"Reza Nadimi,Mohammad Amin Nazarahari,Koji Tokimatsu","Measuring Household Thermal Discomfort Time: A Japanese Case Study",,"Sustainability",,"Vol. 16","Issue 19",,2024,Sept. "Reza Nadimi,Amin Nazarahari,Koji Tokimatsu","Assessing Japanfs energy poverty vulnerability amidst global conflict impacts using energy poverty possibility indicator",,"Energy Efficiency","Springer",,"Issue 5",,2024,June "Mohammad Amin Nazarahari","Energy Poverty in Japan: Unveiling Determinants of Vulnerability and Resilience",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Mohammad Amin Nazarahari","Energy Poverty in Japan: Unveiling Determinants of Vulnerability and Resilience",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Mohammad Amin Nazarahari","Energy Poverty in Japan: Unveiling Determinants of Vulnerability and Resilience",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Mohammad Amin Nazarahari","Energy Poverty in Japan: Unveiling Determinants of Vulnerability and Resilience",,,,,,,2023,Sept. "Amin Nazarahari,Koji Tokimatsu","Analyzing COVID-19 Lockdown Impacts on Vulnerable Households?Case of College Students in Japan","International Association for Energy Economics",,,,,,2022,July "Amin Nazarahari,Nader Ghotbi,Koji Tokimatsu","Energy Poverty among College Students in Japan in a Survey of Studentsf Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Energy Use",,,,,,,2021,July