"Takumi Suwabe,Ye Wang,Sayaka Suzuki,MAMORU TANAHASHI","DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF TURBULENT PREMIXED METHANE-AMMONIA-AIR JET FLAMES","The Third Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference",,,,,,2024,Dec. "新井公平,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","アンモニア/メタン混焼乱流予混合火炎に対する乱流強度と混焼率の影響","第38回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,Dec. "塩月大和,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","SIエンジンにおける火炎壁面干渉に対するexhaust gas成層の効果","第62回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,Nov. "諏訪部匠史,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","アンモニア混焼噴流予混合火炎の局所火炎構造に対する乱流の影響","第62回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,Nov. "坪田大和,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","SIエンジンの流動および乱流制御のLarge Eddy Simulation","日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2024",,,,,,2024,Oct. "新井公平,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","一様乱流中を伝播するアンモニア/メタン/空気混焼乱流予混合火炎のDNS","日本流体力学会年会2024",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Haruya Shimamoto,Ye Wang,Sayaka Suzuki,MAMORU TANAHASHI","A GNN-BASED COMPREHENSIVE SGS STRESS MODEL FOR TURBULENCE AND TURBULENT COMBUSTION, 13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena","13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena",,,,,,2024,June "Ye Wang,Sayaka Suzuki,MAMORU TANAHASHI","Geometric relationship of premixed H2-air flame and wall in a turbulent channel flow","13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena",,,,,,2024,June "Shan Jiang,Ye Wang,Sayaka Suzuki,Masayasu Shimura,MAMORU TANAHASHI","Numerical Study on Flame Structure and Dynamics of Steam-Diluted Hydrogen-Oxygen Combustion in Multi-Cluster Burner","Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences",,,,,,2024,June "諏訪部匠史,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,店橋護","アンモニア混焼乱流噴流予混合火炎の直接数値計算","第61回日本伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,,2024,May "住友啓允,WANGYe,鈴木佐夜香,志村祐康,店橋護","水素空気デュアル・スワール部分予混合燃焼のDNS","第37回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Dec. "Ye Wang,Sayaka Suzuki,MAMORU TANAHASHI","Local quenching distance and local quenching-induced wall heat flux of V-shape flame in a turbulent channel flow","The 9th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow",,,,,,2023,Dec. "Shan Jiang,Ye Wang,Masayasu Shimura,Sayaka Suzuki,MAMORU TANAHASHI","DNS Study on Flame and Stabilization Mechanism of Combustion in a Steam-Diluted Hydrogen-Oxygen Multi-Cluster Burner","3rd International Forum on Energy & Informatics",,,,,,2023,Dec. "谷口 明広,中別府 修,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋 護","火炎壁面干渉における火炎挙動と壁面熱流束特性に関する実験的研究","第61回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "山口 督太郎,志村 祐康,鈴木佐夜香,店橋 護","希薄条件SIエンジンの壁面近 傍におけるOHラジカルとCH2Oの PLIF同時計測","第61回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "神永 拓輝,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋護","HOQ型火炎壁面干渉におけるCO挙動に対する熱損失効果","第61回燃焼シンポジウム",,,,,,2023,Nov. "齋田 瑛希,谷本 一騎,志村 祐康,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋 護","デュアルスワールバーナに形成される非予混合 乱流火炎のOH PLIF計測","日本機械学会 熱工学コンファレンス2023",,,,,,2023,Oct. "塩月 大和,志村 ?康,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋 護","火炎壁面干渉におけるEG成層効果","日本流体力学会 年会2023",,,,,,2023,Sept. "三輪 達大,志村 ?康,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋 護","SIエンジンにおける流動及び乱流特性に対するタンブル強化の影響","日本流体力学会 年会2023",,,,,,2023,Sept. "谷本 一騎,齋田 瑛希,志村 ?康,鈴木 佐夜香,店橋 護","デュアルスワールバーナに形成される部分予混合乱流火炎に対する当量比及び流量比の影響","日本流体力学会 年会2023",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","On Unraveling Community Ignition Processes: Joint Influences of Firebrand Showers and Radiant Heat Applied to Fuel Beds",,"Combustion Science and Technology",,,,,2022, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Viegas, D.X.,Liu, N.,Sayaka Suzuki","Editorial: Improved Understanding of Firebrand Processes During Large Scale Fire Disasters",,"Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering",,"Vol. 8",,,2022, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Firebrands Generated in Shurijo Castle Fire on October 30th, 2019",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 58","No. 2","pp. 777-791",2022, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Effect of three lockdowns in London: Case study for residential fires",,"Public Health in Practice",,"Vol. 3",,,2022, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","The importance of combustion science to unravel complex processes for informal settlement fires, urban fires, and wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires",,"Fuel",,"Vol. 314",,,2022, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","The Influence of COVID-19 Stay at Home Measures on Fire Statistics Sampled from New York City, London, San Francisco, and Tokyo",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 58","No. 2","pp. 679-688",2022, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Special