"Masatoshi Suzuki","Canonical systems arising from zeta-functions","RIMS Workshop 2020 Problems and Prospects in Analytic Number Theory",,,,,,2020,Nov. "Masatoshi Suzuki","An inverse problem for a class of canonical systems having Hamiltonians of determinant one",,"Journal of Functional Analysis",,"Vol. 279","issue 12",,2020,Oct. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Integral operators arising from the Riemann zeta function",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"Vol. 84",,"pp. 399-411",2020,Mar. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Integral operators arising from zeta functions","Value distribution of zeta and Lfunctions and related topics",,,,,,2020,Mar. "鈴木正俊","ある偏微分方程式系とHermiteBiehler class の整関数","日本数学会2020 年度年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "鈴木正俊","ゼータ関数から生ずる積分作用素の族について. II","日本数学会2020 年度年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "鈴木正俊","ゼータ関数と微分方程式","数理新人セミナー,",,,,,,2019,Feb. "Masatoshi Suzuki","An inverse problem for a class of canonical systems and its applications to self-reciprocal polynomials",,"Journal d'Analyse Mathematique",,,,,2018,Dec. "鈴木正俊","An introduction to Weng’s zeta functions","関西多重ゼータ研究会",,,,,,2018,May "鈴木正俊","ゼータ関数から生ずる積分作用素の族について","日本数学会2018 年度年会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Masatoshi Suzuki","De Branges spaces associated with zeta-functions","Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions",,,,,,2017,Aug. "鈴木正俊","ゼータ関数・L関数と解析学",,"数理科学",," 9月号","No. 651","pp. 7-14",2017,Aug. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Canonical systems arising from zeta-functions","Hilbert spaces of entire functions and their applications",,,,,,2017,May "Masatoshi Suzuki","Nearest neighbor spacing distributions for zeros of the real part of the Riemann xi-function lying on vertical lines",,"RIMS K?ky?roku",,,"No. 2013","pp. 25-32",2016,Dec. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Canonical systems arising from Dirichlet polynomials","RIMS Workshop 2016, Problems and prospects in Analytic Number Theory",,,,,,2016,Oct. "Masatoshi Suzuki","On the distributions for the zeros of the real and imaginary parts of the Riemann xi-function on vertical lines","The Sixth International Conference Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Analytic aspects of two-dimensional zeta integrals via mean-periodicity","Symmetries and Correspondences: Higher Structures in Number Theory",,,,,,2016,July "Masatoshi Suzuki","Hamiltonian systems arising from L-functions in the Selberg class","Zeta functions of several variables and applications",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Haseo Ki,Yasushi Komori,Masatoshi Suzuki","On the zeros of Weng zeta functions for Chevalley groups",,"Manuscripta Mathematica",,"Volume 148","No. 1","pp. 119?176",2015, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Nearest neighbor spacing distributions for the zeros of the real or imaginary part of the Riemann xi-function on vertical lines",,"Acta Arithmetica",,"Volume 170","Number 1","pp. 47-65",2015, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Translation invariant subspaces and GRH for zeta functions","Symmetries and correspondences in number theory, geometry, algebra, physics: intra-disciplinary trends",,,,,,2014,July "鈴木 正俊","An inverse problem for a class of canonical systems","解析的整数論 ?超越関数の数論的性質とその応用","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1898",,"pp. 140?145",2014,May "鈴木正俊","自己相反多項式の零点と微分方程式","解析数論?近似と漸近的手法を通して見た数論","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1874",,"pp. 125?134",2014,Jan. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Zeta functions as a variant of the cosine function","International Conference on Number Theory",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Masatoshi Suzuki","An inverse problem for a class of canonical systems and its applications","Palanga Conference in Combinatorics and Number Theory",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Masatoshi Suzuki","A family of deformations of the Riemann xi-function",,"Acta Arithmetica",,"Volume 157","no. 3","pp. 201-230",2013, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Zeta functions as a variant of the cosine function; Zeta functions and canonical systems of linear differential equations (two talks)","Zeta Function 2012",,,,,,2012,Sept. "鈴木正俊","自己相反多項式と微分方程式の標準系","解析数論?数論的関数の多重性に関連して","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1806",,"pp. 176?185.",2012,Sept. "Masatoshi Suzuki","Zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials and canonical systems of differential equations","2012 Conference on L-functions",,,,,,2012,Aug. "Masatoshi Suzuki","A canonical system of differential equations arising from the Riemann zeta-function",,"RIMS K?ky?roku Bessatsu",,"vol. B34",,"pp. 397-435",2012, "Ivan Fesenko,Guillaume Ricotta,Masatoshi Suzuki","Mean-periodicity and zeta functions",,"Annales de L'Institut Fourier",,"vol. 62","no. 5","pp. 1819-1887",2012, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Two dimensional adelic analysis and cuspidal automorphic representations of GL(2)",,"Multiple Dirichlet Series, L-functions and Automorphic