"Dominic R Whittall,Ryo Kato,Akari Okimura,Rio Takizawa,Kazunori Motai,Hiroki Maeda,Yui Yamazaki,Taka-aki Yano,Eriko Takano,Yuhei Hayamizu","Synthetic spider silk forming highly-aligned nanoarchitectures on 2D-material surfaces",,"bioRxiv",,,,,2024,Jan. "T. Matsukata,N. Matthaiakakis,T. Yano,M. Hada,T. Tanaka,N. Yamamoto,T. Sannomiya","Selection and Visualization of Degenerate Magnetic and Electric Multipoles up to Radial Higher Orders by Cathodoluminescence",,"ACS Photonics",," 6"," 9"," 2320-2326",2019,Aug. "¼•û –­Žq,–î–ì —²Í,Matthaiakakis Nikolaos,‰H“c ^‹B,“c’† ‘ñ’j,ŽR–{ ’¼‹I,ŽO‹{ H","‘–¸Œ^“§‰ß“dŽqŒ°”÷‹¾ƒJƒ\[ƒhƒ‹ƒ~ƒlƒZƒ“ƒX‚É‚æ‚鎥‹C‘½‹ÉŽqƒ‚[ƒhƒ}ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO","“ú–{Œ°”÷‹¾Šw‰ï",,,,,,2019,June "T. Matsukata,T. Yano,N. Matthaiakakis,M. Hada,T. Tanaka,N. Yamamoto,T. 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"Kota SUZUKI,Dai KATO,Kosuke HARA,Taka-aki YANO,Masaaki HIRAYAMA,Masahiko HARA,Ryoji KANNO","Composite Sulfur Electrode for All-solid-state Lithium?sulfur Battery",,"Electrochemistry",,"Vol. 86","No. 1","pp. 1-5",2018,Jan. "Kota Suzuki,Dai Kato,Kosuke Hara,Taka-aki Yano,Masaaki Hirayama,Masahiko Hara,Ryoji Kanno","Composite Sulfur Electrode Prepared by High-Temperature Mechanical Milling for use in an All-Solid-State Lithium?Sulfur Battery with a Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 Electrolyte",,"Electrochimica Acta",,"Vol. 258",,"pp. 110-115",2017,Dec. "N Ganbaatar,K Imai,T Yano,M Hara","Surface force analysis of glycine adsorption on different crystal surfaces of titanium dioxide (TiO2)",,"Nano Convergence",,"Vol. 4","No. 1","Page 38",2017,Dec. "Teppei Suzuki,Taka-aki Yano,Masahiko Hara,Toshikazu Ebisuzaki","Cysteine and cystine adsorption on FeS(100)",,"arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.06785",,,,,2017,Dec. "Kosuke Hara,Takaaki Yano,Kouta Suzuki,Masaaki Hirayama,Tomohiro HAYASHI,Ryoji KANNO,Masahiko Hara","Raman Imaging Analysis of Local Crystal Structures in LiCoO2 Thin Films Calcined at Different Temperatures",,"Anal. Sci.",,"Vol. 33","No. 7","pp. 853-858",2017,July "Kosuke Hara,Taka-aki Yano,Junichi Hata,Kazuhiro Hikima,Kota Suzuki,Masaaki Hirayama,Ryoji Kanno,Masahiko Hara","Nanoscale optical imaging of lithium-ion distribution on a LiCoO2 cathode surface",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 10","No. 5",,2017,Apr. "Quan Zhen,Masaaki Hirayama,Daichi Sato,Yueming Zheng,Taka-aki Yano,Kosuke Hara,Kota Suzuki,Masahiko Hara,Ryoji Kanno","Synthesis of Highly Conductive Li3PS4 Thin Film Electrolyte by PLD Method using Li3+2xPS4+x Targets","The International Battery Association (IBA)2017",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Zhen Quan,Masaaki Hirayama,Daichi Sato,Yueming Zheng,Taka-aki Yano,Kosuke Hara,Kota Suzuki,Masahiko Hara,Ryoji Kanno","Effect of Excess Li2S on Electrochemical Properties of Amorphous Li3PS4 Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition",,"Journal of the American Ceramic Society",,"Vol. 100","Issue 2","pp. 746-753",2017,Feb. "T. Yano,Y. Tsuchimoto,R. P. Zaccaria,A. Toma,A. Portela,M. Hara","Enhanced optical magnetism for reversed optical binding forces between silicon nanoparticles in the visible region",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 25","No. 1","pp. 431-439",2017,Jan. "Z. Quan,M. Hirayama,D. Sato,Y. Zheng,Takaaki Yano,K. Hara,K. Suzuki,M. Hara,R Kanno","Electrochemical Properties of Amorphous Li3PS4 Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition using Li2S-Excess Targets","PRiME2016",,,,,,2016,Oct. "Maria Vanessa Balois,Norihiko Hayazawa,Francesca Celine Catalan,Satoshi Kawata,Takuo Tanaka,Taka-aki Yano,Tomohiro Hayashi","Tip-enhanced THz-Raman spectroscopy: an all-optical method for precise determination and control of local temperature at the nanoscale","The 77th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Autumn Meeting 2016","‰ž—p•¨—Šw‰ïH‹GŠwpu‰‰‰ï",,,,,2016,Sept. "Yulong Sun,Kota Suzuki,Kosuke Hara,Satoshi Hori,Taka-aki Yano,Masahiko Hara,Masaaki Hirayama,Ryoji Kanno","Oxygen substitution effects in Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte",,"Journal of Power Sources",,"Vol. 324",,"pp. 798?803",2016,Aug. "T. Yano,T. Hayashi,M. Hara","In-situ TERS Observation of Mechanically- and Electrically-induced Chemical Reactions",,"2016 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Piers)",,,,"pp. 823-823",2016, "Takaaki Yano,Y. Tsuchimoto,T. Hayashi,Masahiko Hara","Controlling Fano Resonances and Scattering Directionality of High-index Dielectric Nanostructures by Thermal Oxidation","NFO-14: The 14th International Conference of Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques","NFO-14: The 14th International Conference of Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques",,,,,2016, "Kosuke Hara,Takaaki Yano,Tomohiro Hayashi,Masaaki Hirayama,Ryoji Kanno,Masahiko Hara","Analysis of the degradation phenomenon on LiCoO2 thin films using Raman imaging during charging and discharging","The Third International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science",,,,,,2014,Dec.