"Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Megumi Ono,Remina Otsuka,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Electronic and vibrational spectroscopies of aromatic clusters with He in a supersonic jet: The case of neutral and cationic phenol?Hen (n = 1 and 2)",,"The Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Volume 159","Issue 13"," 134303",2023,Oct. "Risako Matsuno,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki","Hydration Rearrangement in the 4‐Aminobenzonitrile−(H2O)2 Cluster Induced by Photoionization: The Effect of Solvent‐Solvent Interactions",,"Chemistry ? A European Journal",,"Volume 29","Issue 44"," e202301128",2023,Aug. "Pablo Nieto,David M?ller,Alexander Sheldrick,Alan G?nther,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Otto Dopfer","Effect of alkali ions on optical properties of flavins: vibronic spectra of cryogenic M+lumichrome ions (M = Li-Cs) in the gas phase",,"Physical chemistry, chemical physics : PCCP",,"Vol. 20","No. 34","pp. 22148?22158",2018,Sept. "Johanna Klyne,Aude Bouchet,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Masaaki Fujii,Otto Dopfer*","Cation-Size-Dependent Conformational Locking of Glutamic Acid by Alkali Ions: Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy of Cryogenic Ions",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry B",,"Vol. 122","No. 8","pp. 2295-2306",2018,Mar. "Mituhiko Miyazaki,Ayumi Naito,Takamasa Ikeda,Hiroshi Sekiya,Johanna Klyne,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Real-time observation of slow water rearrangement dynamics in the 5-hydroxyindole-water cluster cation by time-resolved IR spectroscopy","Gordon Research Conferences: Molecular and Ionic Clusters 2018",,,,,,2018,Feb. "M. Miyazaki,A. Naito,J. Klyne,O. Dopfer,M. Fujii","Photoexcitation induced water reorientation dynamics in the 5-hydroxyindole-water cluster studied by time resolved IR spectroscopy","Bunsentagung 2017 116th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry",,,,,,2017,May "Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Klaus M?ller-Dethlefs,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Mechanism of the Ionization Induced Isomerization of Phenol-Ar Cluster Studied by Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization Detected Infrared Spectroscopy","PACIFICHEM 2015",,,,,,2015,Dec. "宮? 充彦,芳川 俊平,Michels Fran?ois,三澤 健太郎,酒井 誠,石内 俊一,M?ller-Dethlefs Klaus,Dopfer Otto,藤井 正明","フェノール‐アルゴンクラスターのMATI検出IR分光―高Rydberg状態におけるAr原子移動反応―","第8回分子科学会",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Martin Weiler,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Hiroshi Sekiya,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Water migration around peptide linkage in Acetanilide-(water) 1:1 cluster studied by time-resolved IR spectroscopy","The XVIth International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy",,,,,,2013,May "Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Takashi Nakamura,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Hydration reorientation dynamics in 4-aminobenzonitrile?water cluster cation","Gordon Research Conferences: Molecular and Ionic Clusters 2012",,,,,,2012,Jan. "Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Makoto Sakai,Otto Dopfer,Klaus M?ller-Dethlefs,Masaaki Fujii","Ionization induced site switching reaction in phenol/Ar cluster: Spectroscopic view of dynamical motion of Ar atom","PACIFICHEM 2010",,,,,,2010,Dec. "Makoto Sakai,Akihiro Takeda,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Photoionization-induced π→H Isomerization of PhOH-CH4 cluster studied by REMPI, MATI and REMPI-IR spectroscopies","Gordon Research Conference, Molecular and Ionic Clusters",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Akihiro Takeda,Mitsuhiko Miyazaki,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Makoto Sakai,Otto Dopfer,Masaaki Fujii","Pico-Second Time-Resolved IR dip Spectra of Phenol+-Kr Cluster −Photo-Ionization Induced π→H Isomerization and Coexistence isomers−","Gordon Research Conference, Molecular and Ionic Clusters",,,,,,2008,Sept.