"Yusuke Nishida","Nonrelativistic conformality and hydrodynamics","Quantum Dynamics at Ghent 2025",,,,,,2025,Feb. "Shimpei Endo,Evgeny Epelbaum,Pascal Naidon,Yusuke Nishida,Kimiko Sekiguchi,Yoshiro Takahashi","Three-body forces and Efimov physics in nuclei and atoms",,"The European Physical Journal A",," 61",," 9",2025,Jan. "Shunta Mochizuki,Yusuke Nishida","Universal bound states and resonances with Coulomb plus short-range potentials",,"Physical Review C",," 110",," 064001",2024,Dec. "Tatsuya Amitani,Yusuke Nishida","Universal nonlinear responses of quantum Hall systems with Galilean invariance",,"Physical Review B",," 110",," 195132",2024,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Discrete scale invariance in charged particles","Quantum Few- and Many-Body Systems in Universal Regimes",,,,,,2024,Oct. "Yusuke Nishida","Discrete scale invariance in charged particles","Universality of Strongly Correlated Few-body and Many-body Quantum Systems",,,,,,2024,Sept. "西田祐介","Pair and triad correlations in ultracold atoms with nuclear physics analogies","核子系と電子系における対相関と対凝縮相",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Yusuke Nishida","Nonrelativistic conformality, contact correlation, and duality in one dimension","Advances in Fluctuating Hydrodynamics: Bridging the Micro and Macro Scales",,,,,,2024,June "Thomas Hewitt,Tom Bertheas,Manan Jain,Yusuke Nishida,Giovanni Barontini","Controlling the interactions in a cold atom quantum impurity system",,"Quantum Science and Technology",," 9",," 035039",2024,May "Yusuke Nishida","Chiral effects in Weyl semimetals","KiPAS International Workshop “From particle physics to supernovae and early Universe”",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Three-body force and beyond in low-dimensional ultracold atoms","6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Chiral light amplifier with pumped Weyl semimetals",,"Physical Review Letters",," 130",," 096903",2023,Feb. "西田祐介","Three-body force and beyond in one-dimensional cold atoms","第8回クラスター階層領域研究会",,,,,,2023,Feb. "Tatsuya Amitani,Yusuke Nishida","Torsion-induced chiral magnetic current in equilibrium",,"Annals of Physics",," 448",," 169181",2023,Jan. "Tatsuya Amitani,Yusuke Nishida","Dynamical chiral magnetic current and instability in Weyl semimetals",,"Physical Review B",," 107",," 014302",2023,Jan. "Yusuke Nishida","Viscous Drude weight of dual Bose and Fermi gases in one dimension",,"Physical Review A",," 106",," 063317",2022,Dec. "Tomohiro Tanaka,Yusuke Nishida","Thermal conductivity of a weakly interacting Bose gas in quasi-one-dimension",,"Physical Review E",," 106",," 064104",2022,Dec. "Tomohiro Tanaka,Yusuke Nishida","Bulk viscosity of dual Bose and Fermi gases in one dimension",,"Physical Review Letters",," 129",," 200402",2022,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Charged analogs of the Efimov effect","International Symposium on Clustering as a Window on the Hierarchical Structure of Quantum Systems",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Nonrelativistic conformality and hydrodynamics","International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories XXI",,,,,,2022,Sept. "西田祐介","エフィモフ効果と荷電粒子系における類似物","基研・iTHEMS国内モレキュール型研究会「少数系の量子ダイナミクス」",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Yusuke Nishida","Efimovian states of three charged particles",,"Physical Review A",," 105",," L010802",2022,Jan. "Koki Ono,Toshiya Higomoto,Yugo Saito,Shun Uchino,Yusuke Nishida,Yoshiro Takahashi","Observation of spin-space quantum transport induced by an atomic quantum point contact",,"Nature Communications volume",," 12",," 6724",2021,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Full counting statistics of Schwinger pair production and annihilation",,"Physical Review D",," 104",," L031902",2021,Aug. "Yusuke Nishida","Conformality, bulk viscosity, and contact correlation","New Frontiers in Extremely Strongly Interacting Quantum Matter: Transport Dynamics, Quantum Hydrodynamics and Topological Matter",,,,,,2021,July "Keisuke Fujii,Yusuke Nishida","Microscopic derivation of the Boltzmann equation for transport coefficients of resonating fermions at