"Masayuki Takahashi,TOSHIAKI MUROFUSHI,SHIN ASAHINA","A new necessary and sufficient condition for the Egoroff theorem in non-additive measure theory","研究集会「不確実さと曖昧さの数理」","数理解析研究所講究録1906「不確実さと曖昧さの数理」",,,,"pp. 92-94",2014,July "Masayuki Takahashi,TOSHIAKI MUROFUSHI,SHIN ASAHINA","A new necessary and sufficient condition for the Egoroff theorem in non-additive measure theory",,"Fuzzy Sets and Systems","Elsevier B.V.","vol. 244","no. 1","pp. 34-40",2014,June "Masayuki Takahashi","New necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence theorems with respect to non-additive measure",,,,,,,2014,Apr. "Masayuki Takahashi","New necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence theorems with respect to non-additive measure",,,,,,,2014,Apr. "Masayuki Takahashi","New necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence theorems with respect to non-additive measure",,,,,,,2014,Apr. "Masayuki Takahashi,TOSHIAKI MUROFUSHI","New conditions for the Egoroff theorem in non-additive measure theory","2010 International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty Management and Applications","Integrated Uncertainty Management and Applications (Proc. 2010 International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty Management and Applications)",,,,"pp. 83?89",2010,Apr.