"Takuto Hayasaki,Yuna Yamada,Xu Kai,Ahmed A. Almarasy,Shuichi Akasaka,Atsuhiro Fujimori","Study on the Improvement of Dispersibility and Orientation Control of Fluorocarbon-Modified Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in a Fluorinated Polymer Matrix",,"Polymer Composites",,"Vol. 42","No. 9","pp. 4845-4859",2021,July "Chengkai Xuan,Lijin Hao,Xuemin Liu,Ye Zhu,Huishang Yang,Yipeng Ren,Lin Wang,Toshinori Fujie,Hongkai Wu,Yunhua Chen,Xuetao Shi,Chuanbin Mao","Wet-adhesive, haemostatic and antimicrobial bilayered composite nanosheets for sealing and healing soft-tissue bleeding wounds",,"Biomaterials",,"Vol. 252",,"pp. 120018",2020,Sept.