high temperature",,"Physical Review A",," 103",," 053320",2021,May "Yuta Sekino,Yusuke Nishida","Field-theoretical aspects of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with contact interactions",,"Physical Review A",," 103",," 043307",2021,Apr. "西田祐介","冷却原子と原子核・クォーク物理の接点:普遍性と類似性","新学術領域研究「量子クラスターで読み解く物質の階層構造」スクール",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Takuya Furusawa,Keisuke Fujii,Yusuke Nishida","Hall viscosity in the A phase of superfluid He3",,"Physical Review B",," 103",," 064506",2021,Feb. "Yu Nakayama,Yusuke Nishida","Efimov effect at the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang roughening transition",,"Physical Review E",," 103",," 012117",2021,Jan. "Sho Nakada,Shun Uchino,Yusuke Nishida","Simulating quantum transport with ultracold atoms and interaction effects",,"Physical Review A",," 102",," 031302",2020,Sept. "西田祐介","非相対論的な系における共形対称性と体積粘性","第7回物質階層を横断する会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Keisuke Fujii,Yusuke Nishida","Bulk viscosity of resonating fermions revisited: Kubo formula, sum rule, and the dimer and high-temperature limits",,"Physical Review A",," 102",," 023310",2020,Aug. "Yasuyuki Kato,Shang-Shun Zhang,Yusuke Nishida,C. D. Batista","Magnetic-field-induced tunability of spin Hamiltonians: Resonances and Efimov states in Yb2Ti2O7",,"Physical Review Research",," 2",," 033024",2020,July "西田祐介","Conformality, bulk viscosity, and contact correlation","第4回クラスター階層領域研究会",,,,,,2020,May "Yusuke Nishida","Viscosity spectral functions of resonating fermions in the quantum virial expansion",,"Annals of Physics",," 410",," 167949",2019,Nov. "Takaaki Anzai,Yusuke Nishida","Two-dimensional imbalanced Fermi gas in antiparallel magnetic fields",,"Physical Review A",," 100",," 043615",2019,Oct. "Yusuke Nishida","Conformality, bulk viscosity, and contact correlation","The Fourth Kyoto-Beijing-Tokyo Workshop on Ultracold Atomic Gases",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Yusuke Nishida","Conformality, bulk viscosity, and contact correlation","Universal physics in Many-Body Quantum Systems ? From Atoms to Quarks",,,,,,2019,Oct. "西田祐介","Conformality, bulk viscosity, and contact correlation","第1回冷却原子研究会「アトムの会」",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Yusuke Nishida","Zoo of quantum halos","Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases",,,,,,2019,June "Takuya Furusawa,Yusuke Nishida","Boson-fermion duality in four dimensions",,"Physical Review D",," 99",," 101701",2019,May "西田祐介","Boson-fermion duality in four dimensions","第4回「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」領域研究会",,,,,,2019,Jan. "西田祐介","非相対論的な系における共形対称性と流体力学","非平衡系の物理学?階層性と普遍性?",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Yusuke Nishida","Novel few-body universality and many-body crossover physics","Universal Physics in Many-Body Quantum Systems -- From Atoms to Quarks --",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Keisuke Fujii,Yusuke Nishida","Hydrodynamics with spacetime-dependent scattering length",,"Physical Review A",," 98",," 063634",2018,Dec. "Yusuke Nishida","Universal bound states of one-dimensional bosons with two- and three-body attractions",,"Physical Review A",," 97",," 061603(R)",2018,June "Keisuke Fujii,Yusuke Nishida","Low-energy effective field theory of superfluid 3He-B and its gyromagnetic and Hall responses",,"Annals of Physics",," 395",," 170-182",2018,June "Yusuke Nishida","Few-body universality: Efimov effect and its application and extension","Quantum Few- to Many-Body Physics in Ultracold Atoms",,,,,,2018,Apr. "西田祐介","冷却原子と原子核・ハドロン物理をつなぐ普遍性","量子クラスターで読み解く物質の階層構造",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Yusuke Nishida","Zoo of quantum halos","Hadrons and Nuclear Physics Meet Ultracold Atoms : a French-Japanese Workshop",,,,,,2018,Feb. "Yuta Sekino,Shina Tan,Yusuke Nishida","Comparative study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with contact interactions from the viewpoint of universal relations for correlation functions",,"Physical Review A",," 97",," 013621",2018,Jan. "Yuta Sekino,Yusuke Nishida","Quantum droplet of one-dimensional bosons with a three-body