"石井智浩","光による骨組織構築に関わる細胞の分化制御",,"細胞","ニューサイエンス社","Vol. 56","No. 11","p. 857-860",2024,Oct. "石井智浩","新規光遺伝学ツールを用いた破骨細胞の分化誘導",,"細胞","ニューサイエンス社","Vol. 56","No. 9","p. 702-705",2024,Aug. "Aiko Takada,Toshifumi Asano,Ken-ichi Nakahama,Takashi Ono,Takao Nakata,Tomohiro Ishii","Development of an optogenetics tool, Opto-RANK, for control of osteoclast differentiation using blue light",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 14","No. 1","p. 1749",2024,Jan. "Bernd Bufe,Yannick Teuchert,Andreas Schmid,Martina Pyrski,Anabel P?rez-G?mez,Janina Eisenbeis,Thomas Timm,Tomohiro Ishii,G?nter Lochnit,Markus Bischoff,Peter Mombaerts,Trese Leinders-Zufall,Frank Zufall","Bacterial MgrB peptide activates chemoreceptor Fpr3 in mouse accessory olfactory system and drives avoidance behaviour",,"Nature Communications",,,,,2019,Oct. "Akiyoshi S,Ishii T,Bai Z,Peter Mombaerts","Subpopulations of vomeronasal sensory neurons with coordinated coexpression of type 2 vomeronasal receptor genes are differentially dependent on Vmn2r1.",,"The European journal of neuroscience",,,,,2018,Mar. "石井智浩","カルシウムシグナル光遺伝学ツールの開発と応用",,"ブレインサイエンス・レビュー2018",,,"No. 03","p. 31-50",2018, "石井智浩,中田隆夫","光スイッチによる細胞内Ca2+シグナル制御",,"実験医学",,"Vol. 34","No. 4","p. 601-606",2016,Mar. "Ishii T,Sato K,Toshiyuki Kakumoto,Shigenori Miura,Touhara K,Shoji Takeuchi,Takao Nakata","Light generation of intracellular Ca(2+) signals by a genetically encoded protein BACCS.",,"Nature communications",,,,,2015,Aug. "Trese Leinders-Zufall,Ishii T,Pablo Chamero,Hendrix P,Livio Oboti,Schmid A,Kircher S,Martina Pyrski,Akiyoshi S,Khan M,Vaes E,Frank Zufall,Mombaerts P","A family of nonclassical class I MHC genes contributes to ultrasensitive chemodetection by mouse vomeronasal sensory neurons.",,"The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience",,,,,2014,Apr. "Tomohiro Ishii","Genetic manipulation to analyze pheromone responses: knockouts of multiple receptor genes.",,"Methods in Molecular Biology 2013","Springer",,"No. 1068","p. 133-154",2013, "Ishii T,Mombaerts P","Coordinated coexpression of two vomeronasal receptor V2R genes per neuron in the mouse.",,"Molecular and cellular neurosciences",,,,,2010,Nov. "Trese Leinders-Zufall,Ishii T,Mombaerts P,Frank Zufall,Boehm T","Structural requirements for the activation of vomeronasal sensory neurons by MHC peptides.",,"Nature neuroscience",,,,,2009,Dec. "Ishii T,Mombaerts P","Expression of nonclassical class I major histocompatibility genes defines a tripartite organization of the mouse vomeronasal system.",,"The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience",,,,,2008,Mar. "石井智浩","フェロモンと受容体",,"実験医学","羊土社","Vol. 26","No. 4",,2008, "石井智浩","MHCとフェロモン",,"Annual Review 免疫 2006",,,,,2006, "Li J,Ishii T,Duancheng Wen,Mombaerts P","Non-equivalence of cloned and clonal mice.",,"Current biology : CB",,,,,2005,Sept. "Ishii T,Omura M,Mombaerts P","Protocols for two- and three-color fluorescent RNA in situ hybridization of the main and accessory olfactory epithelia in mouse.",,"Journal of neurocytology",,,,,2004,Dec. "Li J,Ishii T,Feinstein P,Mombaerts P","Odorant receptor gene choice is reset by nuclear transfer from mouse olfactory sensory neurons.",,"Nature",,,,,2004,Mar. "Ishii T,Junji Hirota,Mombaerts P","Combinatorial coexpression of neural and immune multigene families in mouse vomeronasal sensory neurons.",,"Current biology : CB",,,,,2003,Mar. "石井智浩","フェロモン受容における神経系分子と免疫系分子の協調",,"細胞工学","秀潤社","Vol. 22","No. 7",,2003, "ivan rodriguez,Del Punta K,Rothman A,Ishii T,Mombaerts P","Multiple new and isolated families within the mouse superfamily of V1r vomeronasal receptors.",,"Nature neuroscience",,,,,2002,Feb. "Shintaro Sengoku,Ishii T,Serizawa S,Nakatani H,Nagawa F,Akio Tsuboi,Sakano H","Axonal projection of olfactory sensory neurons during the developmental and regeneration processes.",,"Neuroreport",,,,,2001,Apr. "Ishii T,Serizawa S,Kohda A,Nakatani H,Shiroishi T,Okumura K,yoichiro iwakura,Nagawa F,Akio Tsuboi,Sakano H","Monoallelic expression of the odourant receptor gene and axonal projection of olfactory sensory neurones.",,"Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms",,,,,2001,Jan. "Serizawa S,Ishii T,Nakatani H,Akio Tsuboi,Nagawa F,Asano M,Sudo K,Sakagami J,Sakano H,Ijiri T,Matsuda Y,Suzuki M,Yamamori T,yoichiro iwakura,Sakano H","Mutually exclusive expression of odorant receptor transgenes.",,"Nature neuroscience",,,,,2000,July "石井智浩","マウス嗅覚受容体遺伝子の相互排他的発現",,"実験医学","羊土社","Vol. 18","No. 17",,2000, "Tsuboi A,Yoshihara S,Yamazaki N,Kasai H,Asai-Tsuboi H,Komatsu M,Serizawa S,Ishii T,Matsuda Y,Nagawa F,Sakano H","Olfactory neurons expressing closely linked and homologous odorant receptor genes tend to project their axons to neighboring glomeruli on the olfactory bulb.",,"The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience",,,,,1999,Oct. "石井智浩","olfactory receptor",,"ノックアウトマウスデータブック","中山書店","Vol. 34",,,1997,