",,"Vol. 286",,"pp. 159-168",2012, "Koichi Kajihara,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","18O-labeled interstitial oxygen molecules as probes to study reactions involving oxygen-related species in amorphous SiO2",,"Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids",,"Vol. 358",,"pp. 3524-3530",2012, "Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Frenkel defect process in amorphous silica",,"Proc. of SPIE",,,,"p. 8077, 80770R",2011, "L. Skuja,K. Kajihara,M. Hirano,A. Silins,H. Hosono","Effects of temperature on electron paramagnetic resonance of dangling oxygen bonds in amorphous silicon dioxide",,"IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 23",,"p. 012016",2011, "Linards Skuja,Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Visible to vacuum-UV range optical absorption of oxygen dangling bonds in amorphous SiO2",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 84",,"p. 205206",2011, "Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Oxygen-excess amorphous SiO2 with 18O-labeled interstitial oxygen molecules",,"J. Non-Cryst. Sol",,"Vol. 357",,"pp. 1842-1845",2011, "Linards Skuja,Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Crucial dependence of excimer laser toughness of “wet”silica on excess oxygen",,"J. Non-Cryst. Sol",,"Vol. 357",,"pp. 1875-1878",2011, "Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Frenkel defect process in amorphous silica",,"Proc. of SPIE",,"Vol. 8077",,"pp. 80770R-1-12",2011, "Koichi Kajihara,Taisuke Miura,Hayato Kamioka,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Exchange between interstitial oxygen molecules and network oxygen atoms in amorphous SiO2 studied by 18O isotope labeling and infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW B",,"Vol. 83",,"p. 064202",2011, "Koichi Kajihara,Taisuke Miura,Hayato Kamioka,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Diffusion of oxygen molecules in fluorine-doped amorphous SiO2",,"Materials Science and Engineering B",,"Vol. 173",,"pp. 158-161",2010, "Koichi Kajihara,Taisuke Miura,Hyato Kamioka,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Photoluminescence study of difuusion and reactions of 18O-labeled interstitial oxygen molecules in amorphous SiO2",,"ECS TRansactions",,"vol. 25(9)",,"pp. 277-285",2009,Oct. "Hideo Hosono,Katsuro Hayashi,Koichi Kajihara,Peter V. Sushko,Alexander L. Shulger","Oxygen Ion Conduction in 12CaO?7Al2O3: O2− Conduction Mechanism and Possibility of O Fast Conduction",,"Solid State Ionics",," 180",," 550-555",2009,Apr. "梶原浩一,細野秀雄","第7章 光ファイバー",,"ガラスの加工技術と製品応用、(諜報機構,2009)",,,,"pp. 345-347",2009, "Koichi Kajihara,Taisuke Miura,Hayato Kamioka,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Isotope Effect on the Infrared Photoluminescence Decay of Interstitial Oxygen Molecules in Amorphous SiO2",,"Applied Physics Express",,"vol. 2",,"pp. 056502-1 - 3,",2009, "Koichi Kajihara,Taisuke Miura,Hayato Kamioka,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Oxygen Exchange at the Internal Surface of Amorphous SiO2 Studied by Photoluminescence of Isotopically Labeled Oxygen Molecules",,"Phys. Rev. Lett",,"vol. 102",,"pp. 175502-1 - 4",2009, "K. Kajihara,M. Hirano,L. Skuja,H. Hosono"," 60Co gamma-ray-induced intrinsic defect processes in fluorine-doped synthetic SiO2 glasses of different fluorine concentrations",,"Mater. Sci. & Eng. B",,"vol. 161",,"pp. 96-99",2009, "樫山和男,市村強,梶原浩,井根達比古","都市地震災害予測のための数値震動台の開発計画,",,"第14回計算工学講演会論文集,",,,,,2009, "松本崇志,川島一彦,Mahin, S. A.,右近大道,梶原浩一","振動台加振実験に基づくインターロッキング式橋脚と矩形断面橋脚の耐震性に関する研究",,"第11回地震時保有耐力法に基づく橋梁等構造の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム",,,"No. 11"," 23-30",2008,Jan. "Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Intrinsic defect formation in amorphous SiO2 by electronic excitation:Bond dissociation versus Frenkel mechanisms",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 78",,"p. 094201",2008, "Koichi Kajihara,Satoru Matsuishi,Katsuro Hayashi,Masahiro Hirano,Hideo Hosono","Vibrational Dynamics and Oxygen Diffusion in a Nanoporous Oxide Ion Conductor 12CaO?7Al2O3 Studied by 18O Labeling and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",,"Vol. 111","No. 40","pp. 14855-14861",2007,Oct. "松本崇志,渡邊学歩,永田聖二,川島一彦,右近大道,梶原 浩一,Stephen Mahin","矩形断面橋脚とインターロッキング式橋脚の耐震性に関する研究",,"土木学会第62回年次学術講演会, 第?部門",,," I-472"," 939-940",2007,Sept. "右近大道,川島一彦,梶原浩一","E-Defense を活用した橋梁コンポーネント実験計画",,"土木学会第62回年次学術講演会, 第?部門",,," I-467"," 929-930",2007,Sept. "梶原浩一,右近大道,川島一彦","E-Defense を活用した大型橋梁耐震実験計画の概要",,"土木学会第62回年次学術講演会, 第?部門",,," I-466"," 927-928",2007,Sept. "右近大道,梶原浩一,川島一彦","E-Defenseを用いた大型橋梁耐震実験計画",,"土木学会地震工学論文集",,,"No. 29"," 1412-1419 (CD-ROM)",2007,Aug. "Koichi Kajihara,Masahiro Hirano,Linards Skuja,Hideo Hosono","Role of Interstitial Voids in Oxides on Formation and Stabilization of Reactive Radicals:? Interstitial HO2 Radicals in F2-Laser-Irradiated Amorphous SiO2",,"Journal of the American Chemical Society",,"Vol. 128","No. 16","pp. 5371-5374",2006,Mar.