"Kono S.,Thusoo S.,Jasinda C.,Obara T.,Subedi N.,Mukai D.","How healthy are Japanese piles and foundation members?","International Federation for Structural Concret (fib) 2024 Symposium","International Federation for Structural Concret (fib) 2024 Symposium","International Federation for Structural Concret (fib)",,,,2024,Nov. "Kono S.,Obara T.,Subedi N.,Oktiovan Y.,Thusoo S.,Mukai D.","Nonlinear behavior of concrete piles and reinforced concrete foundation members","The 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2024","Italian Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2024,July "Yuta Watanabe,Shristi Bhusal,Naresh Subedi,Shreya Thusoo,Taku Obara,Susumu Kono","Flexural behavior of large diameter cast-in-place concrete-filled steel tube piles","The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium JEES","Proceedings of The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium",,,,,2023,Nov. "Naresh Subedi,Thusoo S,Obara T,Kono S,Kaneko O,Hayakakawa T,Watanabe H,Mukai T","Flexural Performance of Cast-in-place Concrete-filled Steel Tube Piles under Varying Axial Load",,"Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier","Elsevier","Vol. 174",,,2022,Mar. "小原拓,安藤諒,Thusoo S.,河野進,渡辺臣,谷昌典","高軸力下における SC 杭のせん断終局耐力に関する実験的研究 その1-2","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 597-600",2021,Sept. "Benyoucef A.,Thusoo S.,Obara T.,Kono S.,Murata Y.,Iihoshi F.,Akimoto K.,Kawano H.,Sakakibara H.,Mukai D.","Bond behavior of RC beams with high strength shear reinforcement (Part 1-3)","Annual meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 45-50",2021,Sept. "Thusoo S.,Obara T.,Kono S.,Miyahara K.","Design models for steel encased high-strength precast concrete piles under axial-flexural loads",,"Engineering Structures","Elsevier","Vol. 228",,,2021,Feb. "Shreya Thusoo","Flexural and Shear Performance of Steel-encased Precast Spun Concrete Piles",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Shreya Thusoo","Flexural and Shear Performance of Steel-encased Precast Spun Concrete Piles",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Hamada J.,Asai Y.,Mukai D.","Experimental investigation of hollow precast steel-encased concrete piles","The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Shreya Thusoo","Flexural and Shear Performance of Steel-encased Precast Spun Concrete Piles",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Obara T.,Egawa M.,Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Miyahara K.,Mukai D.","Experimental study on shear behavior of hollow precast steel-encased high-strength spun concrete piles","The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Shreya Thusoo","Flexural and Shear Performance of Steel-encased Precast Spun Concrete Piles",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "古川佳純,小原拓,河野進,宮原清,Thusoo S.,Mukai D.","SC杭の軸圧縮性状に関する実験的研究","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 575-576",2020,July "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Taku Obara,Mukai D.","Verification of strength of steel-encased high-strength concrete piles under combined axial and flexure forces using different design codes","Annual meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 487-488",2020,July "小原拓,Subedi N.,阿部紗也加,Thusoo S.,河野進,平尾一樹,今井康幸,Mukai D.","軸力を受ける鋼管コンクリート杭のせん断終局耐力に関する実験的研究","日本建築学会年次大会","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 577-582",2020,July "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Hamada J.,Asai Y.","Performance of Precast Hollow Steel-Encased High-Strength Concrete Piles",,"Engineering Structures","Elsevier","Vol. 204",,,2020,Feb. "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Taku Obara,Yoichi Asai,Katsumi Kobayashi,David Jiro Mukai","Performance Evaluation of Earthquake-Resistant Steel-Encased Concrete Piles Based on Prestressed Concrete Member Design Criteria","Technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会","Vol. C2",,"pp. 213-214",2019,Sept. "江川弥玖,ThusooShreya,小原拓,河野進,平尾 一樹,小林 勝巳,MUKAIDavid Jiro","軸力を受けるSC 杭のせん断耐力に関する実験的研究(その1)","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集構造系","日本建築学会","Vol. 構造IV",,"pp. 227-228",2019,Sept. "Thusoo S.,Tanaka H.,Otaki T.,Kono S.,Watanabe H.,Hayakawa T.,Hirade T.,Mukai T.,Mukai D.","Analysis of Bending Behavior of Hollow Precast Steel Encased Concrete Piles Using Fiber Based Models","Eleventh US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the Eleventh US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2018,July "Thusoo S.,Tanaka H.,Watanabe H.,Kono S.,Hirade T.,Mukai D.,Mukai T.,Mizukami D.","Study on structural performance evaluation for concrete pile system with post-earthquake functional use (Part 7: Numerical analysis of SC piles)","Technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会","Vol. C2",,"pp. 587-588",2017,Sept. "Shreya Thusoo,Wijeyewickrema A.","Effects of interface material on decay of dynamic response of free and controlled rocking systems","7th ISAJ Symposium on Science and Technology for Sustainability",,,,,"pp. 9",2016,Dec. "Shreya Thusoo,Wijeyewickrema A.","Significance of Soil-Structure Interaction on RC Buildings","Eighth TIT-NCU Student Seminar for Civil Engineering",,,,,"pp. 9",2016,Mar.