"Ryubu Hosoki,Toshio Endo,Takahiro Hirofuchi,Tsutomu Ikegami","AshPipe: Asynchronous Hybrid Pipeline Parallel for DNN Training","The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2024)","proceedings of The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2024)",,,,"pp. 117-126",2024,Jan. "Chenyu Wang,Toshio Endo,Takahiro Hirofuchi,Tsutomu Ikegami","Pyramid Swin Transformer for Multi-Task: Expanding to More Computer Vision Tasks","Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2023)","proceedings of Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2023)",,,,"pp. 53-65",2023,Aug. "Chenyu Wang,Toshio Endo,Takahiro Hirofuchi,Tsutomu Ikegami","Pyramid Swin Transformer: Different-Size Windows Swin Transformer for Image Classification and Object Detection","VISAPP 2023","Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications","SciTePress","Vol. 5",,"pp. 583-590",2023,Feb. "Hiroki Aikawa,Toshio Endo,Tomoya Yuki,Takahiro Hirofuchi,Tsutomu Ikegami","Efficient Stencil Computation with Temporal Blocking by Halide DSL","20th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA)","proceedings of 20th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA)",,,,"pp. 870-877",2022,Dec. "Chenyu Wang,Toshio Endo,Takahiro Hirofuchi,Tsutomu Ikegami","Speed-up Single Shot Detector on GPU with CUDA","23rd ACIS International Summer Virtual Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2022-Summer)","Studies in Computational Intelligence",,"Vol. 1074",,"pp. 89-106",2022,July "細木 隆豊,遠藤 敏夫,広渕 崇宏,池上 努","負荷分散を改善したハイブリッドパイプライン並列深層学習手法","並列/分散/協調処理に関するサマーワークショップ(SWoPP2022)","情報処理学会研究報告","情報処理学会","Vol. 2022-HPC-185","No. 17",,2022,July