"Keisuke Hara,Takahiro Matsuda,Goichiro Hanaoka,Keisuke Tanaka","Generic transformation from broadcast encryption to round-optimal deniable ring authentication",,"Designs, Codes and Cryptography",,"Vol. 90",," 277?316",2022,Feb. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Keisuke Hara,Fuyuki Kitagawa,Takahiro Matsuda,Goichiro Hanaoka","Simulation-based receiver selective opening CCA secure PKE from standard computational assumptions",,"Theoretical Computer Science",,"Volume 795",,"Page 570-597",2019,Nov. "KEISUKE TANAKA,Ai Ishida,Yusuke Sakai,Keita Emura,Goichiro Hanaoka","Proper Usage of the Group Signature Scheme in ISO/IEC 20008-2",,"Asia CCS '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security",,,,"Page 515?528",2019,July