"Takafumi Kouno,Satoshi Naito,Daniel Orr","Identities of inverse Chevalley type for the graded characters of level-zero Demazure submodules over quantum affine algebras of type C",,"Algebras and Representation Theory","Springer Nature","Vol. 27","no. 1","pp. 429--460",2023,Aug. "Cristian Lenart,Satoshi Naito,Daniel Orr,Daisuke Sagaki","Inverse K-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, II: Arbitrary weights in ADE type",,"Advances in Mathematics","Elsevier Inc.","Vol. 423",,,2023,June "Satoshi Naito,Takafumi Kouno,Daniel Orr,Daisuke Sagaki","Inverse K-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, I: minuscule weights in ADE type",,"Forum of Mathematics, Sigma","Cambridge University Press","Vol. 9",," Paper No. e51",2021,July