"Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima,Teruya Tanaka,Takayoshi Norimatsu","Effect of isotope enrichment on performance of lead-lithium blanket of inertial fusion reactor","International Conference on Computation in Science and Engine","IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series","IOP science","Vol. 1090","No. Conference 1","pp. 1-7",2018,Sept. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima,Teruya Tanaka,Takayoshi Norimatsu","[Keynote speech] Study on neutron transport and material activation for development of inertial fusion reactor","International conference on computation in science and engineering (ICCSE 2017)","Book of Abstract",,,,,2017,July "Masatoshi KONDO,Yuu NAKAJIMA,Teruya TANAKA,Takashi NOZAWA,Takehiko YOKOMINE","Experimental Study on Chemical Behaviors of Non-Metal Impurities in Pb, Pb-Bi and Pb-Li by Temperature Programmed Desorption Mass Spectrometer Analysis",,"Plasma and Fusion Research","The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research , Nagoya, Aichi, Japan","Vol. 11",,,2016,July "Masatoshi KONDO,Yuu Nakajima,Teruya Tanaka,Takashi Nozawa,Takehiko Yokomine","Desorption of non-metal impurities from Pb and Pb-Li alloy","25th international toki conference (ITC-25) Creating the Future -- Innovative Science of Plasma and Fusion",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Masatoshi KONDO,Yuu Nakajima,Mitsuyo Tsuji,Takashi Nozawa","Evaluation of thermal conductivity for liquid lead lithium alloys at various Li concentrations based on measurement and evaluation of density, thermal diffusivity and specific heat of alloys",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Volume 109-111, Part B",,"pp. 1345-1350",2015,Oct. "Masatoshi KONDO,Yuu Nakajima,Mitsuyo Tsuji,Takashi Nozawa","Evaluation of density and thermal diffusivity of liquid Pb-Li alloys at various Li concentrations","12 th international symposium on fusion nuclear technology","Book of abstract","ISFNT12 ŽÀsˆÏˆõ‰ï",,,,2015,Sept. "Yuu Nakajima,Masatoshi KONDO,Takashi Nozawa","Study on fabrication method of lithium alloys with metal grains",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","elsevier","Vol. 98-99",,"pp. 2009-2014",2015,July "ì–“—z•½,’†“ˆŒ‹,—é–جŽÀ,‹ß“¡³‘,“c’†Æ–ç,•HÀ—ÇŒõ,—ÍÎ_F,Žº‰êŒ’•v,‘Š—Ç–¾’j","‰t‘̃uƒ‰ƒ“ƒPƒbƒg‚Ì”MŒðŠ·ŠíŠE–Ê\‘¢‰ü‘P‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†","2015 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","“ú–{Œ´Žq—ÍŠw‰ï 2015”N t‚Ì”N‰ï Šw¶ƒZƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“ —\eW","ˆê”ÊŽÐ’c–@l “ú–{Œ´Žq—ÍŠw‰ï",,,,2015,Mar. "Masatoshi Kondo,Narumi Suzuki,Yuu Nakajima,Yuya Akiyama,Teruya Tanaka,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma,Takeo Muroga,Akio Sagara","Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to in-situ corrosion monitoring of ceramic coatings in liquid breeder blanket","NuMat 2014: The Nuclear materials Conference","Book of Abstracts, Numat 2014","Elsevier",,,,2014,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima,Teruya Tanaka,Takashi Nozawa,Takehiko Yokomine","Fabrication of lithium lead alloy and impurity control by temperature]programmed desorption","Plasma2014","Plasma2014 —\eW","ƒvƒ‰ƒYƒ}Šj—Z‡Šw‰ï",,,,2014,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima,Takashi Nozawa","Study on fabrication method of lithium alloy with metal grains","28th symposium on fusion technology","Book of Abstracts, 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology",,,,"Page 769",2014,Sept. "Masatoshi Kondo,Narumi Suzuki,Yuu Nakajima,Teruya Tanaka,Takeo Muroga","In-situ impedance measurement of corrosion interface in liquid metals, Fusion Engineering and Design",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 89",,"pp. 1201-1208",2014,May "‹ß“¡³‘,’†“ˆŒ‹","‰t‘Ì‘BÞ—pƒŠƒ`ƒEƒ€‡‹à‚̇¬Žè–@‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹† (2) ƒŠƒ`ƒEƒ€”Z“x‚Ì’²®","2014”N“ú–{Œ´Žq—ÍŠw‰ït‚Ì”N‰ï","“ú–{Œ´Žq—ÍŠw‰ï2015”Nt‚Ì”N‰ï—\eW","ˆê”ÊŽÐ’c–@l “ú–{Œ´Žq—ÍŠw‰ï",,,,2014,Mar. "Masatoshi KONDO,Yuu Nakajima,Takayoshi Norimatsu","Effect of isotope enrichment on tritium breeding and suppression of polonium formation in lithium lead blanket","9th General Scientific Assembly of the Asia Plasma and Fusion Association in 2013","Book of Abstracts, APFA2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima,Narumi Suzuki","Study on fabrication method of lithium alloys and impurity control","9th General Scientific Assembly of the Asia Plasma and Fusion Association in 2013","Book of Abstracts, APFA2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuya Akiyama,Teruya Tanaka,Narumi Suzuki,Yuu Nakajima","Electrochemical impedance measurement of oxide film with liquid metal electrode of lead lithium alloy","9th General Scientific Assembly of the Asia Plasma and Fusion Association in 2013","Book of Abstracts, APFA2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yuu Nakajima","Boiling points of liquid breeders for fusion blankets",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 88",,"pp. 2256-2559",2013,June