"Mari Kurata,Ming Jiang,Kotaro Hoshiba,Yusuke Sugahara,Takahiro Uehara,Masato Kawabata,Ken Harada,Yukio Takeda","Experimental investigation of a powered lifting assistance device introducing direct touch between the caregiver and the care receiver",,"Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology",,"vol. 13",,,2025,Mar. "Takamaru Saito,Ming Jiang,Marco Ceccarelli,Yukio Takeda","Effects of Independent Links of the Lower Leg on the Ankle Joint in Walking Assistance",,"Robotics",,"vol. 14","No. 2",,2025,Feb. "Ming Jiang,Muhao Chen,Dongbo Zhou,Zebing Mao","Editorial for the special issue on biomimetic soft robotics: Actuation, sensing, and integration",,"Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics",,,," 100211",2025,Jan. "Yuhang Lei,Ming Jiang,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda","A 3-dof parallel continuum robot with large orientation workspace: Modeling, simulation and experiment",,,,,,,2025,Jan. "Ming Jiang,Lei Cao,Qizhi Meng,Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli,Yusuke Sugahara,YUKIO TAKEDA","Design and Prototyping of a Hand Exoskeleton for Finger Rehabilitation by Driving Distal Phalanx","IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics","Mechanisms and Machine Science",,"vol. 166",,,2024,Sept. "Yifan Feng,Yusuke Sugahara,Ming Jiang,Marco Ceccarelli,Yukio Takeda","Conceptual Design of Hybrid Thrustered Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots","The International Conference of IFToMM ITALY","Mechanisms and Machine Science",,"vol. 166",,,2024,Sept. "Ryohei Morita,Ming Jiang,Andrea Botta,Yusuke Sugahara,Giuseppe Quaglia,Marco Ceccarelli,Yukio Takeda","Design and Preliminary Testing of WELiBot: A Wearable End-Effector Type Upper Limb Assistive Robot","The Fifth International Conference of IFToMM ITALYThe Fifth International Conference of IFToMM ITALY","Mechanisms and Machine Science",,,,"pp. 67-75",2024,July "Yuhang Lei,Ming Jiang,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda","A Novel 6-DOF Parallel Continuum Robot with Enhanced Reachable Workspace and Range of Twisting","46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)",,,,,,2024,July "Ming Jiang,Wataru Hijikata","Hydrodynamic Performance of an Optimized Spiral Groove Bearing to Improve Plasma Skimming Effect","46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)",,,,,,2024,July "Ming Jiang,Jian Zheng,Qizhi Meng,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda","Detecting the Intention of Sit-to-Stand by Analyzing Reaction Forces on the Foot with Pareto Optimum","46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)",,,,,,2024,July "長谷部巧馬,河野友也,斎藤天丸,Jiang Ming,菅原雄介,武田行生","動作支援装置におけるAssist-As-Needed駆動のための冗長ハイブリッドアクチュエータの開発(足首装着型歩行支援装置を対象としたアクチュエータ特性の基礎検討)","第23回日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会(MDT2024)","第23回日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会(MDT2024)",,,," 2C2-5",2024,Apr. "村松興大郎,Zheng Jian,斎藤天丸,Jiang Ming,菅原雄介,南後淳,武田行生","冗長ハイブリッドアクチュエータを適用したAssist-As-Needed立ち上がり支援装置の開発(試作機の基本構成と立ち上がり動作模擬装置による支援効果の基礎的検討)","第23回日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会(MDT2024)","第23回日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会(MDT2024)",,,," 2C2-6",2024,Apr. "Ming JIANG,Jian ZHENG,Andrea BOTTA,Yusuke SUGAHARA,Yukio TAKEDA","Estimation of Sit-to-Stand Intentions via Plantar Force Reaction Induced by External Stimulus on Toe","第29回ロボティクスシンポジア","第29回ロボティクスシンポジア",,,," 