"Jose Angelo HOKSON,Shinjiro KANAE","The use of along-track central pressure and movement speed in similar typhoon identification for rainfall prediction",,"Journal of JSCE Special Issue (Hydraulic Engineering)Paper","Japan Society of Civil Engineers"," 12"," 2"," ID: 23-16036",2024,June "Jose Angelo Hokson,Shinjiro Kanae","Spatial and attribute filtering as a complementary measure in the statistical prediction of tropical cyclone rainfall",,"Atmospheric Science Letters","John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.","Volume 25","Issue 2"," e1197",2024,Feb. "Hokson Jose Angelo,鼎 信次郎","A complementary method to Fuzzy C Means in similar tropical cyclone identification for predicting induced rainfall in Western North Pacific","水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2023年度研究発表会","水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2023年度研究発表会","水文・水資源学会",,,,2024,Jan. "Jose Angelo Hokson,Shinjiro Kanae","Predicting Future Tropical Cyclone Rainfall under Climate Change Using a Statistical Approach","AGU Fall Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,Dec. "J.A. Hokson,S. Kanae","Data-driven non-deterministic forecasting of tropical cyclone rainfall","XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Hokson Jose Angelo,Shinjiro Kanae","Analog prediction of tropical cyclone-induced precitation in Luzon, Philippines","水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2022年度研究発表会","水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集","水文・水資源学会",,,,2022,Sept. "Jose Angelo Hokson,Shinjiro Kanae,Rie Seto","The Multi-Scale Kain-Fritsch Cumulus Scheme: Simulating Typhoon-Induced Heavy Precipitation Over the Philippines","第30地球環境シンポジウム","Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research)","公益社団法人 土木学会","Volume 78","Issue 5","p. I_163-169",2022,Aug. "Jose Angelo Hokson,Masashi Minamide,Shinjiro Kanae,Rie Seto","Impacts of Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Satellite Radiances from Himawari-8 to Simulations of Typhoon-Induced Heavy Precipitation","AGU Fall Meeting 2021",,,,,,2021,Dec. "Jose Angelo Arocena HOKSON,Shinjiro KANAE,Rie SETO","WRF Simulation of Typhoon-induced Heavy Precipitation Over the Philippines: Applicability and Performance of the Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch Cumulus Scheme","AOGS2021 18th Annual Meeting",,"Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)",,,,2021,Aug. "Jose Angelo Hokson,Shinjiro Kanae,Rie Seto","Simulation of typhoon-induced heavy precipitation over the Philippines using the Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch Cumulus Scheme in WRF",,,,,,,2021,June "Hokson,Menaka Revel,Dai Yamazaki,Shinjiro Kanae","Analysis of the Impacts of Non-Primary and Bifurcation Channel Depths to the River Flow in Mekong Delta through the use of a Global River Model","AGU Fall Meeting 2020",,"AGU",,,,2020,Dec. "Jose Angelo HOKSON","Prediction of tropical cyclone-induced rainfall: A study on methods and tools",,,,,,,, "Jose Angelo HOKSON","Prediction of tropical cyclone-induced rainfall: A study on methods and tools",,,,,,,,