"Kazumasa Fujimura,Yoshihiko Iseri,Aki Yanagawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Assessing the impact of climate change in the immediate future on monthly runoff of snowy mountainous basins in Japan","XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "横畠 徳太,高橋 潔,江守 正多,仁科 一哉,田中 克政,井芹 慶彦,本田 靖,木口 雅司,鼎 信次郎,岡本 章子,岩崎 茜,前田 和,沖 大幹","地球温暖化による影響連鎖の全体像の可視化と市民対話",,"環境科学会誌","公益社団法人 環境科学会"," 34"," 5","p. 214-230",2021,Sept. "Kazumasa Fujimura,Aki Yanagawa,Yoshihiko Iseri,Masahiro Murakami,Shinjiro Kanae,Shoji Okada","Flow duration curves focusing on flood runoff in relation to different distributions of soil and geology in mountainous basins in Japan","EGU General Assembly Conference 2021","EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts","EGU",,,,2021,Apr.