"Yayi Shen,Zheming Ding,Bai Chen,Hiroto Tanaka","Design of a 1:1 scale penguin-like robot with effective flexible wings","IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)","2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)","IEEE",,,,2023,Aug. "Yayi Shen,Hiroto Tanaka","Experimental analysis of the sweepback angle effect on the thrust generation of a robotic penguin wing",,"Bioinspiration & Biomimetics","IOP","Vol. 18","Issue 2",,2023,Feb. "Natsuki Harada,Takuma Oura,Masateru Maeda,Yayi Shen,Dale M. Kikuchi,Hiroto Tanaka","Kinematics and hydrodynamics analyses of swimming penguins: wing bending improves propulsion performance",,"Journal of Experimental Biology","The Company of Biologists Ltd","Volume 224","Issue 21",,2021,Nov. "Natsuki Harada,Takuma Oura,Masateru Maeda,Yayi Shen,Dale M. Kikuchi,Hiroto Tanaka","Kinematics and hydrodynamics analyses of flapping-wing swimming in a penguin","Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting (SICB 2021)",,,,,,2021,Jan. "Yayi Shen,Natsuki Harada,Sho Katagiri,Hiroto Tanaka","Biomimetic Realization of a Robotic Penguin Wing: Design and Thrust Characteristics",,"IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics","IEEE","Volume 26","Issue 5",,2020,Nov. "Yayi Shen,Shugen Ma,Guoteng Zhang,Syuya Inoue","Locomotion performance of a configurable paddle-wheel robot over dry sandy terrain","2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020)",,"IEEE",,,,2020,Oct. "Guoteng Zhang,Shugen Ma,Yayi Shen,Yibin Li","A Motion Planning Approach for Nonprehensile Manipulation and Locomotion Tasks of a Legged Robot",,"IEEE Transactions on Robotics","IEEE","Volume 36","Issue 3","Page 855-874",2020,June "沈雅怡,馬書根,加古川篤,田陽,張国騰,井上脩也","水中における偏心パドル機構の新たな水泳方法の提案","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’19","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’19 講演論文集","日本機械学会",,," 2P1-B14",2019,June "Yayi Shen,Huayan Pu,Shugen Ma","Realizing Efficient Front Crawl Stroke With a Wheel-Paddle-Integrated Mechanism: Inspired by Human Competitive Swimming",,"IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering","IEEE","Volume 45","Issue 3","Page 831-839",2019,Mar. "Yayi Shen,Guoteng Zhang,Yang Tian,Shugen Ma","Development of a wheel-paddle integrated quadruped robot for rough terrain and its verification on hybrid mode",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters","IEEE","Volume 3","Issue 4","Page 4062-4067",2018,Aug. "沈雅怡,馬書根,冨田拓基,張国騰,田陽,加古川篤","偏心パドル機構を備えた全地形対応ロボットの開発","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’18","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’18 講演論文集",,,," 2A2?L07",2018,June "Yayi Shen,Yi Sun,Huayan Pu,Shugen Ma","Experimental verification of the oscillating paddling gait for an ePaddle-EGM amphibious locomotion mechanism",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters","IEEE","Volume 2","Issue 4","Page 2322-2327",2017,May "Yayi Shen,Huayan Pu,Yi Sun,Shugen Ma,Shaorong Xie,Jun Luo,Wenchuan Jia","Generating vectored thrust with the rotational paddling gait of an ePaddle-EGM mechanism: Modeling and experimental verifications",,"IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering",,"Volume 42","Issue 3","Page 522-531",2016,Oct.