"Toshinori Tsuchida,Takeshi Odagiri,Risa Ishikawa,Kazufumi Yachi,Keisuke Shigemura,Ohno, Naruhito,Kouichi Hosaka,Masashi KITAJIMA,NORIYUKI KOUCHI","Doubly excited states of water as studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy in coincidence with detecting Lyman-alpha photons",,"Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 44","No. 17","pp. 175207-1-6",2011,Aug.
"Lisa Ishikawa,Takeshi Odagiri,Kazufumi Yachi,Naruhito Ohno,Toshinori Tsuchida,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Doubly excited states of H2 as studied by angle-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy in coincidence with detecting Lyman-ƒ¿ photons",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 44","No. 6","pp. 65203-1-8",2011,Feb.
"Kazufumi Yachi,Takeshi Odagiri,Lisa Ishikawa,Tomoharu Nakazato,Toshinori Tsuchida,Naruhito Ohno,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Differential cross sections for the dissociative single and double excitations resulting in H(2p) formation in electron?CH4 collisions at 80 eV incident electron energy",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 43","No. 15","pp. 155208-1- 10",2010,July
"Lisa Ishikawa,Takeshi Odagiri,Kazufumi Yachi,Tomoharu Nakazato,Manabu Kurokawa,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Doubly excited states of ammonia produced by photon and electron interactions",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 41","No. 19","pp. 195204",2008,Sept.
"Tomoharu Nakazato,Takeshi Odagiri,Kazufumi Yachi,Lisa Ishikawa,Hironobu Fukuzawa,Haruhide Miyagi,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Doubly excited states of CH4 as studied by imaging electron-energy-loss spectra tagged with the Lyman-ƒ¿ photons",,"Abstracts of Contributed Papars, 15th International Syposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms",,,,"pp. 68",2007,Aug.
"Lisa Ishikawa,Takeshi Odagiri,Tomoharu Nakazato,Manabu Kurokawa,Kazufumi Yachi,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Doubly excited states of NH3 as probed by the Lyman-ƒ¿ fluorescence, A Comparison between the electron and photon interactions","15th International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms","Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 15th International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms",,,,"pp. 67",2007,Aug.
"Lisa Ishikawa,Takeshi Odagiri,Tomoharu Nakazato,Manabu Kurokawa,Kazufumi Yachi,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Superexcited ammonia produced by photon and electron interactions","25th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions","Abstarcts of Contributed Papers, 25th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions",,,,"pp. Fr108",2007,July
"Tomoharu Nakazato,Takeshi Odagiri,Kazufumi Yachi,Lisa Ishikawa,Hironobu Fukuzawa,Haruhide Miyagi,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","Angle-dependent electron-energy-loss spectra of CH4 tagged with the Lyman-ƒ¿ photons in the range of the doubly excited states","25th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and atomic Collisions","Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 25th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and atomic Collisions",,,,"pp. Th055",2007,July
"Tomoharu Nakazato,Takeshi Odagiri,Hironobu Fukuzawa,Haruhide Miyagi,Lisa Ishikawa,Masashi Kitajima,Noriyuki Kouchi","The electron-energy-loss spectra of methane tagged with Lyman-ƒ¿ photons in the range of doubly excited states",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics","Institute of Physics Publishing","Vol. 40","No. 12","pp. 2459-2470",2007,June