"L.Cheng,X. Deng,B. Xie,Y. Jiang,F. Xiao","A new 3D OpenFoam solver with improved resolution for hyperbolic systems on hybrid unstructured grids",,"Applied Mathematical Modelling",,"Vol. 108",,"pp. 142-166",2022,Aug. "B. Xie,X. Deng,F. Xiao","Compact multi-stage reconstruction method on polyhedral unstructured grids: Extension to higher-order finite volume scheme",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 240",,"p. 105436",2022,May "Z.H. Jiang,X. Deng,F. Xiao,C. Yan,J. Yu,S. Lou","Hybrid discontinuous galerkin/finite volume method with subcell resolution for shocked flows",,"AIAA Journal",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 2017-2044",2021,June "L. Cheng,X. Deng,B. Xie,Y. Jiang,F. Xiao","Low-dissipation BVD schemes for single and multi-phase compressible flows on unstructured grids",,"Journal of Computational Physics",,"Vol. 428",,"p. 110088",2021,Mar. "F. Xiao,X. Deng","A New Paradigm to Design High-Fidelity Finite Volume Method for Resolving Both Smooth and Discontinuous Flow Structures","14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) and ECCOMAS Congress 2020-Online",,,,,,2021,Jan. "B. Xie,X. Deng,S. Liao,F. Xiao","Arbitrary high-order non-oscillatory scheme on hybrid unstructured grids based on multi-moment finite volume method",,"Journal of Computational Physics",,"Vol. 424",,"p. 109841",2021,Jan. "脇村 尋,Deng Xi,阿部 圭晃,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づくβ可変THINC法による衝撃波捕獲スキーム","第34回数値流体力学シンポジウム(オンライン)",,,,,,2020,Dec. "S. Tann,X. Deng,R. Loub?re,F. Xiao","Solution property preserving reconstruction BVD+MOOD scheme for compressible euler equations with source terms and detonations",,"Computers & Fluids",,"Vol. 206",,"p. 104594",2020,June "Z.H. Jiang,X. Deng,F. Xiao,C. Yan,J. Yu","A Higher Order Interpolation Scheme of Finite Volume Method for Compressible Flow on Curvilinear Grids",,"Communications in Computational Physics",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 1609-1638",2020,Apr. "S. Tann,X. Deng,Y. Shimizu,R. Loub?re,F. Xiao","Solution property preserving reconstruction for finite volume scheme: a boundary variation diminishing+multidimensional optimal order detection framework",,"International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 603-634",2019,Dec. "J. Jin,X. Deng,Y. Abe,F. Xiao","Uncertainty quantification of shock?bubble interaction simulations",,"Shock Waves",," 29",," 1191-1204",2019,Nov. "B. Xie,X. Deng,S. Liao,F. Xiao","High-order multi-moment finite volume method with smoothness adaptive fitting reconstruction for compressible viscous flow",,"Journal of Computational Physics",," 394",," 559-593",2019,Oct. "X. Deng,Y. Shimizu,F. Xiao","A fifth-order shock capturing scheme with two-stage boundary variation diminishing algorithm",,"Journal of Computational Physics",," 386",," 323-349",2019,June "S. Tann,X. Deng,Y. Shimizu,R. Loubere,F. Xiao","Solution property preserving method for Euler equations: a BVD/MOOD approach","SHARK-FV 2019 conference (Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume) conferences",,,,,,2019,May "X.L. Li,C.G. Chen,X. Deng,X.S. Shen,F. Xiao","Development of oscillation-less nonhydrostatic atmospheric model by multimoment constrained finite volume method","The workshop on partial differential equations on the sphere (PDEs on the sphere 2019)",,,,,,2019,Apr. "X. Deng,P. Boivin,F. Xiao","A new formulation for two-wave Riemann solver accurate at contact interfaces",,"Physics of Fluids",," 31"," 046102",,2019,Apr. "清水友哉,Xi Deng,肖鋒","BVD 原理に基づいた高精度衝撃波捕獲スキームの開発",,"ながれ: 日本流体力学会誌",," 38"," 2"," 101-104",2019,Apr. "X. Deng,B. Xie,H. Teng,F. Xiao","High resolution multi-moment finite volume method for supersonic combustion on unstructured grids",,"Applied Mathematical Modelling",," 66",," 404-423",2019,Feb. "清水友哉,Deng Xi,肖 鋒","BVD原理に基づいた高精度衝撃波捕獲スキームの開発","第32回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2018,Dec. "F. Xiao,X. Deng","Boundary Variation Diminishing (BVD) Principle: A New Guideline to Design High-Fidelity Numerical Schemes for Complex Flow Simulations","Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Peng Jin,Xi Deng,Feng Xiao","An ALE formulation for compressible flows based on multi-moment finite volume method",,"Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 791-809",2018,Oct. "S. Tann,X. Deng,R. Loub?re,F. Xiao","High-Order Finite Volume Method for Hyperbolic Systems: MOOD and THINC Method","The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics (2018) / The 12th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2018)",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Xi Deng","High-fidelity Numerical Model for Compressible Multi-component Flow",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Xi Deng","High-fidelity Numerical Model for Compressible Multi-component Flow",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Xi Deng","High-fidelity Numerical Model for Compressible Multi-component Flow",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "J. Jin,X. Deng,Abe Y.,F. Xiao","Effects of uncertainty in bubble density on flow structures in shock-bubble interaction","The 9th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2018)",,,,,,2018,Aug. "X. Deng,B. Xie,R. Loubere,F. Xiao","Limiting-Free Discontinuity Capturing Schemes for Compressible Multi-components Flow","SHARK-FV 2018 conference (Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume) conferences",,,,,,2018,May "DENG XI,肖 鋒","BVDを用いた不連続捕獲法による圧縮性多相流シミュレーション","第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,Dec. "JIN PENG,DENG XI,肖 鋒","マルチモメント有限体積法に基づくオイラー方程式のALE定式化","第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,Dec. "ジン ジョンフン,Deng Xi,阿部圭晃,肖 鋒","衝撃波・気泡干渉における気泡内部密度の不確かさに対する定量評価","第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム",,,,,,2017,Dec. "P. Jin,B. Xie,X. Deng,F. Xiao","Numerical model for moving interfacial flows using multimoment finite volume method","2017 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference",,,,,,2017,June "X. Deng,B. Xie,P. Jin,F. Xiao","Novel numerical models for multicomponent phase compressible flows with moving interfaces and chemical reactions","2017 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference",,,,,,2017,June "DENG XI,謝 彬,肖 鋒","マルチ・モーメント有限体積法を用いた圧縮性多成分流計算モデル","第30回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 東京, 2016 年12月",,,,,,2016,Dec. "B. Xie,X. Deng,P. Jin,F. Xiao","Some new advanced numerical methods on unstructured grids: basic formulations and verifications","11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference (ACFD11), Sept. 16-20, 2016, Dalian, China",,,,,,2016,Sept. "X. Deng,B. Xie,F. Xiao","Development of accurate and robust multi-moment based compressible solvers on hybrid unstructured grids","11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics conference (ACFD11), Sept. 16-20, 2016, Dalian, China",,,,,,2016,Sept.