"Ying Gao,Takashi Harumoto,Yoshio Nakamura,Ji Shi","The effect of interface roughness on the perpendicular exchange bias of NiO/CoPt/Pt stacking structure",,"Sci. China Technol. Sci.",," 63",," 1-6",2020,Nov. "Hiroto Sakimura,Masahiko Suzuki,Yasushi Yamauchi,Gao Ying,Takashi Harumoto,Yoshio Nakamura,Kazuya Ando,Ji Shi","Characteristic magnetic domain size in Fe with exchange-coupled antiferromagnetic NiO underlayer",,"Applied Surface Science",," 526",," 146515",2020,May "Ying Gao,Hiroto Sakimura,Hangxian Gao,Tenghua Gao,Jian Wang,Kazuya Ando,Takashi Harumoto,Yoshio Nakamura,Ji Shi","Perpendicular exchange bias independent of NiO layer thickness in NiO/CoPt structures with orthogonal spin configuration",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",," 53",," 225002",2020,Mar. "Ying Gao,Haifeng Feng,Ningyan Cheng,Yi Du,Takashi Harumoto,Yoshio Nakamura,Ji Shi","Formation mechanism of rhombohedral L1_1 phase in CoPt films grown on glass substrate",,"Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials",,"Vol. 471",,"pp. 406?410",2018,Sept. "Ying Gao","Establishment of perpendicular exchange coupling at NiO/CoPt interface with orthogonal spin configuration",,,,,,,, "Ying Gao","Establishment of perpendicular exchange coupling at NiO/CoPt interface with orthogonal spin configuration",,,,,,,,