"Hongchao Deng,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Discrete and Continuous Odor Quantification in Gas-Phase Odor Biosensor",,"Measement Science and Technology","Biomedical Engineering and Measement Technology","Vol. 35","No. 7",,2024,Apr. "Hongchao Deng,Takamichi Nakamoto,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki","Liquid Layer Thickness Control and Adjustment in Gas-phase Odor Biosensor","電気学会ケミカルセンサ研究会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Yasufumi Yokoshiki,Keito Nagayoshi,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Sawako Niki,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takashi Tokuda,Takamichi Nakamoto","Study for Improving the Performance of Odor Biosensor System Using Olfactory Receptor",,"Sensors and Materials",,"Vol. 34","No. 4","pp. 1617-1626",2022,Apr. "Deng Hongchao,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Yohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Extending Lifetime of Gas-Phase Odor Biosensor Using Liquid Thickness Control and Liquid Exchange",,"Biosensors and bioelectronics",,"Vol. 199",,"pp. 11387",2022,Mar. "Hongchao Deng,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Gas Phase Odorant Detection by Insect Olfactory Receptor",,"IEEE Sensors Jounral",,"Vol. 21","issue 19","pp. 21184-21191",2021,Oct. "Hongchao Deng,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Thickness Control of Thin Liquid Film above Cell for Extending Life Time of Odor Biosensor","電気学会E部門総合研究会 ケミカルセンサ研究会",,,,,,2021,July "Yuji Sukekawa,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Binary mixture quantification using cell-based odor biosensor system with active sensing",,"Biosensors and Bioelectronics",,"Vol. 179",,,2021,May "Hongchao Deng,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Gas Phase Odorant Detection System Based on Insect Olfactory Receptor",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Cesar Augusto Hernandez-Reyes,Shumpei Fukushima,Shunsuke Shigaki,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Takeshi Sakurai,Ryohei Kanzaki,Hideki Sezutsu:","Identification of exploration and exploitation balance in the silkmoth olfactory search behavior by information-theoretic modeling",,"Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience","Frontiers","Vol. 15",,,2021,Feb. "Yuji Sukekawa,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki,Takamichi Nakamoto","Odor Discrimination Using Cell-based Odor Biosensor System with Fluorescent Image Processing",,"IEEE Sensors Journal",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 7192-7200",2019,Sept. "Totok Mujiono,Yuji Sukekawa,Takamichi Nakamoto,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Maneerat Termtanasombat,Ryohei Kanzaki,Nobuo Misawa","Sensitivity improvement by applying lock-in technique to fluorescent instrumentation for cell-based odor sensor",,"Sensors and Materials",,"Vol. 29",,"p. 65-76",2017,Jan. "Shoma Haigo,Shunsuke Shigaki,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Takeshi Sakurai,Ryohei Kanzaki,Hideki Sezutsu","Modulation of CPT Behavior Depends on Wind Flow Exhibited by a Silkmoth","The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry","Proceeding of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry",,,,"p. 57",2016,Sept. "Yuji Sukekawa,Totok Mujiono,Takamichi Nakamoto,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Ryohei Kanzaki","Spatially parallelized lock-in measurement technique for cell-based odor biosensor","International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste",,,,,"p. 2-73",2016,June "Mujiono Totok,Yuji Sukekawa,TAKAMICHI NAKAMOTO,Hidefumi Mitsuno,Nakajima Yuko,Ryohei Kanzaki,Nobuo Misawa","Lock-in measurement technique in fluorescent instrumentation system for cell-based odor sensor",,"Trans. IEEJ",,,"No. 136","Page 83-89",2016, "Yuki Harada,TAKAMICHI NAKAMOTO,Tomoki Kazawa,Ryohei Kanzaki","Response prediction of an insect’s olfactory receptor neuron by using structural parameters of odorant and Self-Organizing Map",,"IEEE Sensors Journal",,,"No. 16","Page 580-585",2016, "Shoma Haigo,Shunsuke Shigaki,Takeshi Sakurai,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Ryohei Kanzaki,Hideki Sezutsu","Analysis of the Wind-direction Sense for Chemical Plume Tracing of a Silkworm Moth","The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry","Proceeding of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry",,,,"p. 72",2015,Dec. "Shunsuke Shigaki,Shunpei Fukushima,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Ryohei Kanzaki","Development and Evaluation of Simultaneous Measurement Device between Biosignal and Behavior of Animal","INCF Japan Node International Workshop Advances in Neuroinformatics 2015","Proceeding of INCF Japan Node International Workshop Advances in Neuroinformatics 2015",,,,"p. 69",2015,Nov. "Shunsuke Shigaki,Shunpei Fukushima,Ryo Minegishi,Daisuke Kurabayashi,Ryohei Kanzaki","3-DOF Servosphere: A Novel Experiment System for Measuring Locomotion of Free Walking Silkworm Moth","SICE Annual Conference 2015","Proceeding of SICE Annual Conference 2015",,,,"pp. 1295-1298",2015,July