"Wanhee Cho,Makoto Kobayashi,Hiroyuki Kambara,Hirokazu Tanaka,Takahiro Kagawa,Makoto Sato,Hyeonseok Kim,Makoto Miyakoshi,Scott Makeig,John Iversen,Natsue Yoshimura","From VR to Real World: The Impact of Slow-Tempo Training on Juggling Proficiency","‘æ18‰ñ Motor Control Œ¤‹†‰ï",,,,,,2024,Aug. "Hyeonseok Kim,Yasuharu Koike,Woong Choi,Jongho Lee","The effect of different depth planes during a manual tracking task in three-dimensional virtual reality space",,,,,,,2023,Dec. "Hyeonseok Kim,Makoto Miyakoshi,Yeongdae Kim,Sorawit Stapornchaisit,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Electroencephalography reflects user satisfaction in controlling robot hand through electromyographic signals",,"Sensors",,"Volume 23","Issue 1","pp. 1-12",2022,Nov. "Hyeonseok Kim,Yeongdae Kim,Makoto Miyakoshi,Sorawit Stapornchaisit,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Brain activity reflects subjective response to delayed input when using an electromyography-controlled robot",,"Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience","Frontiers","Vol. 15"," 2021",,2021,Nov. "Yoshimura N,Kambara H,Tanaka H,Kagawa T,Sato M,Kim H,Miyakoshi M,Makeig S,Iversen J","Juggling on the moon: Computational neuroscience of skill acquisition","CRCNS PI Meeting 2021",,,,,,2021,Oct. "Hyeonseok Kim,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Assessment of event-related potential of independent components for intended direction classification","2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)",,"IEEE",,,,2020,Oct. "Hyeonseok Kim","Investigation on brain activity related to human intention of performing a reaching movement",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Hyeonseok Kim","Investigation on brain activity related to human intention of performing a reaching movement",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Hyeonseok Kim","Investigation on brain activity related to human intention of performing a reaching movement",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Hyeonseok Kim,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Investigation of delayed response during real-time cursor control using electroencephalography",,"Journal of Healthcare Engineering",,"Vol. 2020"," 1418437","pp. 1-9",2020,Feb. "Hyeonseok Kim,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Characteristics of Kinematic Parameters in Decoding Intended Reaching Movements Using Electroencephalography (EEG)",,"Frontiers in Neuroscience-Neural Technology",,"Vol. 13","No. 1148","pp. 1-13",2019,Nov. "Hyeonseok Kim,Natsue Yoshimura,Yasuharu Koike","Classification of Movement Intention Using Independent Components of Premovement EEG",,"frontiers in Human Neuroscience",,"Vol. 13","# 63","pp. 1-10",2019,Feb. "Hyeonseok Kim,Yasuharu Koike","Classification of Movement Direction from EEG Signals before Movement","4th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE2017)",,,,,,2017,Nov.