Issue on the Importance of Combustion Science to Unravel Complex Large Outdoor Fire Processes",,"Combustion Science and Technology",,,,,2021, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Ignition vulnerabilities of combustibles around houses to firebrand showers: Further comparison of experiments",,"Sustainability (Switzerland)",,"Vol. 13","No. 4","pp. 1-14",2021, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Investigating Coupled Effect of Radiative Heat Flux and Firebrand Showers on Ignition of Fuel Beds",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 57","No. 2","pp. 683-697",2021, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Toward understanding ignition vulnerabilities to firebrand showers using reduced-scale experiments",,"Fire and Materials",,,,,2021, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Towards understanding the effect of cedar roof covering application on firebrand production in large outdoor fires",,"Journal of Cleaner Production",,"Vol. 278",,,2021, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Gollner, M.J.,Fernandez-Pello, A.C.,Sayaka Suzuki","Role of firebrand combustion in large outdoor fire spread",,"Progress in Energy and Combustion Science",,"Vol. 76",,,2020, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimental Study on Vulnerabilities of Japanese-Style Tile Roof Assemblies to Firebrand Exposures",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 56","No. 5","pp. 2315-2330",2020, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Garnering understanding into complex firebrand generation processes from large outdoor fires using simplistic laboratory-scale experimental methodologies",,"Fuel",,"Vol. 267",,,2020, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Influence of angle orientation on firebrand production from the combustion of surrogate photovoltaic (PV) panel assemblies exposed to applied wind fields",,"Fuel",,"Vol. 279",,,2020, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Role of accumulation for ignition of fuel beds by firebrands",,"Applications in Energy and Combustion Science",,"Vol. 1-4",,,2020, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Naruse, T.,Sayaka Suzuki","Quantifying wind-driven firebrand production from roofing assembly combustion",,"Fire and Materials",,"Vol. 43","No. 1","pp. 3-7",2019, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Influence of board spacing on mitigating wood decking assembly ignition",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 110",,,2019, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Initial study on thatched roofing assembly ignition vulnerabilities to firebrand showers",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 34-37",2019, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Investigating effect of wind speeds on structural firebrand generation in laboratory scale experiments",,"International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer",,"Vol. 130",,"pp. 135-140",2019, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Understanding structure ignition vulnerabilities using mock-up sections of attached wood fencing assemblies",,"Fire and Materials",,"Vol. 43","No. 6","pp. 675-684",2019, "Manzello, S.L.,McAllister, S.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Large outdoor fires and the built environment: Objectives and goals of permanent IAFSS working group",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 1-2",2018, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Characteristics of Firebrands Collected from Actual Urban Fires",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 54","No. 6","pp. 1533-1546",2018, "Manzello, S.L.,McAllister, S.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Large Outdoor Fires and the Built Environment: Objectives and Goals of Permanent IAFSS Working Group",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 54","No. 3","pp. 579-581",2018, "Manzello, S.L.,Blanchi, R.,Gollner, M.J.,Gorham, D.,McAllister, S.,Pastor, E.,Planas, E.,Reszka, P.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Summary of workshop large outdoor fires and the built environment",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 100",,"pp. 76-92",2018, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Nii, D.,Sayaka Suzuki","Full-Scale Experimental Investigation to Quantify Building Component Ignition Vulnerability from Mulch Beds Attacked by Firebrand Showers",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 53","No. 2","pp. 535-551",2017, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Generating wind-driven firebrand showers characteristic of burning structures",,"Proceedings of the Combustion Institute",,"Vol. 36","No. 2","pp. 3247-3252",2017, "Suzuki, S.,Nii, D.