6B3",2024,Mar. "J. Nie,M. Jiang,A. Botta,Y. Sugahara,Y. Takeda","Adaptive Ground Clearance Control for Preparation for Fall in a Wearable Assistive Device","2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (AMC)","Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (AMC)",,,,,2024,Feb. "Itsuki Uera,Yuhang Lei,Ming Jiang,Yukio Takeda","Experimental evaluation of 3-DOF Parallel Continuum Robot capable of twisting motion","The 30th Jc-IFToMM Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms",,,,,,2024, "Jiancheng Nie,Ming Jiang,Andrea Botta,YUKIO TAKEDA","An adaptive gait event detection method based on stance point for walking assistive devices",,"Sensors and Actuators A: Physical",,"Volume 364",,,2023,Nov. "Ryohei Morita,Ming Jiang,Andrea Botta,Yusuke Sugahara,Giuseppe Quaglia,Marco Ceccarelli,Yukio Takeda","Kinematic Design and Analysis of a Wearable End-Effector Type Upper Limb Assistive Robot","The 16th IFToMM World Congress (WC2023)","Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science","Springer Nature Switzerland",,,"pp. 702-712",2023,Nov. "Takamaru Saito,Ming Jiang,Yusuke Sugahara,Marco Ceccarelli,Yukio Takeda","Experimental Investigation of an Assistive Device for Ankle Motion Using Dummy Robot","The 16th IFToMM World Congress (WC2023)","Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science",,,,"pp. 764-774",2023,Nov. "Yuhang Lei,Ming Jiang,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda","Three-Actuated-DOF Parallel Continuum Robot with High Twisting Performance: Cosserat Rod-Based Kineto-Static Modeling and Simulation","The 16th IFToMM World Congress (WC2023)","Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science","Springer Nature Switzerland",,,,2023,Nov. "Jiang Ming,Wataru Hijikata","Spiral Groove Bearing Design for Improving Plasma Skimming in Rotary Blood Pumps",,"Journal of Artificial Organs",,,,,2023,Nov. "森田瞭平,Jiang Ming,Andrea Botta,菅原雄介,Giuseppe Quaglia,Marco Ceccarelli,武田行生","ウェアラブルエンドエフェクタ型上肢アシストロボット―機構の提案と運動学・静力学解析―","LIFE2023","LIFE2023 講演論文集",,,," 3A1E2",2023,Sept. "河野 友也,斎藤 天丸,崔 佑赫,Jiang Ming,菅原 雄介,武田 行生","Assist As Needed制御に向けたRedundant Hybrid Actuator","第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会",,,,," 3C2-01",2023,Sept. "夏目 龍之介,安東 零司,吉田 周平,田岡 祐樹,齋藤 滋規,Jiang Ming,菅原 雄介,武田 行生","薄膜状物体の曲面貼付への応用を目的としたRCM機構","第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会",,,,," 3C1-05",2023,Sept. "蔵田真鈴,Ming Jiang,干場功太郎,菅原雄介,上原隆浩,川端眞人,原田健,武田行生","介助者と協働する移乗支援装置についての実験的検討","LIFE2023","LIFE2023 講演論文集",,,," 3A1E4",2023,Sept. "Zheng Jian,Jiang Ming,Botta Andrea,菅原 雄介,武田 行生","つま先への刺激に対する足底反力変化による立ち上がり意図の検出手法","LIFE2023","LIFE2023 講演論文集",,,," 3A1E3",2023,Sept. "Mari Kurata,Ming Jiang,Kotaro Hoshiba,Yusuke Sugahara,Takahiro Uehara,Masato Kawabata,Ken Harada,Yukio Takeda","Lifting Assist Device for Transfer in Cooperation with Caregivers","International Workshop IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals (I4SDG)","Proceedings of the International Workshop IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals (I4SDG)",,,,,2023,June "Alampay, M.J.P.,Jiang, M.,Sugahara, Y.,Takeda, Y.","Design and Prototyping of a Semi-wearable Robotic Leg for Sit-to-Stand Motion Assistance of Hemiplegic Patients","International Workshop IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals (I4SDG)","Proceedings of the International Workshop IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals (I4SDG)",,,,,2023,June "Takamaru Saito,Ming Jiang,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda,Marco Ceccarelli","Aa Assistive Device for Ankle Motion","6th Jc-IFToMM International Symposium","Proceedings of 6th Jc-IFToMM International Symposium",,,,,2023,May "M.J.P. Alampay,M. Jiang,Y. Sugahara,Y. Takeda","A semi-wearable robotic leg for assistance in the sit-to-stand motion of hemiplegic patients","28th Robotics Symposia","Proceedings of 28th Robotics Symposia",,,,"pp. 85-90",2023,Mar. "斎藤天丸,Huang ShaoQing,Jiang Ming,干場功太郎,菅原雄介,武田行生","下腿部に装着する独立アーム型Assist As Needed歩行支援装置(基本構成の提案)","第21回日本機械学会機素潤滑設計部門講演会",,,,," 1A33",2022,Dec. "Ming Jiang","Hydrodynamically Levitated Rotary Blood Pump for Enhancing Plasma Skimming by Designs of Spiral Groove Bearings",,,,,,,2022,June "Ming Jiang","Hydrodynamically Levitated Rotary Blood Pump for Enhancing Plasma Skimming by Designs of Spiral Groove Bearings",,,,,,,2022,June "Ming Jiang","Hydrodynamically Levitated Rotary Blood Pump for Enhancing Plasma Skimming by Designs of Spiral Groove Bearings",,,,,,,2022,June "Ming Jiang","Hydrodynamically Levitated Rotary Blood Pump for Enhancing Plasma Skimming by Designs of Spiral Groove Bearings",,,,,,,2022,June "Kohei Hatakenaka,Wataru Hijikata,Jiang Ming,Tatsuki Fujiwara,Katsuhiro Ohuchi,Yusuke Inoue","An intelligent function for preventing pump thrombosis by the micro circular orbital oscillation of magnetically levitated impeller","International Socity For Mechanical Circulatory Support (ISMCS)",,,,,,2022,May "Ming Jiang,Daisuke Sakota,Ryo Kosaka,Wataru Hijikata","Impact of Gap Size and Groove Design of Hydrodynamic Bearing on Plasma Skimming Effect for Use in Rotary Blood Pump",,"Journal of Artificial Organs",,"Vol. 25","No. 3","pp. 195-203",2021,Dec. "Ming Jiang,Daisuke Sakota,Ryo Kosaka,Wataru Hijikata","Analysis of Plasma Skimming within a Hydrodynamic Bearing Gap for Designing Spiral Groove Bearings in Rotary Blood Pumps","43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)",,,,,"pp. 1213-1217",2021,Nov. "Ming Jiang,Daisuke Sakota,Ryo Kosaka,Wataru Hijikata","Evaluating Plasma Skimming with Different Groove Shapes of Hydrodynamic Bearings for Applying to Blood Pumps by Cells Visualization","ICBET2021",,,,,"p. 115-120",2021,Mar. "Jiang Ming,迫田大輔,小阪亮,土方亘","動圧軸受隙間内における赤血球・血漿分離現象を向上する軸受形状の設計","第58回日本人工臓器学会大会",,,,,,2020,Nov. "Jiang Ming,村重智崇,迫田大輔,土方亘","剪断流れ場の微小隙間における摂家級と血漿分離現象の全血評価","つくば医工連携フォーラム2020","つくば医工連携フォーラム2020抄録集",,,,,2020,Jan. "Ming Jiang,Tomotaka Murashige,Daisuke Sakota,Wataru Hijikata","Evaluating Plasma Skimming with Whole Blood in Small Gap Region Imitating Clearance of Blood Pumps","IEEE EMBC 2019","Proceedings of IEEE EMBC 2019",,,,"pp. 5665-5669",2019,July "Tomotaka Murashige,Ming Jiang,Wataru Hijikata","Prevention of thrombus formation inside a magnetically levitated centrifugal blood pump using impeller vibration excitation","26th Annual Meeting for the International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support (ISMCS2018)",,,,,"p. 45",2018,Oct. "渡邊太平,ハリタイパンラリター,ガーワルロビン,JIANGMING,MOUGENOTCELINE","創造性向上のためカード状ツルに関する研究","日本機械学会関東学生会第 57 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "jiang ming,haritaipan,garhwal,taihei watanabe,Celine Mougenot","Evaluating the Impact of Magic-based Inspiration Cards on Product Design Ideas","9th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2017)",,,,,,2017,Aug.