"Shota Kawasaki,Yu Sekiguchi,Gosuke Nakajima,Kosuke Haraga,Chiaki Sato","Digital Image Correlation measuring of strain and stress distribution on mixed adhesive joints bonded by honeymoon adhesion using two types of second-generation acrylic adhesives of two components",,"Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan","The Adhesion Society of Japan","Vol. 53","No. 6","pp. 192-201",2017,June "shota kawasaki,Yu Sekiguchi,Nakajima Gosuke,kosuke haraga,chiaki sato","Strain and stress field measurement in functionally graded adhesive joints bonded by honeymoon adhesion using two types of second generation acrylic adhesives","The 6th Asian Conference on Adhesion (ACA2016)","Abstract of the 6th Asian Conference on Adhesion",,,,"pp. 23-24",2016,June