"下畑 和希,青木 尊之,Yos Sitompul,渡辺 勢也","巨岩を多数含んだ土石流のAMR法を用いた3次元シミュレーション","第38回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,Dec. "下畑和希,青木尊之,Yos Sitompul,渡辺勢也","多数の巨大岩石を含んだ非ニュートン性泥流の3次元土石流シミュレーション","日本混相流学会 混相流シンポジウム2024",,,,,,2024,Sept. "下畑 和希,青木尊之,Yos Sitompul,渡辺 勢也,Shen Dawei","巨岩を多数含んだ??流シミュレーション","第29回計算工学講演会",,,,,,2024,June "青木尊之,下畑和希,渡辺勢也,Yos Sitompul,Shen Dawei","多数の巨礫を含んだ?石流と堰堤の3次元シミュレーション","砂防学会研究発表会「和歌山大会」",,,,,,2024,May "Yos Panagaman Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Seiya Watanabe,Kenta Sugihara,Tomohiro Takaki","Foam Formation Simulation with Heat Transport using Cumulant LBM with MPF model and AMR","日本流体力学会・年会2023",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Sitompul Yos,Aoki Takayuki,Watanabe Seiya,Sugihara Kenta,Takaki Tomohiro","Heat Transfer Study in Foam Formation using LBM with MPF model and AMR method","日本計算工学会・第28回計算工学講演会",,,,,,2023,June "Yos P Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Seiya Watanabe,Kenta Sugihara,Tomohiro Takaki","A simulation of foam formation using multi-phase-field model and lattice Boltzmann method with adaptive mesh refinement","The 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2023)",,,,,,2023,Apr. "Sitompul Yos Panagaman,Takayuki Aoki,Seiya Watanabe,Kenta Sugihara,Tomohiro Takaki","Foam Simulation with more than 1000 bubbles using LBM with MPF model and AMR method","日本流体力学会・第36回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Yos Sitompul,TAKAYUKI AOKI,Seiya Watanabe,Tomohiro Takaki","An ordered active parameter tracking method for efficient multiphase field simulations",,"Journal of Computational Science",,"Vol. 64"," October 2022",,2022,Oct. "Yos P. Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Seiya Watanabe,Kenta Sugihara,Tomohiro Takaki","Study on Foam Formation using Multi-phase-field Lattice Boltzmann Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement","8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM-APCOM 2022",,,,,,2022,July "Yos Sitompul,TAKAYUKI AOKI,Seiya Watanabe,Tomohiro Takaki","Development of an Improved Active Parameter Tracking Method for Effi cient Multiphase Simulations usingMultiphase Field Method","第27回計算工学講演会",,,,,,2022,June "Sitompul Yos,Aoki Takayuki,Watanabe Seiya,Sugihara Kenta,Takaki Tomohiro","Foam Simulation with a Large Number of Bubbles using Multi-phase LBM and Adaptive Mesh Refinement","日本流体力学会第35回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Sitompul Yos,Aoki Takayuki,Watanabe Seiya,Sugihara Kenta,Takaki Tomohiro","Foam Simulation with a Large Number of Bubbles using Multi-phase LBM and Adaptive Mesh Refinement","日本流体力学会第35回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Sitompul Yos,Aoki Takayuki,Watanabe Seiya,Sugihara Kenta,Takaki Tomohiro","Foam Simulation with a Large Number of Bubbles using Multi-phase LBM and Adaptive Mesh Refinement","日本流体力学会第35回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Yos Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Seiya Watanabe,Kenta Sugihara,Tomohiro Takaki","A Large-scale Foam Simulation using a Multi-phase field Lattice Boltzmann Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement","日本機械学会第34回計算力学講演会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Sitompul Yos Panagaman,Aoki Takayuki,Watanabe Seiya,Takaki Tomohiro","Liquid-gas Foam Simulations using Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement","第26回計算工学講演会",,,,,,2021,May "Yos Sitompul","Lattice Boltzmann Method for Two-phase Flows with High Density Ratio and Reynolds Number",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Yos Sitompul","Lattice Boltzmann Method for Two-phase Flows with High Density Ratio and Reynolds Number",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Yos Sitompul","Lattice Boltzmann Method for Two-phase Flows with High Density Ratio and Reynolds Number",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Yos Panagaman Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Tomohiro Takaki","Simulation of turbulent bubbly pipe flow with high density ratio and high reynolds number by using the lattice boltzmann method and a multi-phase field model",,"International Journal of Multiphase Flow",,"Volume 134"," 103505",,2021,Jan. "Yos Panagaman Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki,Tomohiro Takaki","Study on Foam Formation using Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method with Multi-phase Field Model","COMPSAFE2020",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Sitompul Yos Panagaman,Aoki Takayuki,Takaki Tomohiro","A Simulation of Turbulent Bubbly Flow in a Pipe using Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method","混相流シンポジウム2020","混相流シンポジウム2020講演論文集",,,,,2020,Aug. "Yos Sitompul,TAKAYUKI AOKI,Tomohiro Takaki","A Study on Turbulent Bubbly Flows using Lattice Boltzmann Methods and Multi-phase Field Model","日本流体力学会第33回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Yos Sitompul,TAKAYUKI AOKI","A Filtered Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method for Violent Two-phase Flows",,"J. Comput. Phys",,"Vol. 390","No. 1","pp. 93-120",2019,Aug. "SITOMPUL YOS P,青木 尊之","激しい?相流に適?するフィルタリングされたキュムラント格?ボルツマン法","第32回 数値流体力学シンポジウム (CFD2018)",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Yos Panagaman Sitompul,Takayuki Aoki","A Cumulant LBM with Hybrid-like Filter for Violent Two-phase Flows","ICM2018",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Sitompul Yos Panagaman,青木尊之","激しい二相流に適用するハイブリッド速度フィルター付きキュムラント格子ボルツマン法","日本流体力学会 年会2018",,,,,,2018,Sept.