"Adam Pedrycz,KAORU HIROTA,Witold Pedrycz,fangyan dong","Granular Representation and Granular Computing with Fuzzy Sets",,"Fuzzy Sets and Systems",,"Vol. 203",,"pp. 17/32",2012,Mar. "Adam Pedrycz,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","A Concept of Knowledge Trees and Their Growth","第25回ファジィシステムシンポジウム (日本知能情報ファジィ学会)","CD-proceedings 3B1-03",,,,,2009,July "Adam Pedrycz,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","Structural Expansion of Fuzzy Relations and Its Role in Interactive System Modeling","2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC2008)",,,,,"pp. 968-973",2008,Oct. "Adam Pedrycz,Fangyan Dong,KAORU HIROTA","Searching for Structure in Data with Fuzzy Clusters of Variable Dimensionality of Future Subspaces","IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2008",,,,,"pp. 1417-1423",2008,May