"相澤 直人,足立 匡,有馬 孝尚,飯尾 雅実,飯沼 裕美,石川 喜久,石田 武和,井上 倫太郎,岩本 修,岩元 大樹,岩元 洋介,上野 恭裕,遠藤 仁,大友 季哉,大山 研司,岡村 崇弘,荻津 徹,奥山 大輔,鍵 裕之,梶本 亮?,金谷 利治,川北 至信,河村 成肇,神田 聡太郎,北口 雅暁,木村 宏之,金正 倫計,幸田 章宏,小松 一生,川崎 真介,佐々木 憲?,佐藤 ?彦,佐波 俊哉,執行 信寛,篠原 武尚,柴田 薫,下村 浩?郎,菅野 未知央,杉山 純,瀬尾 俊,瀬? 秀紀,田中 陶冶,玉田 太郎,千葉 敏,寺田 典樹,鬼柳 善明,中沢 雄河,中島 多朗,永谷 幸則,中野 敬太,中本 建志,南部 雄亮,仁尾 真紀子,西尾 勝久,西村 昇?郎,野崎 洋,野尻 浩之,野村 大輔,羽賀 勝洋,萩原 雅人,林 好?,原田 正英,髭本 亘,藤? 全基,牧村 俊助,益? 隆嗣,松? 洋樹,三島 賢二,三宅 康博,明午 伸?郎,八島 浩,山室 修,吉岡 瑞樹,吉田 誠,若井 栄?,和田 道治,渡辺 幸信","J-PARC物質・?命科学実験施設 第2ターゲットステーション 概念設計書 第 1.2 版",,"J-PARC物質・?命科学実験施設 第2ターゲットステーション 概念設計書 第 1.2 版",,,,,2020,Feb. "K. R. Kean,K. Nishio,K. Hirose,M. J. Vermeulen,H. Makii,R. Orlandi,K. Tsukada,A. N. Andreyev,I. Tsekhanovich,S. Chiba","Validation of the multinucleon transfer method for the determination of the fission barrier height",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 100"," 014611",,2019,July "Chikako Ishizuka,Mark D. Usang,Fedir A. Ivanyuk,Joachim A. Maruhn,Katsuhisa Nishio,Satoshi Chiba","Four-dimensional Langevin approach to low-energy nuclear fission of 236U",,"Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics",,"Volume 96"," 6"," 064616",2017,Dec. "西尾 勝久,千葉 敏","核データ研究の最前線?たゆまざる真値の追究、 そして新たなニーズへ応える為に?",,"日本原子力学会誌「アトモス」",,"Vol. 59","No. 12","pp. 39-43",2017,Dec. "Katsuhisa Nishio,Kentaro Hirose,Vermeulen Mark,Hiroyuki Makii,Riccardo Orlandi,Kazuaki Tsukada,Masato Asai,Atsushi Toyoshima,Tetsuya K. Sato,Yuichiro Nagame,Satoshi Chiba,Yoshihiro Aritomo,Shouya Tanaka,Tsutomu Ohtsuki,Igor Tsekhanovich,Costel M. Petrache,Andreyev Andrei","Study of fission using multi-nucleon transfer reactions",,"EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 163",,,2017,Nov. "Kentaro Hirose,K. Nishio,Hiroyuki Makii,Ichiro Nishinaka,S. Ota,T. Nagayama,N. Tamura,S. Goto,A.N. Andreyev,M.J. Vermeulen,S. Gilespie,C. Barton,A. Kimura,H. Harada,S. Meigo,S. Chiba,T. Ohtsuki","Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced fission and capture cross sections for 241Am at neutron energies below",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A",,"vol. 856",,"page 133-138",2017,June "R.L?guillon,K. Nishio,K.Hirose,H.Makii,I.Nishinaka,R.Orlandi,K.Tsukada,J.Smallcombe,S.Chiba,Y.Aritomo,T.Ohtsuki,R.Tatsuzawa,N.Takaki,N.Tamura,S.Goto,I.Tsekhanovich,C.M.Petrache,A.N.Andreyev","Fission fragments mass distributions of nuclei populated by the multinucleon transfer channels of the 18O + 232Th reaction",,"Physics Letters B",,"Vol. 761",,"pp. 125-130",2016,Oct. "Satoshi Chiba,Katsuhisa Nishio,Yohihiro Aritomo,Hiroyuki Koura,Osamu Iwamoto,Hiroyuki Makii,Ichiro Nishinaka,Kentaro Hirose","A Comprehensive Approach to Determination of Nuclear Data of Unstable Nuclei",,"EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 106","No. 9"," 04004",2016,Feb. "Yoshihiro Aritomo,Satoshi Chiba,Katsuhisa Nishio","Independent fission yields studied based on Langevin equation",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 85",,"Page 568-572",2015,Nov. "H. Makii,S. Ota,T. Ishii,Y. Wakabayashi,K. Furutaka,K. Nishio,I. Nishinaka,S.Chiba,M. Igashira,A. Czeszumska","Development of a measurement system for the determination of (n, γ) cross-sections using multi-nucleon transfer reactions",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment",,"Vol. 797",,"Page 83-93",2015,Oct. "Katsuhisa Nishio,Kentaro Hirose,R. L?guillon,Hiroyuki Makii,Ichiro Nishinaka,Riccardo Orlandi,James Smallcombe,Kazuaki Tsukada,Satoshi Chiba,Tsutomu Ohtsuki,Ryotaro Tatsuzawa,Naoyuki Takaki","Fission Study of Actinide Nuclei Using Multi-nucleon Transfer Reactions",,"Physics Procedia",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 140-144",2015, "S. Chiba,K. Nishio,H. Makii,Y. Aritomo,I. Nishinaka,T. Ishii,K. Tsukada,M. Asai,K. Furutaka,S. Hashimoto,H. Koura,K. Ogata,T. Otsuki,T. Nagayama","Surrogate Reactions Research at JAEA/Tokyo Tech",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 229-232",2014,May "Y. Aritomo,K. Hagino,K. Nishio,S. Chiba","Dynamical approach to heavy-ion induced fission using actinide target nuclei at energies around the Coulomb barrier",,"Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics",,"Vol. 85","No. 4",,2012,Apr. "Y. Aritomo,S. Chiba,K. Nishio","Dynamical model of surrogate reactions",,"Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics","American Physical Society","Vol. 84","No. 2","pp. 024602",2011,Aug.