"Weng Yaoyao,Ding Lipeng,Zhang Zezhong,Jia Zhihong,Wen Boyang,Liu Yingying,Muraishi Shinji,Li Yanjun,Liu Qing","Effect of Ag addition on the precipitation evolution and interfacial segregation for Al-Mg-Si alloy",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 180",,"pp. 301-316",2019,Nov. "Lipeng Ding,Andrey Orekhov,Yaoyao Weng,Zhihong Jia,Hosni Idrissi,Dominique Schryvers,Shinji Muraishi,Longlong Hao,Qing Liu","Study of the Q' (Q)-phase precipitation in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys by quantification of atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy images and atom probe tomography",,"Journal of Materials Science","Springer",,,"pp. 1-10",2019,Feb. "yaoyao WENG,Zhihong Jia,Lipeng Ding,Shinji Muraishi,Xiaozhi Wu","The multiple orientation relationships and morphology of ƒÀ' phase in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"vol. 767",,"pp. 81-89",2018,July "Yaoyao Weng,Zhihong Jia,Lipeng Ding,Shinji Muraishi,Qing Liu","Clustering behavior during natural aging and artificial aging in Al-Mg-Si alloys with different Ag and Cu addition",,"Materials Science & Engineering A",,"Vol. 732",,"pp. 273-283",2018,July