"Takahiko Tsukahara,Haruka Tateno,Ki Chul Park","Solid phase extraction based on the phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): the extraction behaviour of lanthanide(III) ions in highly acidic solutions",,"Reaction Chemistry and Engineering",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 48-54",2017,Dec. "Takahiko Tsukahara,Haruka Tateno,Ki Chul Park","Direct Extraction of Platinum Group Metals from Nitric Acid Solution Using the Phase Transition of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)",,"Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 318 - 321",2017,Dec. "塚原剛彦,Ki Chul Park","Azo型クラウンエーテル含有フォトニック結晶ゲルを用いた金属イオンセンシング","日本原子力学会「2017年春の年会」",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Takahiko Tsukahara,Ki Chul Park","Synthesis of NIPAAm-based polymer-grafted silica beads by surface-initiatedATRP using Me4Cyclam ligands and the thermo-responsive behaviors for lanthanide(III) ions",,"Reactive and Functional Polymers",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 36-46",2014,Nov.