"Akisue Kuramoto,Ryo Yanase,Keisuke Yoneda,Naoki Suganuma","Development of an Automated Method for Extracting Reflectance Maps of Road Marking Areas by Camera-LiDAR Fusion","2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)","2025 IEEE SICE SII conference proceedings",,,,,2025,Jan. "Akisue Kuramoto,Hotsuyuki Kawanishi,Ryo Yanase,Keisuke Yoneda,Naoki Suganuma","Effect of Road Markings Wear on Accuracy of ZNCC-Based Map Matching",,"International Journal of Automotive Engineering","Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, INC","Vol. 14","No. 1","pp. 20-26",2023,Jan. "倉元 昭季,米陀 佳祐,?? 龍,菅沼 直樹","単眼カメラ画像上の2次元姿勢を用いた歩行者の進行方向推定","自動車技術会2022年秋季大会 学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Oct. "Akisue Kuramoto,Hotsuyuki Kawanishi,Ryo Yanase,Keisuke Yoneda,Naoki Suganuma","An Investigation of the Effect of Road Line Reflectivity on Map Matching Accuracy for LiDAR-based Self-Localization","FAST-zero '21 (International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero-traffic-accident)",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Mohammad Aldibaja,Naoki Suganuma,Keisuke Yoneda,Ryo Yanase,Akisue Kuramoto","On Autonomous Driving: Combining Holistic and Feature based Localization Systems (Reasons and Advantages)",,"Journal of Advanced Control, Automation and Robotics",,"Vol. 3","No. 2","pp. 74-77",2017,Dec. "Keisuke Yoneda,Ryota Hagi,Akisue Kuramoto,Mohammad Aldibaja,Ryo Yanase,Naoki Suganuma","Convolutional Neural Network Based Vehicle Turn Signal Recognition",,"Journal of Advanced Control, Automation and Robotics",,"Vol. 3","No. 2","pp. 102-106",2017,Dec.