"田久保 耕,山本 航平,横山 優一,Y. Zhang,山神 光平,平田 靖透,関 剛斎,高梨 弘毅,H. Man,中辻 知,和達 大樹","時間分解X線磁気円偏光2色性及び共鳴軟X線散乱による超高速磁気ダイナミクス観測","MRS-J第29回年次大会",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Y. Yokoyama,K. Kawakami,Y. Hirata,K. Takubo,K. Yamamoto,K. Abe,A. Mitsuda,H. Wada,T. Uozumi,S. Yamamoto,I. Matsuda,S. Kimura,K. Mimura,H. Wadati","Photoinduced valence dynamics in EuNi2(Si0.21Ge0.79)2 studied via time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy",,"Physical Review B",," 100",," 115123",2019,Sept. "K. Yoshimatsu,J. Ishimaru,K. Watarai,K. Yamamoto,Y. Hirata,H. Wadati,Y. Takeda,K. Horiba,H. Kumigashira,O. Sakata,A. Ohtomo","Magnetic and electronic properties of B-site-ordered double-perovskite oxide La2CrMnO6 thin films",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 99",,,2019,June "Y. Yokoyama,Y. Yamasaki,M. Taguchi,Y. Hirata,K. Takubo,J. Miyawaki,Y. Harada,D. Asakura,J. Fujioka,M. Nakamura,H. Daimon,M. Kawasaki,Y. Tokura,H. Wadati","Tensile-Strain-Dependent Spin States in Epitaxial LaCoO3 Thin Films",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 120","No. 20","pp. 206402",2018,Aug. "M. Horio,Y. Krockenberger,K. Yamamoto,Y. Yokoyama,K. Takubo,Y. Hirata,S. Sakamoto,K. Koshiishi,A. Yasui,E. Ikenaga,S. Shin,H. Yamamoto,H. Wadati,A. Fujimori","Electronic Structure of Ce-Doped and -Undoped Nd2CuO4 Superconducting Thin Films Studied by Hard X-Ray Photoemission and Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 120","No. 25","pp. 257001",2018,June "K. Takubo,K. Yamamoto,Y. Hirata,H. Wadati,T. Mizokawa,R. Sutarto,F. He,K. Ishii,Y. Yamasaki,H. Nakao,Y. Murakami,G. Matsuo,H. Ishii,M. Kobayashi,K. Kudo,M. Nohara","Commensurate versus incommensurate charge ordering near the superconducting dome in Ir1-xPtxTe2 revealed by resonant x-ray scattering",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 97","No. 20","pp. 205142",2018,May "平田靖透,山本 航平,山本 真吾,N. Pontius,C. Schussler-Langeheine,吉松 公平,大久保 勇男,北村 未歩,尾嶋 正治,大友 明,松田 巌,和達 大樹","時間分解X 線磁気円二色性測定で明らかにするダブルペロブスカイト酸化物薄膜の超高速スピンダイナミクス","日本物理学会 第73回年次大会(2018年)",,,,,,2018,Mar. "K. Yamamoto,Y. Hirata,M. Horio,Y. Yokoyama,K. Takubo,M. Minohara,H. Kumigashira,Y. Yamasaki,H. Nakao,Y. Murakami,A. Fujimori,H. Wadati","Thickness dependence and dimensionality effects on charge and magnetic orderings in La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 thin films",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 97","No. 7","pp. 075134",2018,Feb. "Y. Kubota,Y. Hirata,J. Miyawaki,S. Yamamoto,H. Akai,R. Hobara,K. Yamamoto,T. Someya,K. Takubo,Y. Yokoyama,M. Araki,M. Taguchi,Y. Harada,H. Wadati,M. Tsunoda,R. Kinjo,A. Kagamihata,T. Seike,M. Takeuchi,T. Tanaka,S. Shin,I. Matsuda","Determination of the element-specific complex permittivity using a soft x-ray phase modulator",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 96","No. 21","pp. 214417",2017,Dec. "Y. Kubota,M. Taguchi,H. Akai,S. Yamamoto,T. Someya,Y. Hirata,K. Takubo,M. Araki,M. Fujisawa,K. Yamamoto,Y. Yokoyama,M. Tsunoda,H. Wadati,S. Shin,I. Matsuda","L-edge