"Rui Zhang","Application of PP-ECC on Rigid-Framed Bridges for Improving Structural Performance",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Rui Zhang","Application of PP-ECC on Rigid-Framed Bridges for Improving Structural Performance",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Rui Zhang","Application of PP-ECC on Rigid-Framed Bridges for Improving Structural Performance",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Rui Zhang,Koji Matsumoto,Takayoshi Hirata,Yoshikazu Ishizeki,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Application of PP-ECC in Beam?column Joint Connections of Rigid-framed Railway Bridges to Reduce Transverse Reinforcements",,"Engineering Structures","Elsevier","Vol. 86","No. 1","pp. 146-156",2015,Jan. "Rui Zhang,Koji Matsumoto,Takayoshi Hirata,Yoshikazu Ishizeki,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Shear Behavior of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced ECC Beams with Varying Shear Reinforcement Ratios",,"Journal of JSCE","Journal of JSCE","Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 39-53",2014,Feb. "Rui Zhang,Koji Matsumoto,JUNICHIRO NIWA,Takayoshi Hirata,Yoshikazu Ishizeki","Experimental Study on Shear Behavior of PP-ECC Beams with Different Stirrup Ratios","Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development",,,,"pp. 19-24",2013,Oct. "Rui Zhang,Matsumoto, K.,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Shear Behavior of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced ECC Beams with Reduction of Shear Reinforcements","The 7th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions - Environment and Loading","Proceedings of seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, Enviroment and Loading","RILEM",,,"pp. 1720-1733",2013,Sept. "Rui Zhang,Koji Matsumoto,Takayoshi Hirata,Yoshikazu Ishizeki,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Experimental Study on shear behavior of PP-ECC beams with different stirrup ratios","The 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction","Proceedings of the thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC13), ID B-5-5,",,,,"pp. 8",2013,Sept. "Rui Zhang,Koji Matsumoto,JUNICHIRO NIWA","Shear Behavior of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced ECC Beams with Reduction of Shear Reinforcements","The 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering","Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. 709-716",2013,Mar. "Rui Zhang,Tomohiro Sasaki,KAZUHIKO KAWASHIMA,hiroshi matsuzaki","Analytical Investigation on Seismic Perfrmance of UFC Jacket Bridge Columns","2012 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology",,,,,"pp. 41",2012,Sept. "市川翔太,Rui Zhang,佐々木智大,川島一彦,Mohamed ElGawady,松崎 裕,山野辺慎一","UFCセグメントを用いた橋脚の耐震性",,"土木学会論文集A1 (地震工学論文集, 31-b)",,"Vol. 68","No. 4"," I533-I542",2012,July "Rui Zhang,Tomohiro Sasaki,Mohamed Elgawady,KAZUHIKO KAWASHIMA,hiroshi matsuzaki","Seismic Performance of UFC Jacket Piers","The 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. 961-968",2012,Mar. "市川翔太,張鋭,佐々木智大,川島一彦,ELGAWADYMOHAMED,松崎裕,山野辺慎一","UFCセグメントを用いた橋脚の耐震性","第31 回土木学会地震工学研究発表会","第31回土木学会地震工学研究発表会講演論文集",,"Vol. 31",," Paper No.3-085",2011,Nov. "Rui Zhang,Sasaki, T.,ElGawady, M.,Kawashima, K.,Matsuzaki, H.","Seismic Performance of UFC Jacket Piers","The 14th Symposium on Performance-based Seismic Design Method for Bridges","Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Performance-based Seismic Design Method for Bridges",,,,"pp. 17-24",2011,July "市川翔太,張鋭,佐々木智大,川島一彦,ELGAWADYMOHAMED,松崎裕,山野辺慎一","UFCセグメントを用いた橋脚の耐震性","第14回性能に基づく橋梁等の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム","第14回性能に基づく橋梁等の耐震設計に関するシンポジウム講演論文集","土木学会","Vol. 14",,"pp. 9-16",2011,July