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","The performance of wood and tile roofing assemblies exposed to continuous firebrand assault",,"Fire and Materials",,"Vol. 41","No. 1","pp. 84-96",2017, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experiments to provide the scientific-basis for laboratory standard test methods for firebrand exposure",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 784-790",2017, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimental investigation of wood decking assemblies exposed to firebrand showers",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 122-131",2017, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimental investigation of firebrand accumulation zones in front of obstacles",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 1-7",2017, "Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","A review on structure ignitions by firebrands",,"Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 67","No. 1","pp. 49-55",2017, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Special Issue on Operation Tomodachi?Fire Research",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 52","No. 4","pp. 955-957",2016, "Suzuki, S.,Johnsson, E.,Maranghides, A.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Ignition of Wood Fencing Assemblies Exposed to Continuous Wind-Driven Firebrand Showers",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 52","No. 4","pp. 1051-1067",2016, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Firebrand production from building components fitted with siding treatments",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 64-70",2016, "Zhou, K.,Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimental Study of Firebrand Transport",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 51","No. 4","pp. 785-799",2015, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Kagiya, K.,Suzuki, J.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Ignition of Mulch Beds Exposed to Continuous Wind-Driven Firebrand Showers",,"Fire Technology",,"Vol. 51","No. 4","pp. 905-922",2015, "Suzuki, S.,Brown, A.,Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, J.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Firebrands generated from a full-scale structure burning under well-controlled laboratory conditions",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 43-51",2014, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Exposing decking assemblies to continuous wind-driven firebrand showers",,"Fire Safety Science",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 1339-1352",2014, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimentally simulating wind driven firebrand showers in wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires: Overview of the NIST firebrand generator (NIST dragon) technology",,"Procedia Engineering",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 91-102",2013, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","The size and mass distribution of firebrands collected from ignited building components exposed to wind",,"Proceedings of the Combustion Institute",,"Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 2479-2485",2013, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Lage, M.,Laing, G.,Sayaka Suzuki","Firebrand generation data obtained from a full-scale structure burn",,"International Journal of Wildland Fire",,"Vol. 21","No. 8","pp. 961-968",2012, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Exposing siding treatments, walls fitted with eaves, and glazing assemblies to firebrand showers",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 25-34",2012, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Enabling the study of structure vulnerabilities to ignition from wind driven firebrand showers: A summary of experimental results",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 181-196",2012, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Sayaka Suzuki","The new and improved NIST Dragon's LAIR (Lofting and Ignition Research) facility",,"Fire and Materials",,"Vol. 36","No. 8","pp. 623-635",2012, "Manzello, S.L.,Suzuki, S.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Exposing siding treatments and walls fitted with eaves to firebrand showers",,"Conference Proceedings - Fire and Materials 2011, 12th International Conference and Exhibition",,,,"pp. 507-518",2011, "Manzello, S.L.,Park, S.-H.,Suzuki, S.,Shields, J.R.,Hayashi, Y.,Sayaka Suzuki","Experimental investigation of structure vulnerabilities to firebrand showers",,"Fire Safety Journal",,"Vol. 46","No. 8","pp. 568-578",2011, "Suzuki, S.,Manzello, S.L.,Sayaka Suzuki","On the development and characterization of a reduced scale continuous feed firebrand generator",,"Fire Safety Science",,,,"pp. 1437-1448",2011, "Suzuki, S.,Kuwana, K.,Dobashi, R.,Sayaka Suzuki","Effect of particle morphology on thermophoretic velocity of aggregated soot particles",,"International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer",,"Vol. 52","No. 21-22","pp. 4695-4700",2009,