"Victor Barradas,Yasuharu Koike,Nicolas Schweighofer","Theoretical limits on the speed of learning inverse models explain the rate of adaptation in arm reaching tasks",,"Neural Networks","Elsevier B.V.",,,,2023,Oct. "Victor R. Barradas,Woorim Cho,Yasuharu Koike","EMG space similarity feedback promotes learning of expert-like muscle activation patterns in a complex motor skill",,"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience",,"Volume 16",,,2023,Jan. "Woorim Cho,Victor Barradas,Nicolas Schweighofer,Yasuharu Koike","Design of an Isometric End-Point Force Control Task for Electromyography Normalization and Muscle Synergy Extraction From the Upper Limb Without Maximum Voluntary Contraction",,"Frontiers in Human Neuroscience-Motor Neuroscience",,,,,2022,May "Victor Barradas,Jason.J Kutch,Toshihiro Kawase,Yasuharu Koike,Nicolas Schweighofer","When 90% of the variance is not enough: residual EMG from muscle synergy extraction influences task performance",,"N. J Neurophysiology",,,,,2020,May