"T. Koike,T. Isobe,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada,A. Nakajima","Preparation and Properties of Heteropolyacid [PWxMo12-xO40]n-/TiO2 Composite Films","Joint Conference of NIMS International Wprkshop on Photocatalysis and Environmental Remedation Materials 2010, & 3rd Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Photocatalytic Materials,",,,,,,2010,Feb.
"¬rqv,TΣκ,ιqG,Ν,ͺc΄","we|_([PWxMo12-xO40]n-)Ζ_»`^ΖΜ‘»ΙζιυG}Μμ»Ζ]Ώ","ϊ{Z~bNX¦ο2010NNο","ϊ{Z~bNX¦ο2010NNοu\eW",,,,"p. 27",2010,Jan.
"A. Nakajima,T. Koike,S. Yanagida,T. Isobe,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada","Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of [PWxMo12-xO40]3-/TiO2 Hybrid Film Composites",,"Appl. Catal. A. Gen.",,"Vol. 385","No. 1-2","pp. 130-135",2010,
"Y. Kameshima,T. Koike,T. Isobe,A. Nakajima,K. Okada","Effect of the SiO2/TiO2 Ratio on the Solid Acidity of SiO2-TiO2/montmorillonite Composites",,"Mater. Res. Bull.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 1906-1909",2009,
"Akira NAKAJIMA,Yoshinori AKIYAMA,Sayaka YANAGIDA,Tomohisa KOIKE,Toshihiro ISOBE,Yoshikazu KAMESHIMA,Kiyoshi OKADA","Preparation and Properties of Cu-grafted Transparent TiO2-Nanosheet Thin Films",,"Mater. Lett.",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 1699-1701",2009,
"Yoshikazu Kameshima,Tomohisa Koike,Akira Nakajima,Kiyoshi Okada","2. Effect of the SiO2/TiO2 Ratio on the Solid Acidity of SiO2-TiO2/montmorillonite Composites",,"Mater. Res. Bull",,,"No. 44","pp. 1906-1909",2009,
"Tomohisa Koike,Yoshikazu Kameshima,A. Nakajima,K. Okada","gPreparation of TiO2-SiO2 Sol / Montmorillonite Composites and Its Solid Acidityff","Joint Conference of the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC2) and the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology of Solid Surface and Interface (STSI1),",,,,,,2008,May
"T. Koike,Y. Kameshima,T. Isobe,A. Nakajima,K. Okada","uPreparation of titania-silica sol/smectite composite with high acidityv","ζ24ρϊ{Z~bNX¦οΦx€\ο","ζ24ρϊ{Z~bNX¦οΦx€\οuv|W",,,,"pp. 51",2008,