"Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Efficacy of a Hybrid Foundation to Mitigate Liquefaction-induced Effects Under Strong Sequential Ground Motions",,"Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation: Contributions in the Honour of Late Professor D.K. Paul","Springer",,,"pp. 195-208",2023,Apr. "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Physical Modeling and Reliability Assessment of Effectiveness of Granular Columns in the Nonuniform Liquefiable Ground to Mitigate the Liquefaction-induced Ground Deformation",,"Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering",,,,"pp. 1587-1606",2022,Sept. "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Reliability assessment of the performance of granular column in the nonuniform liquefiable ground to mitigate the liquefaction-induced ground deformation",,"Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards","Taylor and Francis","Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 376-395",2022,May "Ritesh Kumar,Kazuki Horikoshi,Akihiro Takahashi","Stochastic inelastic displacement spectra for a liquefiable ground treated with granular columns",,"Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,," 4b-0001",2020,Sept. "Ritesh Kumar","Centrifuge Modeling and Reliability Assessment of Liquefaction Mitigation Techniques for Shallow Foundations",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Ritesh Kumar","Centrifuge Modeling and Reliability Assessment of Liquefaction Mitigation Techniques for Shallow Foundations",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Ritesh Kumar","Centrifuge Modeling and Reliability Assessment of Liquefaction Mitigation Techniques for Shallow Foundations",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Stochastic analyses to investigate the effectiveness of granular column in a non-uniform liquefiable ground to mitigate the liquefaction-induced deformation",,"第55回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,"Vol. 55",," 22-11-2-05",2020,July "Ritesh Kumar,Kiyonobu Kasama,Akihiro Takahashi","Reliability assessment of the physical modeling of liquefaction-induced effects on shallow foundations considering nonuniformity in the centrifuge model",,"Computers and Geotechnics","Elsevier","Vol. 122",," 103558",2020,June "Ritesh Kumar,Masamichi Sawaishi,Kazuki Horikoshi,Akihiro Takahashi","Centrifuge modeling of hybrid foundation to mitigate liquefaction-induced effects on shallow foundation resting on liquefiable ground",,"Soils and Foundations","Elsevier","Vol. 59","Issue 6","pp. 2083-2098",2019,Dec. "Ritesh Kumar,Kazuki Horikoshi,Akihiro Takahashi","Centrifuge testing to investigate effects of partial saturation on the response of shallow foundation in liquefiable ground under strong sequential ground motions",,"Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 125",," 105728",2019,Oct. "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi,Masamichi Sawaishi","Development of hybrid foundation to mitigate the liquefaction-induced settlement of the shallow foundation",,"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering",,,,"pp. 3459-3466",2019,June "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Centrifuge testing to investigate the effects of partial saturation on liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundation",,"第53回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 1255-1256",2018,July "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Numerical simulation of centrifuge test on liquefiable saturated Toyura sand with level ground",,"Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering",,,," Paper ID: P4-33",2017,Nov. "Ritesh Kumar,Akihiro Takahashi","Development of hybrid foundation to mitigate the liquefaction effects under large earthquake",,"Proceedings of 2017 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology",,,,"pp. 113-116",2017,Sept.