"小原拓,成瀬 俊佑,河野 進,小林 勝己,浅井 陽一,木谷 好伸,後庵 満丸","高圧縮軸力下で曲げを受けるPRC杭の変形性能評価モデル",,"日本建築学会構造系論文集","日本建築学会","Vol. 87","No. 800","pp. 966-975",2022,Oct. "Oktiovan Y P,Otaki T,Obara T,Kono S,Asai Y,Kobayashi K,Watanabe H,Mukai D","Shear performance evaluation of PHC piles under different levels of axial load ratio",,"Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier","John Wiley and Sons Ltd.","Vol. 51"," 9"," 2091-2112",2022,Apr. "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Hamada J.,Asai Y.,Mukai D.","Experimental investigation of hollow precast steel-encased concrete piles","The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Oktiovan Y.P.,Otaki T.,Obara T.,Kono S.,Asai Y.,Kobayashi K.,Watanabe H.,Mukai T.,Mukai D.","Analysis on shear failure of PHC piles under different levels of axial load ratios","The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020","Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,,2020,Sept. "Drouin T.,Kono S.,Taku Obara,Asai Y.,Goan M.,Mukai D.","Modelling flexural behavior of precast reinforced concrete piles","Annual meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 573-574",2020,July "Thusoo S.,Kono S.,Taku Obara,Yoichi Asai,Katsumi Kobayashi,David Jiro Mukai","Performance Evaluation of Earthquake-Resistant Steel-Encased Concrete Piles Based on Prestressed Concrete Member Design Criteria","Technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, AIJ","日本建築学会","Vol. C2",,"pp. 213-214",2019,Sept. "阿部航,向井智久,毎田悠承,小林勝已,森島洋一,浅井陽一,金子治,岸田慎司","大地震後の継続使用性を確保するためのコンクリート系杭基礎構造システムの構造性能評価に関する研究 その31 パイルキャップ内帯筋量および杭頭接合面補強に関する実験結果",,"日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集2019",," 構造IV",,"pp. 225-226",2019,Sept. "Oktiovan Y.,Otaki T.,Obara T.,Kono S.,Asai Y.,Kobayashi K.,Watanabe H.,Mukai T.,Mukai D.","Shear Damage Evaluation of Prestressed High Strength Concrete Pile Using Finite Element Program","The 6th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech",,,,,,2019,May