attraction",,"Physical Review A",," 97",," 011602(R)",2018,Jan. "Yusuke Nishida","Zoo of quantum halos","Critical Stability of Quantum Few-Body Systems",,,,,,2017,Oct. "Yusuke Nishida","Zoo of quantum halos","The 2nd Tokyo-Beijing Workshop on Ultracold Atoms",,,,,,2017,Oct. "Yusuke Nishida","Semisuper Efimov Effect of Two-Dimensional Bosons at a Three-Body Resonance",,"Physical Review Letters","American Physical Society"," 118"," 23"," 230601",2017,June "Takaaki Anzai,Yusuke Nishida","Two-dimensional Fermi gas in antiparallel magnetic fields",,"Physical Review A","American Physical Society"," 95"," 5"," 051603",2017,May "Yusuke Nishida","Kondo effect and its transport measurement with ultracold atoms","From Few To Many: Exploring quantum systems one atom at a time",,,,,,2017,Apr. "西田祐介","Low-energy effective field theory of superfluid 3He-B and its gyromagnetic and Hall responses","理研iTHES神戸量子物性研究会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Yusuke Nishida","Low-energy effective field theory of superfluid 3He-B and its gyromagnetic and Hall responses","EPIQS-TMS Trans-Pacific Conference on Topological Quantum Materials",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Yusuke Nishida","Low-energy effective field theory of superfluid 3He-B and its gyromagnetic and Hall responses","Topological Materials Science: Intensive-Interactive Meeting",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Renormalization group analysis of graphene with a supercritical Coulomb impurity",,"Physical Review B","American Physical Society"," 94"," 8"," 085430",2016,Aug. "Yusuke Nishida","Few-body universality: from Efimov effect to super Efimov effect","The 23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics",,,,,,2016,Aug. "Yusuke Nishida","Kondo effect and its transport measurement with ultracold atoms","CEMS Topical Meeting on Cold Atoms",,,,,,2016,June "Yusuke Nishida","Novel few-body universality and many-body crossover physics","Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases",,,,,,2016,Apr. "西田祐介","冷却原子系における近藤効果の実現とその輸送測定","日本物理学会 第71回年次大会",,,,,,2016,Mar. "西田祐介","量子少数系における普遍性と(スーパー)エフィモフ効果","第4回統計物理学懇談会",,,,,,2016,Mar. "Yusuke Nishida","Transport measurement of the orbital Kondo effect with ultracold atoms",,"Physical Review A","American Physical Society"," 93"," 1"," 011606(R)",2016,Jan. "西田祐介","冷却原子と原子核・ハドロン物理との接点","KEK理論センター研究会「原子核・ハドロン物理の理論的課題と将来」",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Yusuke Nishida","Novel few-body universality and many-body crossover physics","595th International Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Cold Atoms meet Quantum Field Theory"",,,,,,2015,July "Gubler, P.,Yamamoto, N.,Hatsuda, T.,Yusuke Nishida","Single-particle spectral density of the unitary Fermi gas: Novel approach based on the operator product expansion, sum rules and the maximum entropy method",,"Annals of Physics",,"Vol. 356",,"pp. 467-497",2015, "Yusuke Nishida","Polaronic atom-trimer continuity in three-component fermi gases",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 114","No. 11",,2015, "Hyodo, T.,Hatsuda, T.,Yusuke Nishida","Universal physics of three bosons with isospin",,"Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics",,"Vol. 89","No. 3",,2014, "Yusuke Nishida","Vacuum polarization of graphene with a supercritical Coulomb impurity: Low-energy universality and discrete scale invariance",,"Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics",,"Vol. 90","No. 16",,2014, "Moroz, S.,Yusuke Nishida","Super Efimov effect for mass-imbalanced systems",,"Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 90","No. 6",,2014, "Sakumichi, N.,Yusuke Nishida,Ueda, M.","Lee-Yang cluster expansion approach to the BCS-BEC crossover: BCS and BEC limits",,"Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 89","No. 3",,2014, "Yusuke Nishida","Electron spin resonance in a dilute magnon gas as a probe of magnon scattering resonances",,"Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics",,"Vol. 88","No. 22",,2013, "Yusuke Nishida","SU(3) orbital kondo effect with ultracold atoms",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 111","No. 13",,2013,