resonant magneto-optical Kerr effect of a buried Fe nanofilm",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 96","No. 13","pp. 134432",2017,Oct. "Y. Kubota,S. Yamamoto,T. Someya,Y. Hirata,K. Takubo,M. Araki,M. Fujisawa,K. Yamamoto,Y. Yokoyama,M. Taguchi,M. Tsunoda,H. Wadati,S. Shin,I. Matsuda","Polarization dependence of resonant magneto-optical Kerr effect measured by two types of figure-8 undulators",,"Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena",,"Vol. 220",,"pp. 17-20",2017,Oct. "K. Takubo,Y. Yokoyama,H. Wadati,S. Iwasaki,T. Mizokawa,T. Boyko,R. Sutarto,F. Z. He,K. Hashizume,S. Imaizumi,T. Aoyama,Y. Imai,K. Ohgushi","Orbital order and fluctuations in the two-leg ladder materials BaFe2X3 (X = S and Se) and CsFe2Se3",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 96","No. 11",,2017,Sept. "K. Takubo,K. Yamamoto,Y. Hirata,Y. Yokoyama,Y. Kubota,S. Yamamoto,I. Matsuda,S. Shin,T. Seki,K. Takanashi,H. Wadati","Capturing ultrafast magnetic dynamics by time-resolved soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 110","No. 16","pp. 162401",2017,Apr. "平田 靖透,山本 航平,山本 真吾,Niko Pontius,Christian Schussler-Langeheine,吉松 公平,大久保 勇男,北村 未歩,尾嶋 正治,大友 明,松田 巌,和達 大樹","ダブルペロブスカイト酸化物薄膜の時間分解X線磁気円二色性測定","一般社団法人 日本物理学会 第71回年次大会(2016年)",,,,,,2016,Mar. "H. Wadati,Jernej Mravlje,K. Yoshimatsu,H. Kumigashira,M. Oshima,T. Sugiyama,E. Ikenaga,A. Fujimori,A. Georges,,A Radetinac,K.S. Takahashi,Masashi Kawasaki,Yoshinori Tokura","Photoemission and DMFT study of electronic correlations in SrMoO3: Effects of Hund’s rule",,"Physical Review B","American Physical Society"," 90"," 20"," 205131",2014,Nov. "K. Takubo,R. Comin,D. Ootsuki,T. Mizokawa,H. Wadati,Y. Takahashi,G. Shibata,A. Fujimori,R. Sutarto,F. He,S. Pyon,K. Kudo,M. Nohara,G. Levy,I. S. Elfimov,G. A. Sawatzky,A. Damascelli","Bond order and the role of ligand states in stripe-modulated IrTe2",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 90","No. 8","pp. 081104",2014,Aug. "K. Yoshimatsu,H. Wadati,E. Sakai,T. Harada,Y. Takahashi,T. Harano,G. Shibata,K. Ishigami,T. Kadono,T. Koide,T. Sugiyama,E. Ikenaga,H. Kumigashira,M. Lippmaa,M. Oshima,A. Fujimori","Spectroscopic studies on the electronic and magnetic states of Co-doped perovskite manganite Pr0.8Ca0.2Mn1−yCoyO3 thin films",,"Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics",,"Vol. 88",,"Page 174423",2013,Nov. "H. Wadati,K. Kato,Y.Wakisaka,T.Sudayama,D.G. Hawthorn,T.Z. Regier,N.Onishi,M. Azuma,Y.Shimakawa,T.Mizokawa,A. Tanaka,G.A. Sawatzky","Impact of Mn?O?O?Mn superexchange pathways in a honeycomb lattice Mn oxide with small charge-transfer energy",,"Solid State Communications",,"Vol. 162",,"pp. 18-22",2013,June "K. Yoshimatsu,H. Wadati,Takayuki Harada,Yukio Takahashi,Takayuki Harano,Goro Shibata,Keisuke Ishigami,Toshiharu Kadono,Tsuneharu Koide,M. 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