"Yuta Nabae,Yongbo Kuang,Masayuki Chokai,Takeo Ichihara,Ayano Isoda,Teruaki Hayakawa,Tsutomu Aoki","High performance Pt-free cathode catalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells prepared from widely available chemicals",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry A",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 11561-11564",2014, "Y. Nabae,H. Rokubuichi,M. Mikuni,Y. B. Kuang,T. Hayakawa,M. Kakimoto","Catalysis by Carbon Materials for the Aerobic Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation in the Presence of Aldehydes",,"Acs Catalysis",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 230-236",2013,Jan. "Kuang, Yongbo,Nabae, Yuta,Hayakawa, Teruaki,Masa-aki, Kakimoto","Nanoshell carbon-supported cobalt catalyst for the aerobic oxidation of alcohols in the presence of benzaldehyde: An efficient, solvent free protocol",,"Appl. Cat., A: General,",,"Vol. 423-424",,"pp. 52-58",2012,Aug. "Yongbo Kuang,Yuta Nabae,Teruaki Hayakawa,Masa-aki Kakimoto","Nanoshell carbon-supported cobalt catalyst for the aerobic oxidation of alcohols in the presence of benzaldehyde: An efficient, solvent free protocol",,"Applied Catalysis a-General",,"Vol. 423",,"pp. 52-58",2012,May "Yongbo Kuang,Yuta Nabae,Teruaki Hayakawa,Masa-aki Kakimoto","Solvent free aerobic oxidation of alcohols with 1-methyl-2-azaadamantane",,"Green Chem.,",," 13"," 7"," 1659?1663",2011,July "Yongbo Kuang,Nazrul M. Islam,Yuta Nabae,Teruaki Hayakawa,Masa-aki. Kakimoto","Selective aerobic oxidation of benzylic alcohols catalyzed by carbon-based catalysts: a nonmetallic oxidation system.",,"Angewandte Chemie, International Edition","Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA","Vol. 49","No. 2","pp. 436-440",2010,July "Y. B. Kuang,H. Rokubuichi,Y. Nabae,T. Hayakawa,M. Kakimoto","A Nitric Acid-Assisted Carbon-Catalyzed Oxidation System with Nitroxide Radical Cocatalysts as an Efficient and Green Protocol for Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols",,"Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis",,"Vol. 352","No. 14-15","pp. 2635-2642",2010,Apr.