Forms",,,,"pp. 339-361",2012, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Certain second order differential equation arising from the Riemann-zeta function","The Fifth International Conference in Honour of J. Kubilius",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Suzuki Masatoshi","Positivity of certain functions associated with analysis on elliptic surfaces",,"Journal of Number Theory",,"Volume 131","no. 10","pp. 1770-1796",2011, "Yuichi Kamiya,Masatoshi Suzuki","An attempt to interpret the Weil explicit formula from Beurling's spectral theory",,"Journal of Number Theory",,"vol. 131","no. 4","pp. 685-704",2011, "Masatoshi Suzuki","On monotonicity of certain weighted summatory functions associated with L-functions",,"Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli",,"vol. 60","no. 1-2","pp. 211-225",2011, "Masatoshi Suzuki","An equivalence condition for the Riemann hypothesis","RIMS Project Research: Functions in Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects",,,,,,2010,Dec. "鈴木正俊","Zeros of Weng’s zeta functions for (G; P)","保型形式・保型表現およびそれに伴うL 函数と周期の研究","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1715",,"pp. 159?168",2010,Oct. "鈴木正俊","Eisenstein series and zeros of zeta functions","解析数論およびその周辺の諸問題","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1710",,"pp. 60?70",2010,Aug. "鈴木正俊","On zeta integrals related to Hasse-Weil L-functions of elliptic curves","解析的整数論とその周辺","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1665",,"pp. 105?113",2009,Oct. "Masatoshi Suzuki","On the zeros of zeta functions for (G; P)/Q","Zeta Function Days in Seoul",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Masatoshi Suzuki,Lin Weng","Zeta functions for G_2 and their zeros",,"International Mathematics Research Notices",,"Vol. 2009","no. 2","pp. 241-290",2009, "Masatoshi Suzuki","The Riemann hypothesis for Weng's zeta function of Sp(4) over Q",,"Journal of Number Theory",,"vol. 129","no. 3","pp. 551-579",2009, "鈴木正俊","Continuous deformations of the Riemann zeta-function","第14 回早稲田大学整数論研究集会","第14 回早稲田大学整数論研究集会報告集",,,,,2009, "Masatoshi Suzuki","On the zeros of approximate functions of Rankin-Selberg L-functions",,"Acta Arithmetica",,"Volume 136","no. 1","pp. 19-45",2009, "Masatoshi Suzuki","Mean-periodicity and zeta functions","Multiple Dirichlet Series and Applications to Automorphic Forms",,,,,,2008,Aug. "Masatoshi Suzuki","On the space of incomplete Eisenstein series and the zeros of zeta-function","Second German-Japanese Number Theory Workshop",,,,,,2008,Feb. "Masatoshi Suzuki","An analogue of the Chowla-Selberg formula for several automorphic L-functions",,"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics",,"vol. 49",,"pp. 479-506",2007, "Masatoshi Suzuki","A proof of the Riemann hypothesis for the Weng zeta function of rank 3 for the rationals","The Conference on L-Functions","The Conference on L-Functions","World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd",,,"pp. 175-199",2006,Dec. "鈴木正俊","Rankin-Selberg L 関数, 及び symmetric square L 関数の零点について","保型表現・L 函数・周期の研究","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1523",,"pp. 184?193",2006,Oct. "鈴木正俊","The Riemann hypothesis for certain integrals of Eisenstein series","解析的整数論とその周辺","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1511",,"pp. 38?44",2006,Aug. "鈴木正俊","Ramanujan のデルタ関数に付随するRankin-Selberg L 函数の零点について","解析的整数論","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1512",,"pp. 124?133",2006,Aug. "Jeffrey C. Lagarias,Masatoshi Suzuki","The Riemann hypothesis for certain integrals of Eisenstein series",,"Journal of Number Theory",,"Volume 118","no. 1","pp. 98-122",2006, "Masatoshi Suzuki","On the zeros of the symmetric square L-function associated with the Ramanujan delta-function","International Conference on Probability and Number Theory 2005",,,,,,2005,June "Masatoshi Suzuki","A relation between the zeros of two different L-functions which have an Euler product and functional equation",,"International Journal of Number Theory",,"vol. 1","no. 3","pp. 401-429",2005, "鈴木正俊","ディリクレ指標で捻ったL 関数の零点と元のL 関数の零点の間の関係","保型形式の構成とその応用","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1398",,"pp. 129?136",2004,Oct. "Masatoshi Suzuki","A relation between the zeros of a L-function belonging to the Selberg class and the zeros of an associated L-function twisted by a Dirichlet character",,"Archiv der Mathematik","Birkh?user-Verlag","vol. 83","no. 6","pp. 514-527",2004, "Jeffery C. Lagarias,Masatoshi Suzuki","A note on the Riemann hypothesis for the constant term of the Eisenstein series","2004 数論セミナー静岡","2004 数論セミナー静岡報告集",,,,"pp. 159?168",2004, "鈴木正俊","On the Riemann hypothesis for Weng’s non-abelian zeta of rank 2","2004 数論セミナー静岡","2004 数論セミナー静岡報告集",,,,"pp. 145?158",2004, "Yuichi Kamiya,Masatoshi Suzuki","An asymptotic formula for a sum involving zeros of the Riemann zeta-function",,"Publications de l'Institut Math?matique",,"vol. 76(90)",,,2004, "鈴木正俊","ゼータ関数の零点をわたる和について","2003 数論セミナー静岡","2003 数論セミナー静岡報告集",,,,"pp. 79-97",2003, "鈴木正俊","The analogue of Eichler-Selberg’s trace formula for the non-holomorphic automorphic forms","保型形式およびそれに付随するディリクレ級数の研究","数理解析研究所講究録",,"Vol. 1281",,"pp. 90-100",2002,Aug.