"Jianhua Li,Alex M. Kaneko,Gen Endo,EDWARDO FUMIHIKO FUKUSHIMA","In-field self-calibration of robotic manipulator using stereo camera: application to Humanitarian Demining Robot",,"Advanced Robotics","Taylor & Francis Online",,,,2015,June "–kŽç—²‰ ,ŽR“c‘×”V,–x•Ä“ÄŽj,ŽR“cW‘¾˜Y,–k–ì’qŽm,‹àŽqA.‰v’j,‰““¡Œº,•Ÿ“‡E.•¶•F","ˆÉ“¤‘哇‰ÎŽRŠÏ‘ª—p—¤ãˆÚ“®Šî’n‚Ì’ñˆÄ","“ú–{‹@ŠBŠw‰ïƒƒ{ƒeƒBƒNƒXEƒƒJƒgƒƒjƒNƒXu‰‰‰ï 2014",,,,," 2A2-G03",2014,May "Alex M. Kaneko,Gen Endo,Edwardo F. Fukushima","A Discrimiation Method for Landmines and Metal Fragments Using Metal Detectors",,"The Journal of ERW and Mine Action",,"Vol. 18.1",,"pp. 59-65",2014,Apr. "ALEX MASUO KANEKO","Landmine Detection Rate andMetal Fragment Discrimination Performance Improvement Based on Robotic ArmScanning and Spatially Represented MetalMine Detector Signal Characterization",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "ALEX MASUO KANEKO","Landmine Detection Rate andMetal Fragment Discrimination Performance Improvement Based on Robotic ArmScanning and Spatially Represented MetalMine Detector Signal Characterization",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "ALEX MASUO KANEKO","Landmine Detection Rate andMetal Fragment Discrimination Performance Improvement Based on Robotic ArmScanning and Spatially Represented MetalMine Detector Signal Characterization",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Alex M. Kaneko,Gen Endo,Edwardo F. Fukushima","Landmine Buried Depth Estimation by Curve Characterization of Metal Mine Detector Signals","IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS)","IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS)",,,,"pp. 5327-5332",2013,Nov. "Alex Masuo Kaneko,Gen Endo,E. Fumihiko Fukushima","Noise Infuence Analysis in Landmine Discrimination by Curve Characterization Method","‘æ31‰ñ“ú–{ƒƒ{ƒbƒgŠw‰ïŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{ƒƒ{ƒbƒgŠw‰ïŠwpu‰‰‰ï","“ú–{ƒƒ{ƒbƒgŠw‰ï",,," 3S1-02",2013,Sept. "Jonas Baumann,Alex M. Kaneko,Edwardo F. Fukushima","GPS based autonomous point-to-point driving of all terrain demining vehicle Gryphon","The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan",,,,,2011,Sept. "Alex M. Kaneko,Edwardo F. Fukushima","Development of an Automatic Landmine Detection and Marking System for the Demining Robot Gryphon",,"Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics","Fuji Technology Press","Vol. 15","No. 6","pp. 737-743",2011,Aug. "ALEX MASUO KANEKO,M Marino,EDWARDO FUMIHIKO FUKUSHIMA","Humanitarian Demining Robot Gryphon: New Vision Techniques and Optimization Methods","IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",,,,,,2010,Oct. "ALEX MASUO KANEKO,EDWARDO FUMIHIKO FUKUSHIMA","Basic Studies on Computer-Aided Marking Task Operation for the Humanitarian Demining Robot Gryphon","International Symposium on Intelligent Systems (iFan)",,,,,,2010,Sept.