"Dion Awfa,Yuta Shimizu,Mohamed Ateia,Suchat Leungprasert,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","A Simple Fabrication to Prepare Magnetic Carbon Nanotube-TiO2 Composite for Carbamazepine Photodegradation in Water","7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 82-89",2018,Aug. "Thae Su Iwin,Kittyot Tungsudjawong,Chihiro Yoshimura,Suchat Leungprasert","The role of algae on trihalomethane precursors formation from pre-chlorination in Chao Phraya River,","the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Water Management in Southeast Asia, 23 Feb., 2018",,,,"pp. 106-113",2018,Feb. "T Lapsongpon,Suchat Leungprasert,Chihiro Yoshimura","Pre-chlorination contact time and the removal and control of Microcystis aeruginosa in Coagulation.","2017 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science & The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies","Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science & The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies",,,,"pp. 11-15",2017,Jan. "Chihiro Yoshimura,Chikako Yamanaka,Manabu Fujii,Suchat Leungprasert,MAN Tanchuling","Heavy metals in suspended sediment in rivers flowing through megacities in Southeast Asia.",,"ASEAN Engineering Journal",,"Vol. C4","No. 1","pp. 63-72",2015,Feb. "Suchat Leungprasert,Ratchakorn Pitakkomtorn,Ajith U K Ethugala,Chikako Yamanaka,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Concentration and Speciation of Heavy Metals in Sediments from the Lower Chao Phraya River,Thailand.","7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference featuring the 5thSeminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS,NRCT and ERDT)","Proceedings of 7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference featuring the 5thSeminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS,NRCT and ERDT)",,,,"p. 65",2014,Nov. "Chikako Yamanaka,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii,Suchat Leungprasert,Pitakkomtorn Puttipong,TADAHARU ISHIKAWA","Seasonal and spatial distribution of labile heavy metals in suspended sediment of the lower Chao Phraya river,Thailand.",,"Journal of Science and Technology",,"Volume 51","Number 2B","pp. 69-74",2013,May