"Han Ku Nam,Yong Kwon Chae,Seoung-Jin Hong,Younggen Lee,Dongwook Yang,Byunggi Kim,Sang Wook Kang,Young-Jin Kim","Smart Denture with Embedded Thin-Film Temperature Sensors Patterned by Femtosecond Laser Pulse for Elderly Healthcare",,"Advanced Intelligent Systems",,,," 2400484",2024,Sept. "Byunggi Kim,Seungman Choi,Seung Jai Won,Yong Woo Kim,Young-Jin Kim,Kim Seung-Woo","Coherent Manipulation of Extreme-Ultraviolet Bessel Vortex Beams from Solids by Active Wavefront Shaping of Driving Fundamental Beams",,"ACS Photonics",,"Vol. 10","No. 10","pp. 3458-3466",2023,Oct.