"Kenji Takeshita,Tomohiro Okamura,Masahiko Nakase","Study on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policy using Dynamic Simulator NMB4.0","46TH ACTINIDE SEPARATIONS CONFERENCE",,,,,,2023,May "Takumi Abe,Kenji Nishihara,Tomohiro Okamura,Masahiko Nakase,KENJI TAKESHITA","Release of New Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulator : NMB4.0","2022 International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC2022)",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Tomohiro Okamura,Akito Oizumi,Kenji Nishihara,Masahiko Nakase,Hidekazu Asano,KENJI TAKESHITA","Scenario Study of Future Nuclear Energy Use in Japan:(2) Case Analysis of Japanfs Nuclear Energy Use in the Second Half of the 21st Century from the back-end Perspective by using NMB4.0","2022 International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC2022)",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Tomohiro Okamura,Ryota Katano,Akito Oizumi,Kenji Nishihara,Masahiko Nakase,Hidekazu Asano,Kenji Takeshita","Cost-reduced depletion calculation including short half-life nuclides for nuclear fuel cycle simulation",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 60","Issue 6","pp. 632-641",2022,Oct.