"Suko Bagus Trisnanto,Yoshitaka Kitamoto","Distributive Activation Volumes of Magnetically Interacting Nanostructures",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",,"Vol. 123",,"pp. 23732|23737",2019,Sept. "Suko Bagus Trisnanto,Kazuki Yasuda,Yoshitaka Kitamoto","Dipolar magnetism and electrostatic repulsion of colloidal interacting nanoparticle system",,"JPN. J. APPL. PHYS.",,"Vol. 57",," 02CC06",2018,Jan. "Shoya Oda,Suko Bagus Trisnanto,Yoshitaka Kitamoto","Influence of behaviors of magnetic particles in ferrofluids under alternating magnetic fields on harmonic responses",,"JPN. J. APPL. PHYS.",,"Vol. 57",," 02CB17",2018,Jan. "Suko Bagus Trisnanto,YOSHITAKA KITAMOTO","Brownian particle-kinetics in a superparamagnetic ferrofluid subjected to static magnetic-field",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1807",," 020021",2017,Jan. "Suko Bagus Trisnanto,YOSHITAKA KITAMOTO","Nonlinearity of dynamic magnetization in a superparamagnetic clustered-particle suspension with regard to particle rotatability under oscillatory field",,"Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials",,"Vol. 400",,"pp. 361-364",2016,Feb. "Suko Bagus Trisnanto,YOSHITAKA KITAMOTO","Optimizing coil system for magnetic susceptometer with widely-adjustable field-strength and frequency",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 55","No. 2S"," 02BD02",2016,Jan.