"¬’J m–±,‰ͺˆδ G•Ά,Žq“‡ i,“c‘Ί ‚ά‚θ","”\“o”Ό“‡’nk”­Ά’ΌŒγ‚Μ”νΠ’n‚Μƒ‚ƒXƒN‚Μ‘Ξ‰ž‚ΖŽx‰‡","‘ζ70‰ρ“y–ΨŒv‰ζŠwŒ€‹†”­•\‰ο","‘ζ70‰ρ“y–ΨŒv‰ζŠwŒ€‹†”­•\‰οEu‰‰W","Œφ‰vŽΠ’c–@l “y–ΨŠw‰ο",,,,2024,Nov. "Kotani, H.,Okai, H.,Tamura, M.,Hitomu Kotani","Activities and roles of mosques in Japan after the recent major earthquakes: A comprehensive study",,"Progress in Disaster Science",,"Vol. 20",,,2023,Dec. "Kishi, S.,Kotani, H.,Matsushima, K.,Hitomu Kotani","Diffusion of Electric Vehicles and Public and Home Charging Stations in a Two-Sided Market",,"Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics",,,,"pp. 3277-3284",2023,Oct. "Kotani, H.,Tamura, M.,Katsura, Y.,Moinuddin, M.,Hitomu Kotani","The Potential and Roles of Ethnic Minorities in Disaster Risk Reduction: IDRiM2022 Conference Session Report on Muslim Communities in Japan",,"Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management",,"Vol. 12","No. 2","pp. 91-99",2023,May "Kotani, H.,Nakano, K.,Hitomu Kotani","Household resilience realized by photovoltaic and battery energy system in natural hazard-triggered blackouts: Evidence from Japan",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 90",,,2023,May "Kotani, H.,Nakano, K.,Hitomu Kotani","How a Household Survived a Natural Hazard-Triggered Blackout with Photovoltaic and Battery Energy System: A Report of 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in Japan",,"Journal of Disaster Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 3","pp. 280-286",2023,Apr. "Kotani, H.,Nakano, K.,Hitomu Kotani","Purchase decision process and information acquisition of zero-energy houses in Japan",,"Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering",,"Vol. 22","No. 2","pp. 556-575",2023,Apr. "Tamura, M.,Kotani, H.,Katsura, Y.,Okai, H.,Hitomu Kotani","Mosque as a COVID-19 vaccination site in collaboration with a private clinic: A short report from Osaka, Japan",,"Progress in Disaster Science",,"Vol. 16",,,2022,Dec. "Kotani, H.,Okai, H.,Tamura, M.,Hitomu Kotani","COVID-19 vaccination at a mosque with multilingual and religious considerations for ethnic minorities: A case study in Kanagawa, Japan",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 82",,,2022,Nov. "Sawada, Y.,Kanai, R.,Kotani, H.,Hitomu Kotani","Impact of cry wolf effects on social preparedness and the efficiency of flood early warning systems",,"Hydrology and Earth System Sciences",,"Vol. 26","No. 16","pp. 4265-4278",2022,Aug. "Kotani, H.,Okai, H.,Tamura, M.,Hitomu Kotani","Mosque as a vaccination site for ethnic minority in Kanagawa, Japan: Leaving no one behind amid the COVID-19 pandemic",,"Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness",,,,,2022,Mar. "Kotani, H.,Tamura, M.,Nejima, S.,Hitomu Kotani","Mosques in Japan responding to COVID-19 pandemic: Infection prevention and support provision",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 69",,,2022,Feb. "Yokomatsu, M.,Park, H.,Kotani, H.,Ito, H.,Hitomu Kotani","Designing the building space of a shopping street to use as a disaster evacuation shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Kobe, Japan",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 67",,,2022,Jan. "Kotani, H.,Tamura, M.,Li, J.,Yamaji, E.,Hitomu Kotani","Potential of mosques to serve as evacuation shelters for foreign Muslims during disasters: a case study in Gunma, Japan",,"Natural Hazards",,"Vol. 109","No. 2","pp. 1407-1423",2021,July "Yokomatsu, M.,Kotani, H.,Hitomu Kotani","Knowledge sharing, heterophily, and social network dynamics",,"Journal of Mathematical Sociology",,"Vol. 45","No. 2","pp. 111-133",2021,Apr. "Kotani, H.,Yokomatsu, M.,Ito, H.,Hitomu Kotani","Potential of a shopping street to serve as a food distribution center and an evacuation shelter during disasters: Case study of Kobe, Japan",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 44",,,2020,Apr. "Kotani, H.,Honda, R.,Imoto, S.,Shakya, L.,Shrestha, B.K.,Hitomu Kotani","Transition of post-disaster housing of rural households: A case study of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 44",,,2020,Apr. "Kotani, H.,Yokomatsu, M.,Hitomu Kotani","Quantitative evaluation of the roles of community events and artifacts for social network formation: a multilayer network model of a community of practice",,"Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory",,"Vol. 25","No. 4","pp. 428-463",2019,Dec. "Kotani, H.,Honda, R.,Sugitani, R.,Hitomu Kotani","Transition in subjective factors to trigger recovery action of rural residents affected by the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,"Vol. 39",,,2019,Oct. "Kotani, H.,Honda, R.,Hitomu Kotani","Effective combinations of information content and channels for the post-disaster reconstruction of rural housing: A case study of the 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake",,"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction",,,,,2019,Oct. "Kotani, H.,Yokomatsu, M.,Hitomu Kotani","Natural disasters and dynamics of ga paradise built in hellh: a social network approach",,"Natural Hazards",,"Vol. 84","No. 1","pp. 309-333",2016,June "Kotani, H.,Yokomatsu, M.,Hitomu Kotani","Role of Local Festivals on Network Formation among a Variety of Residents in a Community",,"Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2015",,,,"pp. 832-839",2016,Jan.