"R. Gupta,C. Mejia,Y. Gianchandani,Y. Kajikawa","Ambidextrous firm strategy Insights from internet of things linked interfirm deals",,"IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management",,,,"pp. 1-16",2021,Feb. "R. Gupta,C. Mejia,Y. Gianchandani,Y. Kajikawa","Analysis on formation of emerging business ecosystems from deals activities of global electric vehicles hub firms",,"Energy Policy",,"Vol. 145",,,2020,Aug. "Ranjit Gupta","FIRM STRATEGY INSIGHTS FROM BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM FORMATION DYNAMICS",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Ranjit Gupta","FIRM STRATEGY INSIGHTS FROM BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM FORMATION DYNAMICS",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Ranjit Gupta","FIRM STRATEGY INSIGHTS FROM BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM FORMATION DYNAMICS",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Ranjit Gupta,Cristian Mejia,Yuya Kajikawa","Business, innovation and digital ecosystems landscape survey and knowledge cross sharing",,"Technological Forecasting and Social Change",,"Vol. 147",,,2019,July "Ranjit Gupta,Kumiko Miyazaki,Yuya Kajikawa","Ingredients of Successful Emerging Business Ecosystems: Case of Industrial IoT Adoption","Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2018 (PICMET'18)",,,,,,2018,Aug.