"Bo Zhu,Cheng Qian,Haoxuan Tang,Tetsuya Kitaguchi,Hiroshi Ueda","Creating a thermostable beta-glucuronidase switch for homogeneous immunoassay by disruption of conserved salt bridges at diagonal interfaces",,"Biochemistry",,,,,2023,Jan. "Bo Zhu,Cheng Qian,Haoxuan Tang,Tetsuya Kitaguchi,Hiroshi Ueda.","Creating a thermostable beta-glucuronidase switch for homogeneous immunoassay by disruption of conserved salt bridges at diagonal interfaces",,"bioRxiv",,,,,2022,May "Cheng Qian,Bo Zhu,Haoxuan Tang,Tetsuya Kitaguchi,Hiroshi Ueda","Development of a thermostable beta-glucuronidase enzyme switch by introducing mutations that weaken interactions between diagonal subunits",,"2022年度生物工学若手研究者の集い 要旨集",,,,,2022,May